Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1248

Half a city away, dozens of kilometers away, but Yang Ping saw it clearly. The old man\'s long white eyebrows were like dead branches stained with ice and snow. His bent body was like a curved green bamboo, which could rebound at any time. There was the power of wind and rain in his body.

Yang Ping felt the breath left by Zhu Xi on him.

It\'s strange to say that after waking up, Yang Ping\'s recognition ability goes further. As long as he wants to find something with a little breath, he can follow the vine and touch the melon, and then go straight to the destination. Because he was very familiar with Zhu Xi\'s breath, the old man felt a strong anger when he approached the city gate.

That was Zhu Xi\'s anger.

He is also his own enemy.

Yang Ping stared at the old man. The old man seemed to feel something. He looked at him, blinked his yellow eyes, showed a strange smile, and then continued to move forward. Walking in the crowd, passing through the city gate, gradually integrating into the crowd of tourists, there is no trace.

Such red dust concealment can not only escape tracking, but also cope with perception, which shows that this person is very good at tracking and anti tracking. No wonder Zhu Xi has no news up to now. It must be related to this person.

Morning comes.

The last darkness before dawn dissipates, which means a new day comes.

The person waiting for one night finally appeared. The person disappeared into the crowd. Yang Ping was not disappointed, but waited calmly. The disappearance of Zhu Xi dealt a great blow to Yang Ping and deeply felt his frustration.

With countless patience, what do you get in exchange for?

Longcheng stable?

Peace of the people?

did not!

There is only hostility and people\'s numbness. You are walking on the road of defense, or casting the Great Wall with blood, but the result is different from the ideal. Killing the enemy not only does not reduce the number, but more and more. If he had not worried about the stability of Longcheng, Yang Ping would have killed a lot. And he had collided with people at the king level, and he deeply understood a truth.

The ideal is still based on the fist.

Your strength is not enough. You can only be the test object of others. In the eyes of those peak figures, you are just a mole ant. Take it at will. So Yang Ping is going to announce to those evil enemies this time.

I Yang Ping will not give in. Once I touch my bottom line, I will meet the most powerful revenge.

A palm suddenly appeared in the back of the head.

The palm was dry and full of texture, and the wrinkles on it were silent and hard to prevent. Judging from the means of palm attack, this man had a deep understanding of the origin of emptiness, almost controlled the truth of emptiness and achieved the realm of Mahatma. However, the power he played did not belong to the masters in the early days of the great sage.

It was a terrible master.

The seemingly random palm actually contains many ancient martial arts, and his noumenon is still far away. Yang Ping knows one of the means of transmitting energy attack through the void, that is, the Sanskrit valley. Vatican sound Valley is a second-rate holy land, including the peak figures of great saints, which can not be underestimated.

On that day, the Brahmin valley was aggressive at the door of the treasure Pavilion, and Lei Wanjun was even more arrogant and domineering. It was a pity that Yang Ping killed him with one punch and stunned the whole audience. Now, everyone in the Jianghu thinks that Yang Ping\'s loss of the shelter of the dragon city is at most a sub Saint realm. How about giving full play to the strength of the saint realm.

Before the great saints, saints are nothingness.

As a result, the master of Vatican sound Valley made an unbridled move, which was to kill people. His posture was domineering, and he clearly didn\'t see Yang Ping in his eyes. Far away from each other, the masters of Brahmin valley are also confident.

Yang Ping felt as if he hadn\'t felt it.

The palm of his hand focused on the back of Yang Ping\'s head.

The city gate.

The master of Vatican sound Valley actually didn\'t go, but hid and prepared for a fatal blow. Few people in the Jianghu know that the reason why fanyin Valley can stand on the second-class holy land and be hostile to Yang Ping is actually related to Xuankong Temple.

Xuankong Temple was born in the valley of Brahma.

The void Sutra is an ancient martial art created by a great master of Brahmin Valley who left the mountain gate. Relying on the void Sutra, the hanging temple has gradually become a third rate holy land. Such a secret is naturally unknown to few people, because the hanging temple is not allowed to be laughed at by others. It is only a branch of Brahmin valley.

When the leader of the Xuankong Temple was seriously injured by Yang Ping and destroyed the vanity mirror, the Xuankong Temple had no choice but to ask for help from the Vatican Valley, so the Vatican Valley sent the supreme elder Lei Wanjun to the Dragon City, one to get unparalleled magic and the other to avenge the Xuankong Temple.

To fight the hanging temple is to fight the face of the Vatican sound valley.

The master of Vatican sound Valley thought that one move might not kill Yang Ping. After all, the immortal medicine sect behind the other party has a deep foundation and is not so easy to kill, but the result disappointed him. Can\'t Yang Ping respond to one move?

It\'s disappointing.

The master of Vatican sound Valley sighed and wanted to move on. Unexpectedly, killing a famous young man was just a slap in the face.


The palm from the void contains a strong power of void fluctuation. It can be said that the study of the void in fanyin Valley is more thorough than that in Xuankong Temple. Even some experts specializing in ancient martial arts extract a technique from the void Sutra to kill opponents by using space fluctuation.

The technique used by this person is called void wave technique. It is a medium-class skill at the prefecture level. It is not only powerful, but also very difficult to perceive.


When the master of Vatican sound Valley raised his feet to leave, a figure appeared in front of him. As soon as his pupils narrowed, he put down his raised feet, looked blankly at the front, wanted to speak, but found that he was shocked and couldn\'t get out.

The language stuck in the throat, and the master of Vatican sound Valley showed a dignified color.

"Sure enough, it deserves its reputation. I thought one move could kill you, but I didn\'t expect you to be alive." the master of Vatican Valley sighed and smiled. Although he was shocked, he wasn\'t afraid. There was an essential gap between them, a great saint and an Asian saint, with a gap between them.

"Tell me where Zhu Xi is. I can spare you from dying."

Yang Ping said coldly.

The master of Vatican sound valley was stunned, then laughed and disdained: "boy, do you think you can talk to me without my attack? You\'re too naive. Do you know I only used 30% of my power just now?"

"I asked for the last time, where is Zhu Xi?" Yang Ping was expressionless.

The master of Vatican sound Valley narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "it seems that you are crazy. Without the blessing of the power of the Dragon City, you are at most a personal talent. It\'s easy for me to kill you, but I don\'t want to waste so much power. In that case, I\'ll show you what a gap is!"


The momentum soared, and the wind and rain hung behind the master of Vatican sound valley.

All directions!

This is the other party\'s famous stunt.

Yang Ping looked at each other calmly without expression. Tourists who came to the Longcheng city wall to watch the sunrise were still queuing up to take the stairs. Suddenly, a gust of wind made the tourists stagger and complain. From time to time, someone cursed them.

There is wind, rain and snow.

In midsummer, wind, rain and snow began to blow.

The master of Vatican sound valley was angered and decided to take out his real ability to kill Yang Ping.