Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1254

The old man is naturally the king of the South sky and the old man of Tianmu. He has been in the Jianghu for many years and has never fallen from the altar. Whether it is the era of the king of heaven, the era of wujialing, or the ending of the golden age when master and apprentice Wu mingleifeng controlled the world, the vicissitudes of life and the stars change, he is still he, a different king of heaven.

At the moment, he sat in the cemetery drinking and quietly looked at the night sky. A star was particularly bright, but countless black holes wanted to swallow it. The stars were sometimes dazzling and sometimes dim, struggling constantly.

Tiansha lone star.

It\'s God\'s destiny and destiny. If you want to break it, even the heavenly king doesn\'t think it\'s possible unless

The Tianmu old man smiled and said to the night sky, "you always like to create miracles, but the golden world ended because of you two. Who can have your good luck in the end of the law era?"

In the view of Tianmu old man, the two masters can go their own way, many of which depend on luck. Times make heroes, and heroes make times. They complement each other and are indispensable. He didn\'t have such good luck in his time and didn\'t seize the opportunity later. Now he has only one chance. If he misses it, it\'s impossible.

Therefore, the southern heavenly king appears, the northern Heavenly King breaks the seal, and the other two, the drunkard and the butcher, as well as the mysterious middle heavenly king in wujialing, will also appear at the same time to seize the secret and win the last chance of life. If anyone dares to snatch the secret, it is the enemy. Wipe it out directly.

Now many people think that Yang Ping is the one who blocks a line of heavenly secrets, including the old man of Tianmu.

"The sun still rises tomorrow, fuck the world." Tianmu old man scolded, threw away the wine bottle, and then took a deep look at the depths of the void. There are two beautiful shadows fighting. It has been many days, and there is still no winner or loser.

President Qu fought with Du throne, vented all the gratitude and resentment of decades, and showed his peak strength. It is difficult to distinguish the victory and defeat for the time being. This is their chance. It is likely that the winner will win a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to enter another level.

"It\'s a little interesting."

Tianmu old man smiled and walked into the depths of the cemetery.

A hut in the depths of the cemetery is colder and lonelier than the grave. It stands among the major tombs. The old man passes through the tombs. The tombstones are written with earth shaking big people, but at this time, they are all sleeping at the bottom of the earth. Almost everyone represents the beginning and end of an era.

"Old friends, I\'ve come to see you." the old man touched a tombstone and said, "if I can, I envy you. Since then, it\'s quiet. Where\'s the trouble? I saw an interesting boy. He\'s just a lonely star of Tiansha. Like Lei Feng, I just don\'t know whether the future road can go on."

"Why, you think I talk too much and don\'t answer me, right? It\'s not interesting. I went to the brothel with you and spent a lot of money on you. It\'s not interesting not to chat with me now."

The old man talked to himself, his figure was very long, almost covering the tombstone, full of loneliness and solitude.

"If I were you, I wouldn\'t be bored chatting with the dead."

A stunning beauty came out of the hut, looked coldly at the old Tianmu, and said fearlessly, "the more you live, the more you go back. What\'s the use of being so strong in strength and realm? It\'s not as good as ordinary people living freely and happily."

If Yang Ping again, she would be extremely shocked, because the stunning beauty is Zhu Xi. She not only didn\'t die, but also seemed to awaken the blood power in her body, and her strength was more strengthened. However, compared with the old man Tianmu, she was still too small. She couldn\'t even go out of the cemetery, so she was very angry.

The old man looked at Zhu Xi and said with a smile, "girl, you don\'t know anything and dare to fart here. Although your sweetheart is alive, a greater crisis will come to Longcheng. You will cry in the future."

Zhu Xi frowned and said, "don\'t you need me to do the experiment? When can I start?"

The old man narrowed his eyes and said, "why, do you want to die earlier?"

Zhu Xi said faintly, "what should come will always come, sooner or later."

The old man shook his head and said, "don\'t pretend. I know you\'re afraid of Yang Ping coming to the door. In fact, you and Yang Ping, nine Yin and Nine Yang, are born together. However, there is a pure Yin constitution. In essence, you two are the same, and the pure Yin constitution is also very suitable for nine Yang, even better than nine Yin. You\'re just afraid of Yang Ping choosing a female doll with pure Yin constitution, so you want to die."

Zhu Xi\'s pretty face was calm, but her fingers trembled slightly when she heard the old man\'s words.

The old man knew Zhu Xi\'s idea very well, so he was not in a hurry to do the experiment. He said, "don\'t worry if you want to die. There are opportunities. I haven\'t had anyone to talk with me for many years. I haven\'t touched a woman for many years."

Zhu Xi turned pale and looked at the old man warily, revealing the killing opportunity. His cold eyes were warning the old man not to mess around, otherwise he would be responsible for the consequences.

The old man smiled and said, "don\'t look like that. Don\'t worry. You\'re not my dish. I\'m not interested in you."

Zhu Xi was still alert and began to panic. If the old man wanted to do something, she had no resistance in her realm and could only be slaughtered. If the most worried thing happened, she would not be defiled even if she died.

Seeing her becoming more and more vigilant, the old man smiled and said, "you are really confident."

"You saved Yang Ping. I owe you a life. If you want me to die, I won\'t frown, but if you want something else, I\'d rather die than surrender." Zhu Xi still expressed her attitude and felt that the old man was very dangerous, especially the obscene appearance. No woman would be at ease next to her.

The old man turned his eyes, became interested and asked, "don\'t be nervous first. By the way, you are familiar with Longcheng."

Zhu Xi hesitated and nodded.

"Then do me a favor. Maybe I\'ll tell you some secrets of Yang Ping. It\'s an earth shaking event." the old man seduced.

Zhu Xi frowned and said unhappily, "I said that there is nothing to talk about except experiment."

The old man was worried and hurriedly said, "you misunderstood me. I\'m really boring to you. Although you look good, you lack a kind of sophistication. What I like is the kind of... Well, the technology is very mature... You know."

Zhu Xi sneered, "you want me to help you find a woman."

The old man smiled, his face reddened, and said with a dry smile, "anyway, you are familiar with women. You just talk to them about the power of life and save their souls."

Zhu Xi directly despised.

The old man was angry and scolded, "why, look down on me. Believe it or not, I slapped the dragon city out."

"I can call to help you find it."

In fact, Zhu Xi also wanted to know the secret about Yang Ping. It\'s not a bad thing to appease the old man temporarily. She said, "you don\'t have to tell me what you want to do, just talk to my assistant."

The old man was elated and shouted, "yes, yes."

I don\'t know where the old man found a mobile phone. Zhu Xi called ma Weiwei, explained some things, and said to the old man, "my people will arrange." after that, without concealing her inner disgust, she threw the mobile phone on the ground and walked back to the hut.

The old man smiled, rubbed his hands and waited for a response.

Soon the phone rang, and there came a soft voice: "Hello, according to Dong Zhu\'s instructions, we have prepared more than a dozen candidates for you in Rongguang club. I don\'t know when you will be free?"

The old man disappeared from the cemetery.

"I\'m free now."

In the assistant office of the president of China Airlines building, Ma Weiwei almost jumped up when she received a call from Zhu Xi. These days, the disappearance of Zhu Xi made China Airlines Group nervous and scared. She saw that she was about to collapse. Who was unhappy when she suddenly got the news of Zhu Xi.

Ma Weiwei was about to tell others the news when an old man appeared in front of her.

The old man is a little obscene.