Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1257

Huangwu mountain.

Located in the suburb of Longcheng, 315 meters above sea level, not far from the luohuaqiao scenic spot, a green artificial river in the middle connects the two places like silk and satin. There are lush forests and bamboos here, but there is no way to develop it, because it is very evil. It is said that several bosses who develop this place will either die in a car accident or fail in business. Over time, the more rumors, the fewer developers. So far, no one dares to move.

A figure climbs the mountain at the foot of the mountain. From a pole, it soon becomes a dark shadow. It is like an ape and comes to the top of the mountain like walking on the ground.

At the darkest time before dawn, Huangwu mountain was shrouded in a shadow, like a huge magic claw falling from the sky, symbolizing heaven\'s anger and punishing ordinary people who disrespect ghosts and gods. Huangwu mountain is a cursed place.

There are curses everywhere.

From the beginning of mountaineering, Yang Ping felt that voices came from the interior of Huangwu mountain, full of extremely strong resentment. If ordinary people\'s life style is not hard enough, if they are contaminated with the resentment in the mountain, their luck will drop sharply and even their families will be broken. Huangwu mountain is not simple. Of course, this is not a problem for Yang Ping. Now he, fate is nothingness, regardless of your luck or fate, cause and effect do not touch him.

Seeing the king lying on the ground, Yang Ping had no breath at all. Instead, he looked at the old man more calmly and seemed to see through each other. Although there was a big gap between them and they were not at the same level, his eyes were very calm without fear and fear.

The old man said, "want to kill me?"

Yang Ping said seriously, "I really want to."

The old man pointed to the king and said with a smile, "because I killed her?"

Yang Ping shook his head.

The old man became interested and asked, "it\'s not easy. It\'s just the beginning, but it also proves that the vision of the master is really different. It\'s a pity that if you are my apprentice, you can inherit my Tao."

"It\'s not too late to accept students now," Yang Ping replied.

The old man shrugged and emptied his back smartly. He didn\'t worry about being attacked by Yang Ping at all. He said with a smile: "I was interested originally. Although your murderous spirit is very strong, I also like to do challenging things, but time is running out. I can\'t play with you."

He turned around and stared at Yang Ping\'s eyes very seriously. The old man nodded and said, "you are what I guessed. It\'s a pity that you lack fate. Even if you are a heavenly ghost and a lonely star, you can\'t escape the reincarnation of fate. Unfortunately, it\'s really a pity..."

There is no lack of sincere regret in his tone. Yang Ping is a good seedling. Even in the realm of heavenly king, he also wants to take him as an apprentice. It\'s a pity that Dao Di doesn\'t work together. The old man looks at him with more and more pity.

Yang Ping didn\'t like this kind of compassionate look. He said with a smile, "it\'s easy to misunderstand the elder\'s eyes. To tell you the truth, I don\'t like men. I have a bad appetite."

"I don\'t like men either," the old man smiled.

"It seems that at least our interests and hobbies are the same." Yang Ping said with a smile. Then she looked at the king lying on the ground and finally saw the difference. The extreme darkness in her body disappeared. This is the real king. Her mind moved and looked at the old man.

The old man waved his hand and said, "you don\'t have to thank me. After all, she died long ago. It\'s the same to die early and late. No one will come to a good end with the people around you. She has a hard life and can live until now. If she was an ordinary person, she might have died long ago."

Yang Ping took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I don\'t know what the elder has been instilling the idea of destiny into me. I only know that man will conquer heaven. The cultivation realm of the elder is ancient and unique. Can\'t you see through this?"

"So you want to say?" the old man asked with interest.

Yang Ping\'s face was positive and replied, "although we can\'t guarantee that man will conquer heaven, if we don\'t even have the courage to resist, we can\'t talk about cultivation. Martial artists are originally a road against heaven. They follow heaven\'s will and are just slaves."

"You don\'t understand," the old man shook his head.

Yang Ping insisted: "the roads are different, and we don\'t need to talk. If you want to kill me, you can do it at will. It\'s easy to kill me in your realm."

The old man stared at Yang Ping.

The cold wind is coming.

The curse of Huangwu mountain suddenly disappeared and was replaced by fate cause and effect lines, surrounded by layers. If you look up at the sky, you will be shocked to find that the ubiquitous cause and effect cycle in the world is like a big net compiled by heaven, constantly winding all sentient beings and entangled in love and hate.

As the controller of fate cause and effect, Tianmu old man stands at the top, overlooking the cycle of cause and effect and the vicissitudes of life.

This is to show Yang Ping his way and influence his direction at the same time. This is the terrible place for the old man. I don\'t do it, but I\'ve been merciless for a long time. In the realm of the elderly, it is not only a physical attack, but also a destruction of faith.

Cause and effect is eroding Yang Ping\'s faith and undermining his confidence.

Yang Ping closed her eyes and fell into reincarnation.

The old man smiled as if he hadn\'t done anything. He took out a bag of dry tobacco, puffed it up, looked at the sky and sighed, "what a pity."

Like a mountain.

Yang Ping seems to become a stone of Huangwu mountain. He is entangled with cause and effect. The invisible line of fate strangles him. He is like a drowning child who can\'t catch the straw. Yang Ping\'s face changed constantly and sank into endless cause and effect reincarnation. If he can break it, he will wake up naturally. If he can\'t break it, he will never wake up.

Time passed slowly.

It\'s dawn.

The rising sun rises in the East, and the sun falls on him. He is like a golden Buddha, emitting golden light. He falls into the Tao of cause and effect and cannot extricate himself. I have experienced countless reincarnations in my destiny, tasted countless bitterness and bitterness, and my golden light is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, when the rising sun completely jumped out of the sea level, the golden light on Yang Ping suddenly disappeared and turned into a cold stone, just like the Huangwu mountain. He opened his eyes and looked at the old man calmly. Yang Ping\'s eyes were complex.

The old man\'s eyes are also complex.


The old man got up and sighed, "maybe it\'s life, maybe man will conquer heaven. The road against heaven is always full of differences. Yang Ping, take care of yourself. I won\'t do it to you anymore, but it doesn\'t mean that others can\'t do it."

Yang Ping asked, "who else?"

The old man pointed to the sky and the ground with one hand and said, "the sky and the earth are your enemies."

Yang Ping was silent.

The old man said again, "are you afraid?"

Yang Ping looked up with a sincere smile and suddenly bowed down and said, "senior, thank you for your cultivation. If I can still live, I will take you to the most beautiful lady in the world and let you have a good time."

The old man laughed and said, "wait until you win."

The laughter penetrated the clouds and echoed over Huangwu mountain for a long time. The old man slowly dissipated, but a thin and inaudible voice came: "boy, I like you more and more, but you remember that the closer you are, the more people can\'t believe it. In this world, all you can believe is yourself."

The old man is gone.

Yang Ping picked up Wang and the temperature in the other party\'s body slowly picked up. It was obvious that he was alive. I don\'t know how the old man could bring Wang back to life, but at least the hidden dangers in the king\'s body were completely solved.

From the beginning, Yang Ping could not understand the old man\'s ideas, but now at least he could feel the old man helping him.

Cause and effect is nothing more than a kind of red dust exercise.

He stood on the edge of the cliff, one step to heaven and one step to hell.

Just after Yang Ping picked up Wang and returned to the treasure house in Longcheng, it was not boss Tao who greeted him at the door, but a very familiar person who knew that he didn\'t want to kill him all the time.

Taoist Zun carried his hands and his temperament came out of the dust. Like relegated immortals coming to the world, his eyes were calm. It seemed that the whole world was quiet.