Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1266

Zhu Xi quietly looked at the old man, revealing the color of thinking, and did not beg. This time it was the old man\'s turn to be surprised. Of course, it was only a small surprise. When it came to the old man\'s realm, there were few things that could make him change color in the world. He felt that according to the development of the plot, Yang Ping was going to die, and Zhu Xi would at least beg for mercy. But Zhu Xi didn\'t.

With a sigh, Zhu Xi said, "predecessors will think I will plead, right?"

The old man smiled, which was the default.

Zhu Xi\'s eyes were complicated and suddenly said, "I don\'t think he will die, but he will live well."

The old man raised his eyebrows, smiled and asked, "why?"

Zhu Xi asked, "how about we bet?"

The old man smiled, thumbed up, nodded and said, "yes, really good. In this case, you can pretend to be calm and bet with me, which shows that you are a very smart girl. Even if you see me in the realm of longevity, you have to kneel down."

Zhu Xi said helplessly: "It\'s just a small effort to solve the Longcheng crisis with the ability of the elder. The elder\'s attitude has changed too much. If Zhu Xi\'s expectation is not bad, Longcheng will certainly change greatly, which is beyond the expectation of the elder, and the key to the solution must fall on Yang Ping. So I\'m sure that Yang Ping will not have an accident, not only because I have confidence in Yang Ping, but also because I have confidence in the elder."

The old man narrowed his eyes, looked at Zhu Xi again and said, "see the big from the small, see the leopard from the middle. It\'s not simple. It\'s her reincarnation... Well... It\'s not a big deal. Yang Ping may really die this time, but there\'s still a glimmer of vitality."

Zhu Xi was silent.

The old man shrugged and said, "don\'t pretend to be pathetic. I know you\'re smart and don\'t want to let you suffer. But it\'s not just my business. There are other old monsters watching. If I do it, it may destroy the balance. Do you understand?"

Zhu Xi asked hurriedly, "will others intervene?"

Others, of course, are experts at the same level as the old man. In the world, only the king level may affect the old man\'s decision. She was shocked, but she was as calm as possible and didn\'t want to show fear.

"Like me, No."

Then the old man didn\'t speak, but looked at the sky and showed an aftertaste expression.


Back in Longcheng, Yang Ping stood on the bamboo mountain and stared at God for a long time. Without blinking, he looked at it. His body seemed to be integrated with heaven and earth. When he came back from the Castle Peak cemetery, he understood something.

It is not the improvement of the realm, but the perception of the soul.

During this time, he suffered great blows and faced many difficulties. Everyone thought he was meat on the chopping board and was slaughtered by others. Therefore, there were door-to-door provocations. Although he died several times and made an example to others, there must be others to sneak attacks.

When he came to Longcheng, Yang Ping didn\'t understand why someone would always deal with him. Even if he showed powerful means and endless forces were in trouble, was he just a mole ant under the huge starry sky? From the tone of the southern heavenly king, Yang Ping felt small.

It\'s really small.

In the face of absolute power, any identity and status are nothingness, and only real strength is the last word.

Gradually, Yang pingming realized.

I have seen the back of the green shirt at the end of the star channel, but I can\'t see the true face, but the stars are at my feet. The power of dominating heaven and earth has always lingered in my mind, and I haven\'t understood it thoroughly so far.

Despite seeing the southern heavenly king, Yang Ping finally understood.

He had an epiphany.

become a Buddha immediately.

If you don\'t have the perseverance and self-confidence to dominate the world, anyone can bully you. If you don\'t even look at God, who can beat you in the world? This is not blind self-confidence, but an invincible belief inherited from blood.

Invincible road.

Yang Ping finally thought clearly and showed a long lost smile. The heavy pressure that had been oppressed on his shoulders disappeared, and the sense of powerlessness hidden in his heart disappeared. All his strong enemies disappeared in an instant. Those thoughts about him as an invincible seed completely disappeared with the epiphany.

Relax, runes ring out in my mind, and fuzzy figures swim in the golden ocean. They use different tricks to connect together, as if they condensed the whole starry sky.

"I see."

Yang Ping\'s eyes were like bright stars. With a smile, heaven and earth faded.

"Eh, how has this bastard changed." not far away, little bit emerged from the soil. Looking at Yang Ping\'s back, he just wanted to abuse two words to solve his hatred, but at that moment, there was a feeling of awe, as if he didn\'t dare to speak in front of the emperor of heaven.

On the surface, I can\'t see it at all, but xiaobit\'s blood is very noble. His knowledge is stronger than the general realm of longevity. It directly senses the change of temperament of Yang Ping. If he was a dragon in the river, he is a real dragon flying in the sky at this time.

This night, the treasure pavilion was shining, as if it had generated a sun to illuminate the whole dragon city.

In the Castle Peak cemetery, the smoking old man suddenly turned his head and looked at the direction of the treasure Pavilion, revealing the color of meditation. The secret way, has the invincible blood finally opened?

Just as the momentum of the treasure Pavilion changed, a new tenant came to the village in the city.

The tenant is very handsome. He doesn\'t know how handsome he is compared with the stars on TV. Moreover, with a cynical smile in his eyes and a special temperament, he is enough to make countless girls scream.

He showed nobility all the time, but he rented a house in the village in the city, found a three story building and lived in it. The landlord thought he was dreaming because he had never seen such a temperament man come here to rent a house.

Third floor.

The handsome man was lying on the bed, playing with a piece of information in his hand. There was a wordless heavenly book on it, but as his palm was erased, tadpole words appeared on the paper, strange in shape, containing the charm of Tao.

"This mission can only succeed, not fail."

The handsome man shook his head and didn\'t see the task in his eyes, because his face was full of self-confidence all the time, just as the peerless beauty was confident in her appearance. He wouldn\'t believe the day when she failed again.

"Here we are."

The handsome man snapped his fingers. The document was burned by a black flame and disappeared. He looked at the door and showed a playful smile.


A dark shadow looms, as if integrated with the darkness. The dark shadow under the light is like the shadow of a tree under the starlight. In any dark place, there is the same breath. All the darkness condenses and converges into a figure and comes to the room on the third floor.

The shadow came to the door and lit up his face in the moonlight.

If Yang Ping is here, he will be shocked, because the visitor is the peach boss who left the treasure Pavilion. At the moment, the peach boss\'s temperament has completely changed and become an unfathomable master. His strength is already a great saint.

"See your master."

Without hesitation, boss Tao knelt at the door and said respectfully.