Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1265

Yang Ping looked at Xiao Bu Dian like a fool. That kind of look made Xiao Bu Dian very unhappy and shouted, "come on, believe it or not, anyway, I expected to see you pick it up. If you don\'t believe it, you\'ll see."

Little bit bumped into the soil and disappeared.

Yang Ping shook his head and felt that Xiaobu was alarmist. Although Longcheng was quiet, there were no waves after all. The dark tide surged, which could be controlled temporarily. As for other powerful forces, they are afraid of the layout of the two heavenly kings, so they wait.

Longcheng is the safest in a short time.

Yang Ping didn\'t believe Xiaobu\'s words and continued to go to the Castle Peak cemetery.

Soon, Yang Ping came to Qingshan cemetery and looked at the top of the mountain. The mysterious cemetery should be the nest of Tianmu old man and the place where Zhu Xi was trapped. This time he came with the determination to die, took a deep breath and set foot on the cemetery.

"Go out and buy some cooked vegetables before you come."

The voice of Tianmu old man suddenly rang out in his mind. Yang Ping was awe inspiring. Although he knew that stepping on the cemetery could not escape the other party\'s exploration, he did not expect to be detected as soon as he came in. The other party\'s perception ability was really terrible.

Hearing what the old man Tianmu said, Yang Ping was a little dissatisfied. He came to fight and rob people, not to drink and chat. What do you mean, look down on yourself?

I feel weak in my heart.

In a rage, Yang Ping made a very wise decision and turned to buy vegetables.

Soon after, Yang Ping came to the mysterious cemetery on the top of the mountain with a pile of cooked vegetables. He saw a hut hidden by clouds and walked in. The old man sat on the stone bench in front of the hut, puffing a dry cigarette, glanced at the cooked vegetables in Yang Ping\'s hand, and said angrily, "why is the butt of the roast chicken gone."

Yang Ping was very nervous when he just came in. Who wasn\'t nervous when facing the heavenly king level? The two had a brief confrontation before. If it weren\'t for his mental strength against the sky, I\'m afraid he would have fallen into each other\'s cause and effect road and couldn\'t extricate himself and never turn over.

Who would have thought that in less than half a day, they were drinking and singing in the Castle Peak cemetery.

"Isn\'t it strange that I don\'t stop you?"

The old man grabbed the cooked vegetables, pulled out a chicken leg and ate it. He hummed, "it tastes like ordinary, and I don\'t know how to use snacks."

Yang Ping is ashamed.

Nima, I\'m here to rob people, not to serve you. I\'ve never seen such a cheeky person. Do you want me to coax you when you hit me. Yang Ping is ready for a fierce battle. Even if he can\'t fight, he should make the other party peel off his skin.

"You want to do it with me?"

Soon after eating a chicken, the old man sneered, "don\'t think about it. I can kill you anytime. I also need to use some Lao Shizi causality to you. That\'s the way I abandoned for 800 years. Why do I use it on you if I have nothing to do."

Yang Ping was shocked and looked at the old man strangely.

The old man disdained and said, "well, I\'m tired of your eyes. I think I\'m awesome, right? Yes, I\'m so awesome. It\'s the existence you look up to."

Yang Ping was very embarrassed. How could he think that the tone of old Tianmu\'s voice was very similar to something? He suddenly remembered the little spot in the toilet and muttered to himself that they would not come down in one continuous line, arrogant.

The old man ate his food and said, "originally, you wanted to test you, but there was not enough time. Soon the dragon city will be in chaos, so I can\'t do it, so I can only let you return in advance."

Yang Ping was puzzled.

He really didn\'t understand what the old man meant. It was clear that they were very hostile. Why did they suddenly change. Because you are handsome, it must be impossible. The other party likes women.

"I\'m a friend of your ancestors." the old man spat and scolded, "my level is too poor. It\'s not as good as the flower chicken Lei Feng made in those years. I\'m also unlucky. He came here to be a paralyzed grave keeper with nothing to do. Forget it, you don\'t understand. Anyway, you know I won\'t harm you and will help you."

Yang Ping frowned and said, "senior, junior is stupid. Please make it clear."

The old man said helplessly, "why did wujialing give birth to an idiot like you? Your IQ is too low. Did the experimental body fail and become a fool?"

Yang Ping heard the experimental body more than once. The other party kept saying that he was the experimental body. He was unhappy. He grew up with meat, parents and family. Although he didn\'t know where he came from, how could a living person become an experimental body.


The old man looked like he hated iron but didn\'t make steel. He scolded, "fortunately, I didn\'t accept you as an apprentice, otherwise I\'ll be angry with you. Well, you can go and come to me when you understand."

Waving, Yang Ping didn\'t have time to respond. He left the Castle Peak cemetery and stood at the foot of the mountain.

"Come to me when you want to understand."

"Wait, where\'s Zhu Xi..."

Before he finished, a force shrouded him and couldn\'t resist. Yang Ping could only stare.

The old man\'s angry voice appeared in his mind, and then a faint curtain of light appeared to stop everyone from going up the mountain. Yang Ping didn\'t know why. He touched his head and went back to the city. When he returned to the treasure Pavilion, he wanted to discuss with Mingzhu, but there was no smell of Mingzhu.

The Pearl disappeared again. There was no trace of her in the whole city, as if it had never appeared. Yang Ping\'s heart beat faster. This is not the first time that the Pearl disappeared like this. Each time it disappeared, it took a period of time, and then suddenly appeared.

"Strange, where is the Pearl?"

Yang Ping looked around and didn\'t see the message from Mingzhu. The call was not in the service area.

After looking for a circle, he went to the village in the city. He still didn\'t see the Pearl. Yang Ping frowned and became anxious slowly. A white light streaked across the sky like a meteor and disappeared in an instant.

Yang Ping looked up, showing a dignified color.

Castle Peak cemetery.

The old man lay on a tombstone, smoking a dry cigarette comfortably. Zhu Xi came out of the hut and looked at him with a complicated face.

The old man said, "do you wonder if I change too fast?"

Zhu Xi was silent for a moment and nodded.

Before, I talked about fate and the way of heaven. I said I was high above everything, but just now I changed and scolded Yang Ping, as if I were a closed door disciple. The attitude between the two changed too quickly and couldn\'t be accepted for a time.

"You\'re stupid. If I really deal with Yang Ping, I\'ll help him recover. Can you still stand here and talk to me?" the old man blew his beard, glared and scolded.

Zhu Xi reluctantly smiled and said, "I can\'t keep up with my predecessors\' thinking."

The old man hummed, "you\'re practicing here. Don\'t disturb Yang Ping\'s work. At the latest tomorrow, Longcheng will fall into unprecedented darkness. I didn\'t expect it to be a month ahead of schedule. Longcheng\'s will actually took refuge..." realizing that he was wrong, he shook his head and said, "forget it, I don\'t know if it can be solved. Yang Ping\'s strength level is a little weak."

Zhu Xi was surprised and asked, "will Yang Ping be in danger?"

The old man looked at her and said seriously, "if there is no accident, you may die."