Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1255

The old man is really obscene. The moment he appears, his eyes can\'t be separated from Ma Weiwei\'s body. His eyes bloom a rare hot light of the old man. He is interested in looking at her up and down, nodding and saying, "yes, I know what type I like."

Ma Weiwei was startled, instinctively stepped back and asked, "who are you?" she still had a mobile phone in her hand. After receiving Zhu Xi\'s call, her inner excitement didn\'t dissipate. She wanted to inform the police outside as soon as possible to find the trace of Zhu Xi.

The old man went to Ma Weiwei, rubbed his hands and said, "don\'t be shy. Come and show your brother his figure."

Ma Weiwei wanted to vomit, especially looking at the expression on the old man\'s face, full of brother pig, warned: "this is the headquarters of China Airlines Group. Don\'t mess around, or I\'ll call the police."

The old man smiled and said, "Oh, I can act very well and have a great professionalism. It\'s estimated that beautiful women at your level don\'t do much. Come on, don\'t waste time. My brother knows how to pity women. I\'m sure you\'re satisfied."

Ma Weiwei had a black face and said angrily, "what do you mean, don\'t come here."

The old man came to Ma Weiwei, almost a meter away, smelling a faint fragrance, and his heart was full of joy. He hadn\'t met anyone he liked for a long time. There used to be a Du throne, but now he is too overbearing and often beats the old man. He really has no public morality. He just looks at his body. What\'s great, but his sister is pleasing in front of him, The innocent big eyes showed the temperament of feeling pity at first sight, which made him love it.

Top looking.

Good acting.

Hot figure.

What else do you need?

The old man thought that Zhu Xi really knew how to arrange, deserved to be a business man and knew how to please customers. He smiled and said, "if you cry, no one will save you if you break your throat." in order to cooperate with Ma Weiwei\'s cry, he also began to act.

Just as the old man approached Ma Weiwei, the door suddenly opened.

Bang, doctor, the door hit the old man\'s [email protected] ^^$


The old man fell to the ground and looked at the door helplessly.

Wang led two criminal policemen to stand at the door, stared at the old man angrily, and said in a cold voice, "cuff me and take it back for investigation."

The two criminal policemen immediately came forward to handcuff the old man and said seriously, "we now suspect that you are related to Zhu Xi\'s disappearance. You can not speak now, but anything you say next will become evidence in court."

Although the old man was caught, his face was filled with great excitement. Tut tut said: "good, good, another one, playing uniforms, or the police, ha ha, two at a time is really exciting."! $*!

Wang frowned and saw that there was no fear in the old man\'s eyes. It was all right. He was unhappy and said, "see how long you can be excited. When you go to the Public Security Bureau, I will make you happier."


The old man became more and more excited, as if he could not see the small flame beating in Wang\'s eyes.

"Do you know where Zhu Xi is?"

Wang couldn\'t help asking. Although she was very angry, Zhu Xi disappeared for a long time. She asked patiently. Although she didn\'t hold much hope in her heart, she just asked casually. The old man doesn\'t seem to know too much.

"Of course I know."

Unexpectedly, the old man\'s answer made Wang jingmang shoot, grabbed his collar and shouted, "do you know where Zhu Xi is?"

The old man thought it was a role play. He nodded and said, "of course you know. By the way, you\'re arresting me now. Will you wait for me? The more cruel, the better. I like cruelty."

Wang shouted, "don\'t be wordy. Where is Zhu Xi?"

The old man was not frightened and said, "why should I tell you that you haven\'t abused me yet."

Wang had never seen such a cheap old man. He said with a black face, "don\'t force me to do it. If you really know where Zhu Xi is, tell me as soon as possible, otherwise I don\'t know what I will do next."

"You must take off your clothes and whip me with a whip, right?" the old man\'s eyes lit up and gasped, looking very excited.

The answer to the old man was a foot, right in the face. The old man screamed and rolled on the ground. Finally, he lay in the corner and screamed continuously, but his eyes kept staring at Wang\'s long legs.

Wang was furious and shouted, "speak quickly." he pulled out his gun and was about to come forward. The two criminal policemen were scared to death. They knew the hot temper of the Wang Bureau, so they quickly pulled it and persuaded it. If the king shoots and kills, even the heavenly king Lao Tzu can\'t hold it. And it\'s still the target of the shooting. It looks like an old man.

"Don\'t stop me!"

Wang shouted.

The old man got up, pouted his ass and shouted, "come on, hit me."

"I\'m Cao!"

Wang scolded his mother, broke free from the shackles of the two subordinates and jumped at the old man, but he was soon pulled back and said, "you let go of me. You dare to flirt with my mother and don\'t know how to live or die."

The two policemen smiled bitterly and could only pull their heads.

Ma Weiwei was stunned. Looking at the serious scene, she suddenly turned into a play. Especially the old man\'s reaction was very strange. In the face of the director of Chengbei Branch of the Public Security Bureau, known as the king of Yumian Luocha, who frightened the gangsters, she was not afraid, but took it lightly. This reaction was like

Think of Yang Ping\'s expression in front of a group of gangsters at that time, it seems that this expression is also the same.

Is the old man also a master?

Ma Weiwei hurriedly pulled Wang aside and whispered, "sister Wang, I think he\'s a little wrong. Think about it..." she spoke her doubts. After listening to Wang, she fell into silence.

Wang\'s face changed and stared at the old man.

Ma Weiwei is worried about Wang\'s collision with the master, so her pretty face is full of worry. She hopes Wang can change her thinking and at least set up the whereabouts of Zhu Xi before it\'s too late.

"Inform Yang Ping first."

Ma Weiwei had an idea and warned.

Wang nodded. Yang Ping was good at this kind of thing. She also noticed that the old man in front of her was very strange. Although she didn\'t show strong strength, she always felt untrue. The more she took out the phone and dialed Yang Ping\'s number.

"The number you dialed is not in the service area."

When Wang heard the response from the phone, his face changed greatly and he was shocked. The signal on the top floor of China Airlines building is impossible... The signal of Longcheng is very good. Even in the suburbs and mountains, the signal is very strong, but the number dialed is not in the service area, indicating that either Yang Pingzhen is not in the service area, or the old man in front of him can change the environment.

She would rather believe in the first possibility. If it is the second, is the old man in front of her a little exaggerated?

Wang has never seen anything that can change the environment, magnetic field, or even perception. He is alert to the identity of the elderly, so he stares at the elderly and tries to dial other people\'s numbers. Unfortunately, he is still not in the service area.

Oh, No.

Wang was anxious and understood that she fell into a terrible environment. The old man she faced was perhaps the most terrible big man she had ever seen. She had never eaten pork and had seen pigs walk.

The old man was still screaming and excited in his eyes.

Wang motioned to Ma Weiwei to leave the office.

"Where are you going?"

Four people wanted to go out of the office, and behind them came the unhappy voice of the old man.

a sudden change in the situation.

A cold gushed out of my heart.