Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1249

All sides.

The experts of Vatican sound valley are angry and use the powerful skills of Vatican sound Valley, regardless of the life and death of the surrounding tourists. Those tourists who are still complaining about climate change and scolding their mothers do not know that death is about to fall.


The master of fanyin Valley smiled grimly and looked at the wind and rain rushing towards Yang Ping. His expression became more and more indifferent. As for other ordinary people, he didn\'t care at all.

Yang Ping was exposed to the wind and rain. There was wind and rain in all directions and there was no way back.

However, the master of fanyin Valley noticed something wrong. In the face of his powerful ancient martial arts, Yang Ping was not flustered, but very calm and terrible. When the wind and rain add to the body, it means death, and the body will be broken down.

The storm finally swept Yang Ping and drowned him.

The master of Vatican sound Valley smiled. He knew very well that even if the master of the same realm fell into the wind and rain, he would not be seriously injured, not to mention Yang Ping, a very low-level little man.

The tourists screamed, but there was no death.

The people under the city wall ran in panic, but they all stood still, like ghosts beating the wall, and couldn\'t leave half a step. It is about to be broken by the wind and rain, and a breath like the spring breeze blows past.

The rain has stopped.

The wind calmed down.

The tourists looked around at a loss and were at a loss about the sudden cessation of the wind and rain. They thought they were dead before. They didn\'t expect to survive and left in panic. They thought they were just traveling. They were frightened by the wind on the strange city wall.

Because this incident adds a mysterious touch to the Longcheng city wall. Some people said that some tourists peed on the wall, did not understand the rules, and angered the spirit of the wall, so the spirit was angry and punished the tourists that day. Some people said that the Dragon God came that day, so there was a storm in all directions. In short, there are many versions.

Yang Ping stood in place and looked at the master of the Vatican sound Valley indifferently. The tourists around him ran away. He walked in the opposite direction. His steps were as steady as a mountain and went to the master of Brahmin valley.

The master of Vatican sound Valley stared at Yang Ping. He could hardly imagine that a boy in the sub holy realm was all right in his storm. This is beyond common sense.


The master of Vatican sound Valley quickly shouted, "don\'t force me to do it."

Yang Ping curved his mouth and said faintly, "you\'re so wordy."

in turmoil!

Vatican sound Valley did not believe in evil and once again displayed ancient martial arts. This time, the wind and rain was more severe and violent than before. It swept the whole city gate. The wind and rain turned into a black dragon, opened its sharp mouth and bit Yang Ping\'s head.

"See you don\'t die! I\'ve made twelve successful efforts." the master of Vatican sound Valley laughed.

Wind and rain swept in.

Yang Ping stepped out in one step and then appeared in front of his opponent. In his frightened eyes, he grabbed his neck and smashed it hard towards the floor. He only heard a bang. The head of the master of the Vatican sound Valley smashed the floor, and the lighting head was broken and bleeding.

"Where is Zhu Xi?" Yang Ping exposed his murderous opportunity and said in a cold voice. He picked up the master of the Vatican sound Valley and smashed it again. No matter how powerful the master was, he would feel uncomfortable. Yang Ping deliberately didn\'t cause great harm to him, but hurt the other party\'s self-esteem. A scholar can be killed but not humiliated. Yang Ping wants to erase each other\'s dignity.

"I don\'t know!" the master of the Vatican sound Valley felt extremely humiliated. If a younger generation did this, he might as well die. If it was spread, it would become a joke in the Jianghu. "Boy, you offend the Vatican sound valley. There\'s no way for you to live in heaven and earth. If you know what\'s going on, let me go and kowtow to confess, or you won\'t be an opponent when our leader kills you."

Yang Ping said coldly, "do you think I dare not kill you?"

The tone was cold. The master of the Vatican sound valley was cold and smart, but he soon felt that he couldn\'t. secretly, I was a master of the Vatican sound valley. The leader was invincible and had a special identity. He didn\'t dare to target us if he knew. This boy is from the immortal medical school. He was determined to be afraid of our leader. How could he kill me.

It was concluded that Yang Ping did not dare to move. The master of Sanskrit sound Valley sneered: "if you have the ability to do it, I\'m not a man if I frown."

Yang Ping was silent.

The master of Vatican sound Valley sneered: "I\'m afraid. Our leaders of Vatican sound valley have a deep relationship with the demon gate. They don\'t know anything in the Jianghu. It\'s disrespectful for you to dare to deal with me, just a disciple of the immortal medical sect!"


The black lightning flickered in his arm, and the nine sections in his body lit up, forming nine extremely terrible black holes. Yang Ping said faintly, "since that\'s the case, that\'s it."

The master of Vatican sound valley was puzzled, but his face soon turned crazy. The power in Yang Ping\'s body quickly disappeared. Yang Ping\'s body was like a magnet. Absorbing his power, the power in the meridians passed away horribly, and the source was melting. The most terrible thing was that the realm was falling.

Saint peak!

Late sage!


The early days of saints!


Third grade realm!

Second class realm!

First class realm!

Every time the realm drops, the master of Brahmin Valley turns pale and screams endlessly. He keeps begging for mercy and asking Yang Ping to let him go, but it\'s useless. Once Yang Ping decides what to do, he will not change.

The master of Vatican sound Valley who was thrown on the ground like garbage wanted to get up, but he had no strength. He completely turned into an ordinary person and stared at Yang Ping. Yang Ping said, "tell me where Zhu Xi is, and I can help you recover your strength."

The master of Vatican sound valley was shocked and showed his eager eyes. But he just longed, and did not dare to betray the Vatican Valley, because if the leader knew, his end would be very sad. He gritted his teeth and said: "Yang Ping, you and I have no grievances. Why kill each other? You can give me back your strength. I can be your friend. I have a good position in the Brahmin valley. Many friends in the Jianghu will cheer up and many people will help you rebuild the immortal medical school."

"Are you sure you can cheer up now?" Yang Ping asked with a smile.

The master of Vatican sound Valley trembled and his heart was bitter. Now he is just a loser. Those so-called friends are the best if they don\'t fall into the well. How can they help him? But it\'s absolutely impossible to betray Vatican sound valley.

"You seem to have forgotten that I can hypnotize you."

A hypnotic voice forcibly broke the mental defense at the moment when the master of Vatican sound valley was distracted, and then controlled his will

Five minutes later.

Yang Ping left the city gate and went to the suburbs.

We can\'t get much useful information from the master\'s consciousness of the Vatican sound valley. In fact, Zhu Xi\'s news has nothing to do with the Vatican sound valley. The Vatican sound Valley just cooperates with some people. It\'s definitely not ordinary people who can cooperate with the Vatican sound Valley, a second-class Holy Land. At present, Zhu Xi is detained in a villa in the suburbs. If you go now, you may have time.

Yang Ping stepped on a meteor to the suburban villa. He immediately felt the breath of Zhu Xi and was excited.

Finally found it.

After waiting for so long and many days, Yang Ping saw the hope of success. There were at least three great sage level masters guarding in the suburbs, and there were many other masters guarding all positions. The villa was like an iron wall. Most great saints would die if they came in.

But Yang Ping quietly passed through the defense and soon came to the place where Zhu Xi was detained. Just about to go in, he heard a familiar voice.

"I didn\'t expect Zhu Xi to cheat so well."

The sound is clearly

Yang Ping\'s face was gloomy. She never thought that this voice would appear here, and isn\'t she dead?