Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1260

The powerful breath surrounds boss Tao, and his realm continues to improve. He almost broke through the great saint directly from the early, middle and late stages of the saint. Of course, it\'s a matter of time. He may break through the great saint realm at any time.

Probably because of the integration problem, it didn\'t succeed, but it was enough to leave.

The peach boss fell to the ground.

The wind dissipated.

The fog leaves.

Boss Tao looked at his hands and showed incredible eyes. The double hooks in his hands were unreal and transparent, but the moment he held them, he gave birth to an invincible spirit. At that moment, it seemed that the whole dragon city was subdued and worshipped by the world.

Invincible is the feeling now.

Boss Tao sighed with relief, "it\'s a beautiful feeling. I\'ve never felt so strong."

The strong feeling is infatuated and can\'t extricate itself.

When the double hook left the palm of his hand, boss Tao was surprised and showed his killing opportunity in an instant. He stared at Yang Ping who took the double hook and roared, "give it back to me, or I\'ll kill you."

The sudden change made Wang pale.

Wang only felt that a chill came from boss Tao, and then turned into an infinite evil spirit. Changes could happen anytime and anywhere. That is to say, boss Tao seemed to become another person at that moment, and his expression was extremely ferocious and terrible.

Holding the double hooks, Yang Ping said, "this is not an entity, but a separate body. It is not your power. The dragon city will make you uneasy and kind. You should be careful."

Boss Tao stared at the double hook in Yang Ping\'s hand and gasped, "give it to me."

Yang Ping frowned and finally found something wrong. The black fog flashed away in the center of boss Tao\'s eyebrows and said, "do you think your body is wrong, like being controlled?"

Boss Tao grabbed the double hook, and the feeling of blood connection reappeared and indulged in it. His expression was like a baby lying in his mother\'s arms, reluctant to leave, completely ignoring the surprised eyes of the two people next to him, and could not hear Yang Ping\'s problem.

"It feels good," muttered boss Tao.

Yang Ping shouted, "boss Tao, wake up."

The voice was like thunder, which impacted boss Tao\'s spiritual ocean and set off a strong wind. Two powerful forces rolled up the spiritual storm, which made boss Tao wake up instantly and looked at Yang Ping in surprise.

"I\'m Cao. You made wool and almost scared me to death." the peach boss scolded.

Yang Ping pointed to his double hooks and said, "there\'s a problem with this thing. You can\'t stay on your body for too long, or you\'ll lose yourself. Boss Tao, don\'t be obsessed with power, or the consequences will be serious."

Boss Tao was confused and said, "it\'s impossible. What did I do just now?"

Yang Ping said seriously, "your power comes from an unknown place. It is likely to be blessed by the will of the dragon city. It is used to confuse you and control you, so you can\'t fall into it. When you are awake now, throw away the things. I will help you get rid of the Dragon God order in your body."

"No!" boss Tao blurted out, looked at Yang Ping vigilantly and said displeased, "do you think I envy me when I get the Dragon God order and double hook, and don\'t want me to become stronger?"

Yang Ping was stunned. He didn\'t expect the other party to think so.

The king came forward to persuade him and said, "boss Tao, Yang Ping is worried about your state. It\'s an eventful time. Power will not fall on him for no reason. It must be fishy. Think about it."

"Shut up!"

Boss Tao ate Wang\'s nose and roared, "what do you know? A public security director doesn\'t understand the dangers of the Jianghu, let alone how difficult it is to promote his strength. Yang Ping is younger than me, but his strength is so strong. Isn\'t it because of an adventure?"

"Is it true that Yang Ping is only allowed to have miracles in the world, and others are not allowed to have miracles?"

"He\'s just jealous!"

Boss Tao looked at them warily, kept retreating and sneered: "you are jealous of me when you see that I have gained strength. Your heart is unbalanced, right? Ha ha, you two can\'t think. Strength is mine, adventure is mine, and no one can take it away."

With that, boss Tao jumped out of the wall and left quickly.

Wang was stunned. He didn\'t expect that things would develop like this. Boss Tao was very easy to talk. He was definitely not like this before. Just now he was a different person. His expression was very terrible, greedy, resentful and many negative emotions cast a shadow on the surrounding air. He looked at Yang Ping and showed his inquiring eyes.

Yang Ping showed a thoughtful expression and said, "in troubled times, Longcheng\'s will can\'t help it. I hope he can resist the temptation. Outsiders can\'t help him in this matter unless they forcibly suppress it and abolish his cultivation."

Wang smiled bitterly and said, "I hope he\'s okay."

She doesn\'t know anything about the Jianghu, but she knows more or less a secret with Yang Ping. She is most worried about Zhu Xi\'s whereabouts and said, "I know who Zhu Xi\'s disappearance has to do with. It\'s an old man, a very obscene old man. He knows Zhu Xi\'s whereabouts."

Yang Ping nodded and whispered, "I know where Zhu Xi is."

Wang was stunned. He gave a shout and hurriedly said, "then go and find Zhu Xi, otherwise it\'s too late."

Yang Ping shook his head and said, "now is not the time."

Wang was upset and said coldly, "what\'s the matter with you? You know where Zhu Xi is and don\'t look for it. You can\'t tell if Zhu Xi is not as important as the Pearl? I\'ve seen it for a long time. You don\'t care about Zhu Xi at all in your heart. Otherwise, how can you keep her out for so long? Don\'t you worry about her safety?"

Yang Ping tried to explain, but Wang just didn\'t listen and thought he was shirking his responsibility.

At this time, Mingzhu came back from the outside and saw the two arguing. He went to Yang Ping and smiled at Wang: "long time no see, officer Wang."

Wang stared at the Pearl, showing his bad color, sneered and said, "fox spirit, don\'t think that if you are fascinated by Yang Ping now, you can do whatever you want. Yang Ping is not a good thing. You won\'t end well in the future."

Pearl\'s face was embarrassed, but she still released her kindness and asked with a smile, "is there any misunderstanding?"

Wang lenghum said: "misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding at all. Yang Ping clearly knows where Zhu Xi is, why not save people, and said that the time is wrong. I don\'t think you can give up. You two kiss me and I together for so long, and have never thought about the pain of Zhu Xi during this period. Now, if Zhu Xi is missing, you can be aboveboard together."


Yang Ping\'s face was ugly and said in a deep voice, "Wang, I know what I\'m doing. I don\'t need you to teach me."

Wang stamped his foot, pointed to Yang Ping\'s nose and scolded, "adulterer and adulteress, you two wait. If you don\'t save people, I\'ll go. Just tell me where people are, even if they are broken to pieces."

Yang Ping didn\'t bother to pay attention.

Some things Wang doesn\'t understand at all.

Save people?

It\'s hard to come back from going to that place.

Is old Tianmu easy to mess with? No one can contend with the existence of a first-class expert in the world. Don\'t you worry, but the more anxious you are, the more calm you should be. You must not make mistakes, otherwise you will never turn over.

"The fox spirit is that you destroy the relationship between Zhu Xi and Yang Ping!"

Wang looked at Yang Ping\'s silence and became more and more angry. He rushed up and slapped her in the face. The sound was very clear. The Pearl had no time to respond. He just looked at Wang and forgot to dodge.


Seeing his lover beaten, Yang Ping\'s eyes turned red and the blood covered the sky, making the king scream and sit on the ground trembling.


Pearl hugged Yang Ping, shook her head and said, "don\'t be impulsive."