Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1261

"What\'s the matter? Am I right, Yang Ping? You\'re so shameless. You\'re obviously with Zhu Xi, but you hook up three and four outside. Don\'t think I don\'t know. Zhu Xi loves you so much and sacrifices for you, but you don\'t save people, but you pick up girls in the treasure Pavilion. There\'s something wrong with your character!"

Wang Yue said angrily and scolded, "don\'t think everyone wants to accommodate you. I\'m different from Zhu Xi. She\'s a fool. I\'m afraid you\'re angry, but I don\'t care. I just want to say."

Yang Ping looks ugly.

Mingzhu was slapped, which made Yang Ping angry and gave birth to the impulse to kill. If it was someone else, she would have punched and exploded. However, seeing that Wang\'s tears had begged Mingzhu desperately, her heart softened, the anger of her pupils dispersed, recovered her calm, stroked Mingzhu\'s cheek and asked, "is it all right?"

Mingzhu shook her head and said, "it\'s all right. Don\'t blame Wang. She\'s worried about Zhu Xi\'s safety."

Yang Ping nodded, then looked at Wang coldly and said, "you don\'t know a lot of things, so don\'t make random guesses. I\'m sure I\'ll explain Zhu Xi\'s things, but you don\'t need to tell me."

Wang also wanted to curse, but when he saw the Pearl, he winked and motioned not to stimulate. He hummed coldly, "coward, if you don\'t save people, I\'ll go."

Then the king left angrily.

Mingzhu worried: "what should he do? If he goes to find Tianmu old man, something will happen."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly and sighed, "don\'t worry. It\'s OK to find Tianmu old man. After all, no one dares to mess around in his territory, and I don\'t think Tianmu old man will hurt her."

The Pearl showed a puzzled color.

Yang Ping told the story of Huangwu mountain again. He originally thought that the old man of Tianmu was unfavorable to the king, but the result was unexpected. The darkness in the king\'s body was forcibly pulled out by the old man and restored as before. With such means, he certainly couldn\'t do it.

The Pearl showed the color of meditation.

Yang Ping hugged Mingzhu\'s small waist and comforted: "don\'t take it to heart just now. I know what I think in my heart. I don\'t know how to say to Zhu Xi, but after all, things have passed. I think you are the woman I want."

Mingzhu was moved. Hearing Yang Ping\'s emotional words, she snuggled silently in her arms and whispered, "I always feel sorry for Zhu Xi."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "don\'t think too much. What I\'m worried about now is boss Tao. I\'m afraid he can\'t stand being bewitched and become a tool of Longcheng\'s will. I always think that the Dragon God order won\'t fall into his hands for no reason. There must be some conspiracy."

Mingzhu\'s face was positive, stood up straight and said, "I think so too. Recently, Longcheng has been too quiet. The silence is a little abnormal. Even many experts have left Longcheng. Have you found it?"

Of course, Yang Ping doesn\'t feel good about himself, thinking that those people are afraid of their own strength, so he left. Now he is just a turtle in a jar in the eyes of others, an Yasheng who has lost the blessing of the power of the Dragon City, a waste, and certainly won\'t take it to heart.

But there are too few experts in Longcheng. It seems that even the saints can\'t see before the turmoil.

Overnight, it was extremely deserted.

The top priority is to strengthen her strength and save Zhu Xi. Yang Ping is sure that Zhu Xi is not dead and lives well. Jiuyang constitution has a special induction with Jiuyin constitution. If Jiuyin constitution dies, she will feel it for the first time. All the time, Yang Ping sensed that Zhu Xi was becoming stronger.

But that\'s not a good thing.

Yang Ping sent the Pearl back to his room. Before leaving, he thought of Wang\'s words, and his face changed slightly. Finally, he buried his mind in the depths and stopped thinking about it. He has dealt with the heavenly king and fought with Taoist Zun. Now Yang Ping\'s strength and knowledge are not the same as before.

We have to find a way to save Zhu Xi.

Yang Ping stopped and suddenly looked at the city gate. A white light flashed past and disappeared. Even his spiritual perception could not be detected. It was too fast. White light with a familiar smell, always feel where I have seen it.

"Strange, deja vu."

Yang Ping muttered.

As for the policewoman Wang, Yang Ping\'s anger disappeared and she didn\'t care much. If Wang Kai hadn\'t shot Zhu Xi, things wouldn\'t have become more and more complex and difficult to control. From that night on, Longcheng fell into chaos.

Does the king have anything to do with the source of the chaos in Longcheng?

Yang Ping was surprised, but soon shook his head and laughed. Did he think too much.

Although he doesn\'t like Wang very much now, Wang\'s words make him very uncomfortable. It\'s not that he doesn\'t save it, but to think of another way. Things are not so simple to succeed. Tianmu old man is known as the South heavenly king. His strength is too much higher than himself. Robbing people is just death.

A terrible idea sprang up.

Zhu Xi\'s voice and smile came to mind. Yang Ping clenched his fist and murmured, "is it true that I don\'t care about Zhu Xi, so I worry too much. If it\'s a pearl, if she is taken away, will I still be so hesitant?"


Yang Ping took a deep breath and came to a terrible conclusion. He didn\'t even dare to think about it. Zhu Xi\'s forbearance, sacrifice and tears all surfaced. Yang Ping\'s chest was depressed, uncomfortable and flustered.

"Probably afraid to go, if it doesn\'t succeed, what about the Pearl?"

So many people are against the Pearl, don\'t like the Pearl, and are involved with themselves. The fate of the Tiansha lone star is still rampant and can\'t be ignored. Although silk is not afraid, he is also afraid of accidents with important people around him.

Yang Ping began to worry about the death of sun Wangyue, the departure of the black cow, the cry of the Phoenix and the dead people.

Looking at the Pearl\'s room, Yang Ping was indifferent.

In the room.

Mingzhu didn\'t rest. She clenched her clothes and wept silently. Wang\'s slap not only hit her face, but also deeply stimulated her heart. She felt that she was a redundant junior. If it weren\'t for her intervention, things would not be so complicated.

Yang Ping will not separate from Zhu Xi and will not bear the curse.

These are all because of their selfishness, which makes the beloved man embarrassed.

It\'s time to make a decision.

Pearl\'s eyes were firm and whispered, "goodbye, my man."


Longcheng is Chengbei Branch.

Wang was sulking in his office and felt that he was right. Yang Ping was ungrateful and wanted to change at different times. He was very unfair to Zhu Xi. Wang likes the Pearl and doesn\'t like the charming smell on her. He thinks Yang Ping doesn\'t know how to cherish it. Zhu Xi\'s condition has been a blessing in his last life. Now he doesn\'t even dare to save people. Zhu Xi\'s eyes must be blind, otherwise how can he like him.

At the beginning, I also thought Yang Ping had a good character and was a man worth relying on. Now?

Wang sneered and scolded, "there is no good man in the world."

There are many people standing outside the office. They dare not breathe. The first time they saw the director so angry, they thought they were going to a meeting and were scolded by the leaders of higher departments. The recent public security in the north of the city is obviously better than before. So far there are not many mistakes in work. Why is the Wang Bureau angry.

The door is open.

Wang hurried out of the office and decided to save Zhu Xi.

When she got in the car, she started the key, the window rang, and a white figure was looking at her, with a strange smile on her pale face.