Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1258

Tao Zun has changed.

Completely different temperament.

He was born in harmony with Tao. His innate Tao body is a system that has been known for several times, so he is called Tao Zun. This is not a casual title, but because of his physique. Of course, few people know this secret. Taoist Zun seldom uses his real skills. To unite with Tao is to surpass heaven and earth.

When the innate Taoist body was really great and his temperament changed greatly, Taoist Zun came to the treasure Pavilion, stood in front of Yang Ping, looked at the king in his arms, and then smiled and said, "elder martial brother doesn\'t like accepting disciples in his life. In his life, he only accepted two disciples, one in the United States and the other is you."

Yang Ping ignored it and listened quietly.

Taoist Zun added: "now, senior brother is in trouble, and there is only you and me left in the immortal medical sect. There is really no need to fight inside. There are many disasters in Longcheng. The immortal medical sect has fallen sharply since the disappearance of wujialing. Do you want to know your master\'s secret?"

Yang Ping squints.

Seeing his heart, Taoist Zun turned and said, "people come and go, but the past is scattered, and only longevity can last forever. Yang Ping, you still can\'t figure out why you are restricted by people everywhere and can\'t jump out of the three realms?"

Yang Ping said faintly, "finished?"

The Taoist priest smiled and said, "I have a way to save your master. Do you want to hear?"

Yang Ping was shocked.

In Zhushan, after a rain, the bamboo shoots sprouted out of the soil, emitting vitality. The destroyed bamboo forest recovered its vitality. The traces of the seals were smoothed by the wind and rain. They sat on the stone bench in front of the bamboo house without tea or wine.

They are enemies, not friends.

Yang Ping asked, "where is the old man now?"

"South China Sea wormhole."

Tao Zun replied very simply.

Yang Ping frowned. Wormholes only exist in theory. Do they really exist? The old man did go to the South China Sea to guard one side, but he had never heard of a similar wormhole. Seeing his doubts, Taoist Zun explained, "what your master guards is the South China Sea wormhole. If outsiders don\'t know it, it\'s just that the South China Sea wormhole is a terrible place."


Yang Ping muttered to himself, his eyes burning.

Taoist Zun said with a smile, "but even if you know, you can\'t save it. The devouring power of the wormhole is that the heavenly Zun wants to die."

Yang Ping was shocked and uncertain.

The Taoist priest sighed: "My senior brother and I joined the Wu Jialing sect at the same time. He was born with metaphysics and liked to study metaphysics. I liked Taoism. In those days, we had a deep brotherhood and spent too many hardships with the immortal medical sect together. Unfortunately, the last way was different, but it was all to revitalize the immortal medical sect. Now he has suffered, and my heart is sad. The past is like clouds, and the past is past. Now the burden of revitalizing the immortal medical sect is in your hands, it\'s difficult "Are you not responsible?"

Yang Ping sneered: "don\'t mention your responsibility to me. The immortal medical school takes saving the common people as its own responsibility. You are just for your own personal interests. Who in the world can live forever. Is it just to reason with me this time?"

Taoist Zun said helplessly, "don\'t worry, I\'ll show you something."

After that, Taoist Zun took out a box from his arms and put it on the stone table. After opening it, there was black soil inside, but the soil was very special. Yang Ping felt a special energy fluctuation after seeing it, as if the soil might fly away at any time.

To become immortal.

nothing more than this.

Yang Ping looked at the black soil in the box in surprise and didn\'t speak for a long time. At the same time, scattered memories emerged in his mind. There were scarlet blood, scattered all over the sky, sad cries, shaking the soul, a dark curtain shrouded his head, and then there was darkness in front of him. With his head heavy and feet light, he fell from the cliff, surrounded by endless cold, like an 18 layer hell.

Wake up and burst into a cold sweat.

Yang Ping felt that Tao Zun had been staring at himself. He seemed to want to determine what. After he woke up, he said, "are you very familiar?"

Yang Ping nodded and shook his head again.

Taoist Zun explained: "in fact, when I first saw it, it was not much better than you. Do you know where these soil came from?"

Yang Ping hesitated.

Taoist Zun said, "these soil come from wujialing. This is the soil of wujialing and the source of nourishing the blood of wujialing. Without these soil, I\'m afraid wujialing will not become an existence on the holy land. Without these soil, we all lose our proud capital."

Yang Ping looked frightened.

The so-called wujialing is a rumored place. In those years, wujialing disappeared overnight and became the first secret through the ages. So far, no one knows how and why it disappeared.

"I\'ve been looking for answers all my life."

Taoist Zun showed his worried eyes and said, "Yang Ping, it\'s not my selfishness. People will feel that life reincarnation has its own rules when they reach a certain level. What we have to do is detachment, not nostalgia. Now I ask you, did Wu Jialing tell you anything when he came to you?"

A dignified breath enveloped my heart.

Taoist Zun was very serious. When he said that Wu Jialing\'s walking was very serious and unprecedented. He looked at him eagerly. Yang Ping had never seen Taoist Zun look like this. It seems that only Wu Jialing\'s secret makes him so embarrassed.

It turns out that Tao Zun is also persistent in his heart.

But as for who Wu Jialing was walking, Yang Ping didn\'t know and was not interested. He said, "you shouldn\'t ask me about this. I didn\'t contact Wu Jialing, although it seems like Wu Jialing."

For Wu Jialing, Yang Ping has little feelings, because he was brought up by his master from childhood. In his memory, only he and the old man depend on each other. Of course, the old man often goes to pick up girls, and he is forced to do tasks to make money. He doesn\'t want to mention this sad thing again.

"Wu Changxing."

Tao Zun said in a deep voice.

When he said this name, he couldn\'t help but speak in a dignified and respectful tone with the ability of Taoist Zun, because Wu Changxing represented not a person, but a disciple of Wu Jialing\'s accession to the WTO, representing the most extreme force in the world and the place that Taoist Zun yearned for.

Wu Changxing came to find Yang Ping. He had a hand in it, and then walked away. It seems that he hasn\'t been here.

Now Wu Changxing has completely disappeared, and no one knows where he has gone.

Taoist Zun wants to know Wu Changxing, so he can only find Yang Ping. Yang Ping has a clear heart. The main purpose of the other party chatting with himself should be to inquire about Wu Changxing. As for saving the old man, it is estimated that it is just talking.

"I don\'t know."

Yang Ping spread it out and said helplessly.

Taoist Zun narrowed his eyes, showed his displeasure, held back his anger and said, "at least I know what he said. I\'m sure he came to you and explained to you. Yang Ping, in order to save your master, don\'t you find enough strength earlier? Only Wu Jialing can break the phagocytosis defense of wormhole and save your master."

Yang Ping shrugged and said, "I didn\'t say anything."


Taoist Zun slapped on the stone table and said, "are you really going to force me?"

Yang Ping looked at each other without fear. Don\'t mention daozun. Even the southern heavenly king, who is far more than daozun, won\'t be afraid. He smiled and said, "I didn\'t force you. Daozun, if you really want to save people, you should tell my master what\'s going on and why you fell into a wormhole."

Taoist Zun snorted coldly, got up and said, "in that case, I\'ll give you two choices. One is to tell you where Wu Changxing is and the other is to die here."

Time and space are still.

The treasure Pavilion enters samsara, spring, summer, autumn and winter, as if between the thoughts of Tao Zun.

Dao Zun killed him and said in a deep voice, "this is an ultimatum."