Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1259

Taoist Zun lost patience and his calm pupil set off a storm. As long as he wanted, the next moment would be an incomparably powerful attack on him. On the road of Tao, Taoist Zun walked a long way and killed a boy in the Yasheng realm by means of a Tianzun peak realm. It was too easy.

Tao Qi.

Fate dies.

This is the means of Taoist Zun. When he thought about life, the clouds rolled and relaxed, and the snowflakes all over the sky suddenly turned into cold winter in the midsummer. The whistling wind knocked on his heart door. Taoist Zun got up, the wind and cloud behind him rose, and the sky was yellow, and came to a different world.

This is the world of Tao Zun\'s thoughts.

But Yang Ping was very calm and didn\'t show fear, even a little trembling. When Taoist Zun saw his eyes, he didn\'t feel the expected fear. He was very angry. He didn\'t hesitate to condescend to ask, but he didn\'t get the answer. He thought he was very square, but Yang Ping didn\'t appreciate it. Damn it.

Taoist Zun was wrong.

Yang Ping can also break away from the old man\'s cause and effect, not to mention the incomplete world of Tao Zun. Although the world of Tao is mysterious and powerful, it is incomplete after all, so there are too many loopholes. In Yang Ping\'s view, there are flaws everywhere and can be tackled.

So he moved.

Then the snow disappeared and returned to the original place. Yang Ping didn\'t seem to see the more and more powerful killing opportunity of Taoist Zun. He said, "if I were you, I wouldn\'t pretend to be approachable to confuse me. What I don\'t like most is people like you, hypocrites."


Taoist Zun showed his killing opportunity several times, but finally gave up. He seemed to be afraid of something. He said coldly: "Yang Ping, don\'t forget your identity. You are the person of Xianyi gate. Your mission is to revitalize Xianyi gate and save your master sealed in the wormhole in the South China Sea."

"My last warning, if you don\'t wake up, it will turn into dust."

Taoist Zun issued an ultimatum and left the treasure [email protected] ^^$

Yang Ping smiled and was noncommittal.

Daozun\'s threat?

So what.

Now the most afraid thing is the threat. Anyway, there are many things that don\'t pressure you. Whether you are a Taoist or a heavenly king, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Yang Ping won\'t be afraid, but will only meet the difficulties. Recently, he realized the realm of the invincible road and walked out of another road, as if the current martial arts cultivation and his own road were two parallel lines without intersection, so those powerful individuals were very far away from him and there was no possibility of collision.

Somehow, the more powerful characters appear in front of him, the less nervous Yang Ping will be.! $*!

As if born.

Yang Ping found boss Tao in a room. He was very miserable. He lay on the ground sadly. Although he was not seriously injured, several ribs were broken. In order not to destroy the atmosphere of the conversation, daozun was lucky not to kill boss Tao. But it\'s hard to say later.

Since Taoist Zun can appear in the treasure Pavilion out of thin air, it means that he has completely found the loophole of the dragon city defense array and is no longer trapped in the suppression of the will of the dragon city. Perhaps it is very possible that Taoist Zun and the will of the dragon city have reached an agreement.

"Why did you come back?"

Without pretending to be dead, boss Tao got up from the ground, covered his chest and bared his teeth, and said, "NIMA, this place can\'t stay. I\'m leaving. The treasure pavilion has no defense array and no decent master. It will only be more and more dangerous to keep it. I don\'t want to die without getting married."

With that, boss Tao walked towards the door. Obviously, the coming of the Taoist priest caused a great shadow in his heart. In front of the masters at the Taoist level, boss Tao has no resistance and can only be slaughtered.


Just a few steps away, boss Tao saw the beautiful shadow passing by the door and shouted. He hurriedly came forward and asked, "I Cao, look at your appearance, your face is not good. Have you been told by Yang Ping? Honestly, I won\'t say it."

As a result, the king kicked him in the face.

Wang woke up.

After getting out of bed, Wang looked at Yang Ping suspiciously and said helplessly, "what happened before? I feel like I had a dream and went back to the past. I don\'t remember a lot of things."

Yang Ping thought of the old man\'s words.

"Reincarnation I, human feelings paid off."

This is so mysterious, but Yang Ping doesn\'t care. What reincarnation and destiny are just bullshit. He thinks that man will conquer nature, and everything else is false. As for Tao Zun\'s revenge, he didn\'t tell boss Tao for fear that he would scare away.

Yang Ping motioned Wang not to be excited. Wang shouted, "how can I not be excited? I finally found clues related to Zhu Xi. You let people run away. Is there a mistake? You are the greatest God in the fight."


Yang Ping, with a black face, said silently, "well, don\'t say anything else. How do you feel? Is it much more comfortable?"

Wang felt it, exclaimed and shouted, "no, I think my body is as light as flying. Before, there seemed to be a time bomb in my mind, which could explode at any time. Now, everything is light. How did you do it?"

Yang Ping naturally wouldn\'t tell him that the old man helped and returned your favor. He said, "I don\'t understand."

"Did you say that the man would retaliate against us immediately?"

Remembering Tao Zun\'s horror, boss Tao asked quietly.

Yang Ping glanced at him and said, "of course."

With a strange cry, boss Tao rushed into the room and shouted, "no, this place can\'t live. I\'m going to move. In case I\'m targeted, there\'s no good fruit to eat. He\'s a cruel character who kills people without blinking an eye."

Wang Yunli is in the fog.

"I remember driving. Ma Weiwei and my subordinates went back to the Public Security Bureau. Then someone tracked me and got into my car. Finally, I didn\'t know. What happened before and how could I be here?"

Wang had a headache and rubbed his temples and asked.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "you\'re lucky to meet him."

Looking up at the sky, Yang Ping said to boss Tao, "you can\'t go now. Outsiders are stopped. It\'s estimated that it\'s just death to go out with your strength."

Boss Tao said discontentedly, "don\'t scare people casually. I\'m timid and can\'t stand your tossing." just after the voice fell, a light column shot from behind the bamboo mountain to connect the sky and disturb the sky of Longcheng. The huge energy swept through Longcheng. Everyone felt this powerful force.

Unparalleled artifact!

Finally born.

Yang Ping frowned and felt something was wrong. Unparalleled artifact could not be born for no reason, and it happened to be in the treasure Pavilion. He always felt something was wrong. The light column flashed away, and then fell a double hook, which happened to appear in the hands of the peach boss.

Boss Tao holds the double hook and looks confused.

Then, a black dragon card flickered in the center of the eyebrow. The peach boss thought deeply, holding the double hooks in one hand, and the black dragon mark flickered in the center of the eyebrow from time to time, making the whole person transparent. He hesitated and poured countless ideas into his mind.

Soon, his expression was dull.

"No, so many good things fall on me?"

The peach boss looked blankly at the double hooks in his hand. The silver glittered, and then his breath kept upgrading and becoming stronger.

Pieces of Dragon God orders came from all directions and disappeared into the center of the eyebrows.

Then boss Tao\'s body is transparent and flickering.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified and said, "it seems that Longcheng will take the lead."