Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1262

His pale face, gloomy eyes and strange eyes were mixed together. Wang was very brave, but he was still scared to death. He screamed and drew his gun out of the window.

"Who are you?"

Wang shouted.

The strange figure didn\'t answer. Sen Leng\'s eyes turned and disappeared with Jie Jie\'s laughter. Wang thought he was dazzled. There was no shadow outside the window at the moment, just like an illusion. She leaned against the seat, took a deep breath and said in a secret way, is it because she has been too tired recently?

But the idea just got up. Wang was shocked to see a white palm print on the window glass. Wasn\'t it the strange figure left before? She just felt creepy and hurried away.

Just after the car left, a shadow appeared in place, looming, and finally turned into reality. Looking at the far away car, a pair of cold pupils emitted a strange light, muttering: "I didn\'t expect to find a spirit just entering Longcheng, but it\'s not mature yet. Wait."

The spirit body is a very special system. Different from the Tao body, the Tao body is naturally compatible with the avenue, while the spirit body is naturally compatible with the spirit Qi. It belongs to a very special characteristic, which has not appeared in many ancient and modern times. The greatest function of the spirit body is to communicate Reiki. For some old monsters, it is difficult to go further. If you swallow the spirit body, you can directly communicate one dimension and get infinite power.

Of course, swallowing spirit bodies is dangerous and requires a lot of preparation, otherwise it will explode because it is difficult to control incoming spirit bodies.

Wang didn\'t know he was watched when he walked out of the police station. He just looked for Zhu Xi and drove for a long time. He didn\'t know how to start for a while. Zhu Xi is really alive and has something to do with the obscene old man. Compared with the database, there was no information about the old man. Wang wondered where the old man came from and where he is now. She dialed the number she wanted from Ma Weiwei, but it was a pity that it was turned off.

"Strange, why did Zhu Xi call Ma Weiwei? Is it a clue to the kidnapping?" Wang thought to herself. If she knew that Zhu Xi called just to arrange beauty for Tianmu old man, she would spit blood. When did Zhu Xi become so reasonable.

After dialing more than a dozen times in a row, Wang gave up a little and said dejectedly, "the people around Yang Ping are the strongest, but the most timid. Zhu Xi looked out of sight and chose the ruthless people."

Wang is very angry with Yang Ping\'s practice and wants to beat people. It can be said that Wang is very worried about Zhu Xi\'s safety. Any obstruction can mobilize her strong anger. However, she doesn\'t like Mingzhu, a fox spirit. She thinks that Zhu Xi\'s separation from Yang Ping is all due to Mingzhu\'s temptation to Yang Ping.

Suddenly, a bell woke up the contemplative Wang. She saw the number on her mobile phone, looked ecstatic and hurriedly answered the channel: "Zhu Xi, are you?"

There was silence.

Wang was worried and cried, "Zhu Xi, tell me the address quickly. I\'ll save you. Don\'t worry, I\'ll try my best to save you."

Or silence.

Wang was angry and said, "there\'s something wrong with you, Zhu Xi. Do you speak or don\'t say I\'m dead."


There came a sigh. It was Zhu Xi\'s voice. When Wang heard it, he was determined. At least he could be sure that Zhu Xi was not dead, but his heart beat faster soon, and he had a bad hunch. Zhu Xi\'s sigh contains a lot of information. In the past, Zhu Xi did not sigh in case of difficulties, but rose to the difficulties. But Zhu Xi\'s sigh now means that she is in a poor state at the moment.

"I\'m fine."

Said Zhu Xi.

Wang hurriedly asked, "then tell me where it is and I\'ll see you!"

"No more."

Zhu Xi refused directly, for: "I\'m really fine. You\'re better off living your own life. You don\'t need to come to me. I\'ll find you when I have time. Wang, can you help me?"

Wang hurriedly said, "you say."

After hesitation, Zhu Xi said seriously, "stop Yang Ping for me. Don\'t let him find me."


"Wang, this is my only request. You can\'t let Yang Ping come to me. He knows where I am. I can\'t get through to his phone. Please go to him now, or the consequences will be unimaginable." Zhu Xi said in a worried tone.

Wang unhappy said: "Zhu Xi, is your head sick? Yang Ping is the only person who can save you. You love him so much. Why do you sacrifice everything, but in the end, it\'s still for his sake. Do you know who Yang Ping is with now? Such scum, you should think of him."

Zhu Xi said with a wry smile, "I know. It\'s all my fault. It has nothing to do with Yang Ping. He and Mingzhu are the best couple, I just..."


Wang Huoda thought that he had worked hard to get Zhu Xi and Yang Ping together, but in the end it became a joke. He thought that he beat the Pearl to vent his anger on Zhu Xi and thought that Zhu Xi would thank himself. However, it seems that Zhu Xi did not share the same hatred, but even helped pearl speak.

"Do you understand that I\'m helping you?"

Wang gasped. He was very angry about Zhu Xi\'s backwater and scolded, "I think there\'s something wrong in my brain. I\'m dazzled by love. This must not be Zhu Xi I know. It must be false."

Zhu Xi said helplessly, "Wang, I understand what you mean, but I have my own reasons. It\'s inconvenient to say at present. By the way, I mailed you something. Now it\'s probably to your public security bureau."

Wang was angry, but he wouldn\'t really ignore Zhu Xi. Since Zhu Xi said it was ok, it should be OK, so he asked curiously, "what do you mail me? Are your local specialties?"

Zhu Xi smiled and said, "no, you\'ll know when you go back. It\'s good for you."

Wang chatted for a while, asked a few words, hung up the phone and hurried back to the police station. Seeing the director\'s stormy return, the police officers of the Branch Bureau dared not come forward to say hello. They stood aside and were deeply afraid of bringing disaster to the fish in the pond.

Guard Room.

Wang asked, "is there my package?"

The guard smiled and said, "Wang Ju, you\'re really on time. You just got a package and just called the office. They said they would come and get it. Why do you come out in person? If you\'re in a hurry, I\'ll send it to you."

Wang smiled and said, "OK, Uncle Wang, let\'s go first."

He picked up the package and went back to the office. After closing the door, Wang opened the package. There was a box, a box of small leaf red sandalwood. It was beautifully packed, but it smelled fragrant. He was more curious about what was inside.

Is it perfume?

Zhu Xi used to send perfume before, but Wang was very upset. She thought that women had no temperament to use perfume. So Wang has never made up. Fortunately, she has good conditions and is an original beauty.

Open the box.

Seeing what was inside, Wang was stunned.

A bead.

A total of nine black beads are made into a bracelet, emitting a bright black light, which is very exquisite. Wang picked up the beads and muttered, "what the hell is Zhu Xi doing? What\'s the use of sending this thing."

Put on the bracelet and change.

There was a sad cry in the office.

A white figure curled up on the ground, twitching constantly, looking at the king in horror. No, to be exact, looking at the bracelet on the king\'s hand.

"It\'s you!"

Wang turned pale. Isn\'t the white figure the strange shadow he encountered at the door of the branch?