Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1256

Wang\'s body was stiff, while others were afraid to breathe. They looked back slowly. They saw that the old man was looking at the outside. Obviously, the old man didn\'t look here, but Wang felt that he was seen through all over, his soul throbbed and couldn\'t help shaking.

When the old man was unhappy, everyone trembled.

"Isn\'t it fun and happy?" the old man sighed.

Wang pretended to be calm and reluctantly smiled, "well... We\'re still playing hide and seek. Let\'s leave here first, and then you\'ll find us and catch a prize."

The old man\'s eyes lit up and said excitedly, "seriously?"

Wang nodded.

The old man closed his eyes and said, "let\'s go. Choose any plane, train and means of transportation. I\'ll find you in ten minutes. If you find it, say you can give me a reward. Otherwise it\'s not fun."

Wang busily took Ma Weiwei and others to leave.

Ten minutes is enough to leave the China Airlines building and drive wildly. Santana\'s speed was kept at about 120 and flew wildly on the main road. The pedestrians who came out for a snack at night screamed and yelled.

"What to do? This man is too abnormal." Wang\'s face is dignified and sinks his voice to his two hands. "You take someone to the Public Security Bureau first. I earn money outside. His goal is me and he will find me. This person must have something to do with Zhu Xi\'s disappearance, and his strength is very strong. I can\'t see the depth." there is an extreme darkness in her body, and Da Sheng is not afraid, but facing the old man, That arrogant and domineering darkness was scared to hibernate, which shows that the old man\'s is not simple.

So far, who can save themselves?

Ma Weiwei was reluctant, but she was taken away. Before she left, she reminded: "Yang Ping, he may help you."

Wang smiled bitterly, waved, and sighed, "silly girl, if I knew Yang Ping was useful, I wouldn\'t worry. This person is not an ordinary person. I\'m afraid Yang Ping can\'t deal with it."

The car moved on.

Wang had the attitude of going as far as he could. After walking for ten minutes, he happened to come to Renmin Road from China Airlines Group building. In fact, the distance was not far, but at least a few kilometers. She thought that no amount of perception could be so far away.

"It\'s time."

When Wang was thinking, the co pilot suddenly appeared. The old man was looking at her with a smile and said, "ha ha, you are still too bad. That\'s the distance. If you can run to the barren land of Yunnan City, I may be afraid. The capital is OK. It\'s a pity that you ran. Well, three kilometers is too slow."


Wang was so frightened that he was flustered. The car hit the street lamp post beside the sidewalk. The air bag opened. He was dizzy. He managed to climb out of it and saw a pair of dirty feet wearing cloth shoes.

The old man looked down at her, shrugged and said, "where\'s the reward?"

Wang got up, gritted his teeth and said, "who are you? Where is Zhu Xi?"

The old man said with a smile, "we\'re talking about rewards now. What does it have to do with Zhu Xi? Oh, you have a good figure, big legs, well, good hips. How much is it for one night?"

Wang angrily said, "you are the miss. Your whole family is the miss. I don\'t sell it for any money. I\'m the people\'s police. I can\'t beat you, but please don\'t insult my career. My dignity."

The old man frowned and looked at Wang.

Wang\'s heart beat faster and said secretly. It seems that the other party is not a ferocious person. His strength is so powerful that he should be embarrassed to fight me. She had a hard temper before, but now she was thinking of taking chances. It can be seen that the mental pressure given by the old man made her confused.


The answer to the king was a slap.

She screamed and hit the root of the big tree on the roadside. Her strength collapsed and lost all her strength. The slap came suddenly, almost unprepared, and her soul was almost beaten out.

The king could not bear the suffering of his soul and kept screaming.

The old man changed his face quickly and hummed, "here\'s your face. It\'s just a dark king\'s seed. He wants to run wild in front of me. He doesn\'t look at what I did in those years. He specially killed you. I\'ve beaten all of you, not to mention you nine idiots."

He reached out his hand and drew a wisp of black fog directly from the king. The black fog atomized into a black shadow, and then fell to the ground, revealing only a pair of cold and ruthless eyes, but now he saw that the old man\'s pupils were full of shock and awe.

"Master Tianmu, the younger generation is just..." the shadow comes from the great king in the dark place and the strong man above the God, but facing the old man is like a mole ant facing the common people, without the slightest resistance.

The old man took it at will, and then a gust of wind came, and the black fog dispersed and went with the wind. The power seed of a great king disappeared, and the king lay on the ground, unconscious.

I don\'t know how long it took.

When Wang youyou woke up, he saw two red candles. The weak light stimulated his eyes. He didn\'t adapt for a while. After a long time, he saw clearly that his environment was a room, red candles, mosquito nets and bright red quilts.

Then I feel something missing.

The king looked down, his pupils were round and rolling, and his delicate body kept trembling.


There was a sharp cry in the room. Wang roared, "beast, I\'ll kill you!"

No response.

It\'s quiet around.

After finding that his clothes were missing, Wang had an impulse to die. He thought of the so-called reward before. He fell into the other party\'s hand. He wouldn\'t be hurt by that. She felt that the sky had collapsed and life was worse than death. If you give your pure body to the obscene old man for more than 20 years, do you still have the face to live?

Thinking of each other\'s obscene appearance, Wang was desperate and just wanted to kill.

Wang took the gun and rushed out, shouting and crazy. It\'s a pity that no old man showed up except the cool wind. She looked around and found herself on a mountain, Taoist temple, red candle, big quilt, half of the sky was covered by red clouds, and a red sun rose slowly.

At the foot is a cliff.

Wang was desperate. Trapped in the mountains, I don\'t know how to get up. I feel like having a nightmare.

No, it must not be true.

Wang comforted himself, picked up the gun to the temple and prepared to shoot. She wants to wake up and don\'t want to continue to sink. The only way is to commit suicide. Her eyes were full of determination and helplessness. If all this is false, shooting is nothing. If all this is true, die.


Gunfire rang out.

The world suddenly returned to silence. The surrounding space-time slows down and the body is light. The king\'s head was blank, and the sound of ticking was deafening. When he looked down, the blood fell at his feet and fell into the clouds on the cliff.

This is not a dream?

Wang sighed in his heart. Unexpectedly, he died like this.

Close your eyes.

wait for death.

Wang was unwilling and regretful, but there was nothing he could do.

The heart breeds resentment, resentment against the world, resentment against people, and reluctance to give up relatives and friends.

"You\'ve already died once."

The old man appeared in front of him and said with deep meaning: "reincarnation I, this time the favor is returned. You and I don\'t owe each other anymore."

"It\'s interesting to find it so soon."

The old man looked down the mountain and a meteor was coming. Who was Yang Ping?