Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1253

After Mingzhu finished, she seemed to lose all her strength and paralyzed in Yang Ping\'s arms. She looked at him and said in a trembling voice: "Yang Ping, if you choose Zhu Xi, I won\'t blame you. She loves you more than I do, but she doesn\'t say it."

Yang Ping looked at the Pearl calmly.

Seeing that he didn\'t speak, Mingzhu thought he admitted it, and her heart became more and more desolate. That feeling was like giving the most important thing to others when she was a child, blocking her chest, biting her lips and whispering: "Zhu Xi and I used to be good friends. I know her character very well. She has never liked a person as much as she does now and is willing to give everything. Compared with her, I am ashamed. Sorry, the reason why I don\'t say it is all because I am afraid of losing you, but now I think it through. Even if I lose you, I don\'t want to bear the burden of Zhu Xi\'s sacrifice for you. She loves you most People are also the most suitable people to be with you. "

"Finished?" Yang Ping asked.

Pearl bowed her head and didn\'t speak, but her thin fragrant shoulders shrugged and obviously sobbed sadly. Telling the truth means losing her lover. Who can bear it? People are selfish, especially women. Pearl is no exception for love. So she struggled for a long time before she told the truth.

After that, Mingzhu felt relaxed and felt that she had completed a great thing.

Even if Yang Ping finally chose Zhu Xi, Mingzhu didn\'t regret it, because Zhu Xi did more than herself. What she paid, she was able to stay with Yang Ping for a long time. Even if this time, she was satisfied.

"Yang Ping, go find Zhu Xi. I can live well alone. You don\'t have to worry about me." Mingzhu looked up and showed a serious expression.

Yang Ping smiled, shook his head and sighed.

Mingzhu hurriedly said, "did I say the wrong thing?"

Yang Ping holds the Pearl\'s beautiful face and stares at the bright eyes. His shadow is in each other\'s eyes, which can\'t accommodate others. He also sees a lot of emotions. He is reluctant, painful, nervous and mixed with others. It looks so cute.

"You know what?"

Yang Ping looked into Mingzhu\'s eyes and said softly, "you are the stupidest woman I have ever seen. Really, very stupid. Can\'t you see it? Take a closer look at my eyes..."

Pearl wondered, "what do you see?"

Yang Ping relaxed his breath and suddenly hugged the Pearl in his arms. He wanted to integrate the two into one. He whispered, "my eyes are all you. My silly woman."

Pearl\'s expression is dull.

Listening to Yang Ping\'s words, she could hardly believe it. She told the truth clearly. Why did he

Isn\'t Zhu Xi\'s pay worth his return?

Yang Ping felt Mingzhu\'s doubts and stared into her eyes. Mingzhu didn\'t dare to look at her. She bowed her head shyly and said, "what are you looking at me for?"

"Don\'t you understand yet?"

Yang Ping asked, "you have always been my favorite woman, not one of them."

Pearl was stunned.

A piece of paste in my mind.

I\'m his favorite woman?

Pearl suddenly got the richest gift from heaven from worrying about gain and loss. It was difficult to change for a time. She thought everything was a dream and muttered, "yes... Is it?"

"You are so smart, can I lie to you?"

Yang Ping couldn\'t help laughing.

Mingzhu smiled, smiled and cried again. She buried her head in Yang Ping\'s arms, relaxed heavily, closed her eyes and enjoyed the quiet of their world. Yang Ping\'s arms are so broad that she can accommodate the whole world. It\'s a good feeling. Holding him is like embracing the whole world.

I don\'t know how long I hugged and immersed in strong happiness. Mingzhu didn\'t want to get up, but she thought of Zhu Xi and hurriedly got up and said, "Zhu Xi, you can\'t let the southern Heavenly King hurt Zhu Xi. In case of an accident, how can we afford her."

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified and said in a deep voice, "I don\'t think the southern heavenly king will do the experiment so soon. It\'s just a feeling. The time has not come."

There\'s a feeling that I can\'t explain.

Anyway, Yang Ping feels that things are not so simple. Nan Tianwang doesn\'t come all the way to Longcheng and use him to exchange with Zhu Xi. If it\'s just an experiment, people in the realm of Nan Tianwang can control Zhu Xi without wasting time.

"He must be waiting for something."

Yang Ping believes in his judgment. If Zhu Xi is around the South heavenly king, it is the safest at present. Let alone the dark place, it is estimated that the experts all over the world can\'t hurt Zhu Xi. If they don\'t reach that level, they can\'t imagine the strength of the South heavenly king.

"Where shall we find it?"

Mingzhu asked curiously, looking for Zhu Xi. She wanted to make a contribution, even more anxious than Yang Ping. She hoped that Zhu Xi would not have an accident.

"If you guess well, I know where the southern heavenly king is."

Yang Ping thought of a place and thought, "no, I have to prepare before I go. This person is one of the most terrible people I have ever seen. Even compared with him, Taoist Zun is not worth mentioning."

Great power.

Yang Ping has no deep understanding or even superficial understanding of the power level above Tianzun, because Tianzun has almost reached the limit of human beings, and it is almost impossible to move forward.

However, the power used by the southern heavenly king is far more than that of the ordinary heavenly Zun, not a level of power.

Even with the five element gold needle, I\'m afraid I\'m still not an opponent.

Yang Ping thought hard.

Pearl did not disturb, silently accompanied, until nightfall, quietly left to prepare dinner.

Night stars.

Yang Ping sat quietly and thought, but in the face of a strong king level, trying to seize Zhu Xi from him is basically a fantasy. Any strategy is just a child\'s play in front of the right side.

What should I do?

Yang Ping couldn\'t understand it. Her eyebrows were frowned and her thinking was confused. Finally, Mingzhu came to ask for dinner and sighed and stopped thinking about things.

After dinner.

Take a bath and sleep in bed with a pearl. Surprisingly, there are no distractions. Yang Ping hugged the most moving body in the world and didn\'t think of anything else for the time being. He said, "are you very tired recently?"

No response.

Looking down, he found that Mingzhu had fallen asleep. Yang Ping lost his smile and cherished it from the bottom of his heart. Mingzhu has been in a mental breakdown and guilt for a long time. He may not have slept well. This time, he opened his heart and got unexpected results. He relaxed completely and went to sleep safely.

There was still a sweet smile around her mouth.

Holding the Pearl tightly and breathing the light fragrance of Dharma, Yang Ping closed her eyes and simply stopped thinking. The soldiers came to block the water and earth, and took the initiative to find the other party. It may fall. The other party is estimated to have been waiting for him to come to the door.

I was speechless all night.

Castle Peak cemetery.

The stars in the night sky shine, especially bright. They symbolize the destination of countless people. They are destroyed one by one, and then shine one by one. This is the cycle of life and death and the cycle of cause and effect. At every moment in the world, some people die and others are born.

In the cemetery where countless peerless strongmen are buried, an old man carries a bottle of wine and sings about it, disillusioning with life and death in his pupils.