Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1263


Wang subconsciously aimed his gun at the strange white shadow and shouted, "what are you doing hiding in my office!"

The white figure dissipated slowly. Its pupils were speechless and frightened. Looking at the king in fear, he could not speak or move. He could only show a frightened expression. It seemed that he wanted to roar, but he couldn\'t make a sound.

Finally, the white shadow disappeared into a wisp of white smoke and disappeared into the bracelet.

After the bracelet was warm and returned to normal, Wang was more and more confused. He guessed what the bracelet given by Zhu Xi was, so he called, but it was turned off. She was puzzled and wanted to lose the bracelet, but hesitated and decided to wear it. Zhu Xi certainly won\'t hurt her. There must be a reason for giving bracelets.

Under the south gate.

A very handsome man is chatting with a group of beautiful girls. Because he looks better than a star, he is a little like Yang Yang in the city with a smile, so many young girls come up to talk and get acquainted. He never refused to come, but he kept a good distance. His profound cultivation made the girls scream and want to jump on it.

When the strange figure disappeared, the handsome man exclaimed and looked at the direction of the Chengbei Branch, revealing a color of meditation.

The young girls thought he was unhappy and were busy asking questions.

The handsome man smiled and said, "sorry, I have something to deal with. Let\'s go first." then, ignoring the girls\' expectations, he left the city gate and walked towards the North Branch and disappeared into the crowd.

Chengbei Branch.

The handsome man appeared at the door and looked at Wang\'s office. There was no obstacle where he looked. It seemed that his eyes could penetrate the material world and see through the essence. Then he clearly saw Wang and the bracelet of his wrist, showing a dignified color.


The handsome man smiled, shook his head and said, "the LORD said, don\'t underestimate the world. There are still people in this world who can be called opponents. The maker of the bracelet has obviously reached a certain level. However, I\'ve been learning and learning things in this world."@^^$

He was clearly standing at the door of the branch, but no one saw it. It passed through him like air.

"Only by fearing the enemy can we defeat them."

The handsome man sighed.

His thinking spread, swept through the Dragon City in an instant and found an amazing light spot. He was surprised and said: "unexpectedly, there are still many experts in a small city. I have trouble dealing with several. Low key, low key."

As soon as the voice fell, the handsome man disappeared.! $*!

Soon, several powerful mental forces broke through the clouds and fell at the door of the branch. They disappeared quickly without finding a trace. One of them came from the treasure Pavilion. Yang pingpan sat on the bamboo mountain, revealing his doubts. Clearly feel each other\'s breath, why can\'t you see it?

It\'s impossible that someone\'s speed is faster than the expansion of spiritual power. Yang Ping feels that things are unusual. The white light appears in his mind. The two repeat together and are very similar. The secret way comes from the same force? Or the same person?

Other people don\'t have Yang Ping\'s vigilance. They just feel that there is an expert in Longcheng, that\'s all. Anyway, there are many experts in Longcheng. They are hiding and don\'t stand out. Recently, the wind in Longcheng has been tight and it is not suitable to appear. I am waiting for an opportunity.

Yang Ping is thinking about how to save Zhu Xi. It\'s not fun to deal with Tianmu old man. If you don\'t pay attention, the other party may slap it directly. You don\'t have enough capital to compete.

Unless it\'s

When Yang Ping thought of walking out of another way, the green man he saw in the space-time channel was the ultimate of real cultivation. Standing in the starry sky, he could avoid the way of heaven and become the center of the universe. He felt that the realm of the man in green shirt was unfathomable and might have to leave than the old man in Tianmu.

But strangely enough, after the green man appeared twice, he no longer manifested.

If only I could see real people.

Yang Ping thought so.

"Are you thinking about me?"

A hearty laugh came from his ear, reaching deep into his soul. Yang Ping was startled and turned around, but the bamboo mountain was empty and there was no shadow. There\'s no figure. Where\'s the sound?


Yang Ping shouted softly, raised his vigilance, gathered his whole body strength for defense, and came to the door of Mingzhu\'s room for fear of sneak attack.


The voice sounded again, but there was still no human figure. Yang Ping only felt creepy. He could avoid his perception and speak grandly. The realm must be above the great sage. No, with his current spiritual power, the general Buddha could not do it, and would certainly leave some traces.

It can be seen how terrible the voice master is.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified, looked around and said, "which elder likes to joke with his younger generation, please show up."

"Show up, I\'m right under your feet. Oh, you move around, you\'re stepping on me."

The other party\'s voice was a little anxious and scolded.

Yang Ping was stunned and then bowed his head with a dull expression. Nima, this is the man who speaks to himself... Something?

An ant?

Rao Shiyang Ping performed many strange tasks during the hot and yellow period, but he still hasn\'t seen such unreliable things. An ant is talking to him, and he regarded the other party as an elder before, so he can\'t hang his old face.

"Ants?" Yang Ping asked tentatively.

"Ant, your sister, have you ever seen such a handsome ant? Take a closer look. Am I an ant!" the other party was obviously very angry. Yang Ping regarded him as an ant and blew his lungs, shouting, "believe it or not, I will suppress you every minute."

Exchange ideas.

Yang Ping finally came to realize that before daring to love, it was not sound transmission, but idea communication in the spiritual world. The other party\'s spiritual power must at least reach its own level before there can be common media transmission, otherwise it can\'t communicate.

"Kneel down and apologize. Maybe I can forgive you." the little girl on the ground said in an old-fashioned way.

Yang Ping glanced angrily. He was just an ant. It was unreasonable to let him kneel down. So he didn\'t take it seriously. He smiled and scolded, "don\'t look at you as an ant. Don\'t annoy me. If you annoy me, I might trample you to death." then he raised his feet and threatened.

"I\'m Cao, you despise me. Do you know who I am?" little bit was angry.

Yang Ping shook his head and knew that the danger was relieved. It is estimated that what is on the ground is a high-tech product. Nowadays, nanotechnology is very mature and can manufacture a large number of components in a very small space. Manufacturing a small robot is not a problem.

It is estimated that whose eavesdropping equipment is fooling him. Yang Ping hummed, "no matter whose toy you are, don\'t challenge my bottom line." the first thing he thought of was the American Power Association. Only the American Power Association can make robots with life characteristics.

"You said I was a toy. It\'s unforgivable. You successfully angered me. There\'s no way for you to live in the sky and on the earth." the little bit roared. Then he saw a darkness, a big foot fell, clicked and stepped directly on the ground.

Yang Ping stamped his feet and didn\'t take it to heart.

"Bastard, you trample on my dignity. You don\'t know when you die. Now I\'m not going to help you. Let those dimensional monsters kill you." in the soil, the little one climbed out and gnashed his teeth.