Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1264

"Son of a bitch, lift up your dirty feet, do you hear me, or I\'ll kill you." the little spot in the soil was trampled on the soil again and shouted.

Yang Ping looked down, pinched the dot between his fingers and looked carefully. Xiaobudian is indeed as big as an ant, but it is different from ants. There is vigorous vitality in his body, which is even more vigorous than the experts in the great saint realm.

Yang Ping was surprised. He knew that his guess was wrong. The little spot in front of him must not be a high-tech product, because no matter how powerful a scientific and technological product can have vitality, it would be equivalent to the creator, and the ability of the American Power Association must not be able to do so. And there is great saint level vitality in the body, not to mention.

"Who are you?" Yang Ping asked curiously.

"You have desecrated the great king of chaos, and no one in the sky or on the earth can save you!" little bit struggled and said angrily. However, the strength between his fingers is too strong to get rid of the shackles. To Yang Ping\'s surprise, little bit\'s body strength is very strong. He wants to crush it with his strength, but he can\'t do it.

This is definitely not an ordinary ant.

"Do you say it or I\'ll throw you into the cesspit. Let you be a chaotic shit king." Yang Ping said with a smile.

Little bit dull, then roared: "you dare!"

Yang Ping shook her head and walked towards the toilet.

Little bit didn\'t know he was serious and kept scolding: "your sister, do you know who I am, dare to tarnish my great identity, you\'re finished, I won\'t let you go."

Next to the toilet.

Yang Ping put the little one on the toilet and asked, "I say again, who are you, or I\'ll throw it down."

Xiaobu looked down at the quiet toilet and struggled twice. Knowing that the situation was stronger than others, she hurriedly said, "don\'t be impulsive. There\'s something to say. I\'m here to save you mortals. If something happens to me, you mortals will all die."

"It seems that you have no sincerity." Yang Ping sighed helplessly and wanted to let go.

The little one screamed and scolded, "Yang Ping, you bastard. I\'m from the wormhole in the South China Sea. If you throw me down, believe it or not, I\'ll kill you every minute."

South China Sea wormhole.

Yang Ping\'s eyes flashed. I remember that daozun said that the old man was impulsive to seal in the South China Sea. Xiaobu came from there. Is there a big problem in the South China Sea?

"Tell me what you know."

Yang Ping put the little one on the washstand and bowed her head and asked.

The little one disdained and said, "why should I tell you that I am the noble and great king of chaos, and you are just a layman. You came here to ask you to take back the rule for me and not let those dimensional bastards invade us."

"I know." Yang Ping shook his head and said, "you\'re here to make fun."

The little one was furious and said, "Yang Ping, you immediately set out to the South China Sea to help me solve my problems. After it is done, you will enjoy endless glory, wealth and beauty. Money and beauty are readily available, and you can even become the first person in China."


Yang Ping slapped her and hit her. She made a sound of metal impact. She screamed and scolded in pain.

"You change your real body back first." Yang Ping didn\'t have a good way.

The little one angrily said, "what do you mean, now I am the most perfect state and my strongest state. In the future, I will be the man who will become the king of chaos. Surrender to me quickly, miss this opportunity, and regret it later."

Yang Ping gave a cry, then pinched the little bit and threw it into the toilet.

"Ah, your sister!"

Xiaobu is full of dirty words and doesn\'t know who to learn from. When he falls into the toilet, he wants to die. Yang Ping is a big bastard. He dares to challenge his authority and must kill him when he comes out.

Yang Ping flushed and left the room.

From the room came the little bit\'s startled cry, the abuse of ghosts and gods and the unwilling roar.

Five minutes later.

Yang Ping sat on a big stone, looking at the Hongxia of Longcheng, deep in thought. Zhu Xi is around the old man of Tianmu. If something really happened, she would not be able to live. Listening to Wang\'s tone, Zhu Xi\'s safety can still be guaranteed.

Zhu Xi\'s smile appeared in my mind, and I was flustered in my heart.

Clearly understand the relationship, why don\'t you give up in the end. He swore before the Pearl, but when he calmed down, he always felt that he had done wrong. Yang Ping sighed and came to the door of the Pearl Room.

"Did you sleep?" Yang Ping asked.

The door is open.

Mingzhu stood timidly at the door and looked at Yang Ping with complex eyes. She said, "if I were you, I would be desperate to save Zhu Xi. She gave everything for you. You can\'t live up to her."

Yang Ping stopped talking.

Mingzhu resolutely said, "Yang Ping, if you don\'t go, I despise you all my life."

Yang Ping was silent.

The reason why he scruples is that he is completely worried that Mingzhu has ideas in his heart. Pearl saw through his mind and said, "you can deceive others, but you can\'t deceive me. I know you want to save people. I won\'t blame you or resent you. Because you have always been an indomitable man in my heart."

Yang Ping was shocked.

Pearl showed her firm eyes and said calmly, "you know, I like your desperate look. Zhu Xi is a good girl. She shouldn\'t fall. Only you can save her in the world."

"But I\'m afraid..." Yang Ping said with a bitter smile.

Mingzhu shook her head and said resolutely, "I\'ll wait for you at home."

Yang Ping\'s eyes were red and his throat was dry. He clearly knew the good intentions of the Pearl and said, "I\'ll come back. Wait for you." then he turned and left.

"Yang Ping."

Behind him came the voice of Pearl\'s reluctance to give up. Then he held him tightly with both hands and murmured, "I love you."

Yang Ping closed her eyes and whispered, "I love you."

The night shrouded.

Yang Ping stepped on the light of the stars and walked out of the treasure Pavilion without looking back. This time, he wanted to save Zhu Xi anyway. He couldn\'t let her stay on the old man of Tianmu, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. If you don\'t save people, don\'t say yourself, Mingzhu will despise him.

"Hey, you\'re crying like a woman." a small voice came from your feet and sneered, "you look like you\'re going to die."

Yang pingqiang held back his anger, bowed his head and said, "you don\'t talk. No one treats you as dumb. You look like you don\'t even have a wife."

The little one angrily said, "nonsense, I\'m the king of chaos. Countless women love me, cry and devote themselves. Can ordinary people like you know?"

"Don\'t annoy me. I\'m very upset now."

Yang Ping quickened her pace and felt that it was not enough for Xiaobu to be in the toilet. It seemed that she was really going to throw it into the cesspit.

"I can help you save people."

Cried little one suddenly.

Yang Ping\'s eyes were dignified and sneered, "idiot."

The little one disdained and said, "you know a little wool. Don\'t think I don\'t know where you\'re going. Isn\'t it the Castle Peak cemetery? I came out of the wormhole in the South China Sea and know more about the characters of the heavenly king realm than you."

Yang Ping stared at Xiao Bu Dian.

"Also, the world has changed, don\'t you notice?"

Little one hummed.