Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1280

The young man carried an ancient wooden long sword with great momentum. When he walked, he was like an ancient Taoist sword flying. One step was still 100 meters away. The next step was to come to the Bank of Luoshui river. It was almost a blink. He directly ignored Yang Ping and looked at Mingzhu. He said confidently, "Zheng Mingzhu, next to Li niansheng, you will be my woman from today."

Arrogant, overbearing.

The arrogance released by the young man named Li niansheng is enough to subvert Yang Ping\'s outlook on life. If Li niansheng is not an idiot, he is extremely conceited. If he disagrees with each other, he will occupy others. His eyes were cold. For a long time, no one dared to think of the Pearl. The last one had died.

Li niansheng said coldly, "it\'s your honor to be my woman. I don\'t know how many women in the world want to be with me, but my vision is too high. There aren\'t many people in the world that I can see. Others are ordinary people."

Mingzhu hugged Yang Ping\'s arm, leaned tightly, and didn\'t speak.

Yang Ping looks at the Dao Jian behind Li niansheng.

Dao Jian Ming and Huang can have runes, which exudes the charm of Dao all the time. It can be seen that this person has reached a very high level on the basis of swordsmanship. Ordinary people are really not his opponent.

Dao Jian Li niansheng, a genius of Jian Pavilion, has reached the realm of sage at the age of 30 and has enough proud capital.

But not Yang Ping.

"Yang Ping is going to die. Once you fight with daozun, you will die without life. Zheng Mingzhu, I think you have pure Yin physique. Being one of my women will not insult your talent." Li niansheng deliberately doesn\'t look at Yang Ping, greedy for the beauty of Mingzhu and said excitedly, "if you are my woman, I can consider pleading with daozun and let Yang Ping go."

Mingzhu sighed in her heart and was too lazy to pay attention to Li niansheng. There are definitely a lot of people like this who come out of the mountain gate and don\'t look at others outside, but the changes in the outside world are far more than expected.

She was just worried that Yang Ping was unhappy.

Yang Ping is really unhappy. The pearl is his spasm. If anyone dares to covet it, he is the sworn enemy.

Li niansheng sneered: "Yang Ping, I feel you\'re unhappy, but so what? Maybe you don\'t know who I am. Listen to me. I\'m Li niansheng, a disciple of the sword Pavilion. I\'ll be an elder in the future. You don\'t know what the sword Pavilion is. Now I can tell you clearly that the sword Pavilion is far more powerful than you think. The three heavenly lords are invincible."

Yang Ping looked at Li niansheng like an idiot.

I\'ve never seen such a shameless person.

Li niansheng has long heard that Zheng Mingzhu is very beautiful and a peerless beauty. The most important thing to go down the mountain this time is to collect beautiful women. So far, I haven\'t seen any satisfactory ones, but I heard that Yang Ping\'s woman Mingzhu is a rare beauty. Today, I see that it really deserves its reputation and is even more beautiful than the beauties of big schools.

Put it away for the time being.

Li niansheng sighed and said piteously, "Zheng Mingzhu, if you are stubborn, you may be widowed. Yang Ping will certainly not be the opponent of Taoist Zun. There is no doubt that you will die in the decisive battle in three days. It\'s still time to follow me now."

The Pearl was annoyed and said coldly, "if you don\'t care, the man I choose will always be the most powerful."

Li niansheng smiled, shook his head and said, "shameless. It seems that you can\'t escape the eyes of ordinary people. I can tell you directly that you can never imagine the power of the holy land. One word determines the lives of thousands of people, and wealth and power are readily available."


Yang Ping interrupted Li niansheng and said impatiently.

Watching the scenery by the river and being disturbed by flies, Yang Ping showed great impatience. There are many high-ranking people in the holy land, but if Li niansheng has no brain, he is the first. No matter how stupid other experts are, they will not provoke themselves unless they are stupid.

Li niansheng pulled out his sword, pointed to Yang Ping and said coldly, "you have two ways now. One is to give Zheng Mingzhu to me and go away. The other is to be killed by me now and can\'t wait to fight with Taoist Zun."

Mingzhu held Yang Ping\'s palm and whispered, "don\'t be general with him."

Yang Ping smiled.

The smile is cold.

Staring at Ming Huang\'s Dao sword, Yang Ping showed his murderous opportunity. For a long time, no one pointed at him with a sword and threatened him. Li niansheng didn\'t know where he suddenly appeared. He was arrogant because he was a saint.

"If I were you, I would leave immediately with my tail, or my sword would be ruthless," said Li niansheng unhappily when he saw Mingzhu still holding Yang Ping\'s hand. "You are already my woman. If there is someone else in my heart, I will abolish your hand."


The figure flashed and slapped on the Taoist sword Li niansheng\'s face. He screamed, flew out, fell to the ground and rolled for tens of meters. Yang Ping let go of the Pearl, strode towards Li niansheng and said coldly, "I hate people threatening me in my life, especially the women who covet me. You can die now."

Li niansheng got up in a panic. His face was puffed up, his teeth fell out of a row, his mouth leaked, but his heart was shocked. When he came out of the club, he thought that Yang Ping could surpass Jiange himself no matter how powerful he was?

The reason why the holy land can stand tall in the Jianghu is that it has countless resources. The lack of resources in the outside world can lead to genius. It\'s just hearsay and useless.

Li niansheng concluded that Yang Ping was a myth, so he came out to teach Yang Pingshun a lesson and robbed Zheng Mingzhu.

Unexpectedly, even Yang Ping\'s move could not be accepted. Li niansheng was furious and shouted, "you dare to hit me. You\'re finished. I\'m Li niansheng, a disciple of the sword Pavilion. If you offend me, you will offend the sword Pavilion. No one in the world can save you."

Dao Jian comes out.

Two halves of the void.

Li niansheng does have proud capital. He cultivates Taoist sword. A Taoist sword can divide Yin and Yang, one black and one white, one cold and one hot. It splits the surrounding into two halves, just like the collision and rolling of two worlds. The force generated by the collision is very terrible. Attacking under the traction of his Taoist sword is independent.

If it is against other saints, Li niansheng may win a big victory, but his opponent is Yang Ping, a person who has challenged daozun in the realm of saints since ancient times. His vision is no longer comparable to that of his peers.

Although the Dao sword is powerful, one sword is divided into yin and Yang.

Zheng Mingzhu turned pale and felt the horror of Dao Jian. If it was him, he might not be able to bear it, so he was worried.

Who wants Yang Ping to be overbearing? Facing the attack of Dao Jian, he held out his hands and broke Dao Jian in front of Li niansheng\'s frightened face. A sword treasured by the sword Pavilion and cultivated by Tianzun for many years was broken.


Yang Ping threw two swords on the ground, kicked Li niansheng off with one foot, and then wanted to kill him.

"Wait a minute."

An impatient voice came, followed by a young man who was also carrying a long sword. There was a trace of a sword in the center of his eyebrows. There were clouds and flowing water between his walks, which resonated with the avenue.

The sword heart is a peerless expert in the sword Pavilion.

At a glance, Yang Ping saw that this person was not as strong as half hanging son Li niansheng. He was even as much as the princess of the magic gate he had seen. He was really a terrible enemy. He has been integrated with the sword and is invincible. One breath represents the meaning of a sword, which is very powerful.

Jianxin felt that younger martial brother was in danger and hurried to stop him.

"Yang Ping, leave people at your feet."

The sword heart cried.