Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1247

The moment he saw the purple and gold coffin, he was shocked and dared not confirm it. Once confirmed, he couldn\'t believe whether he could bear it.

Although once said a clean break.

But after all, I loved.

I can\'t imagine what Yang Ping will look like after Zhu Xi\'s real death. He looked at the coffin in a daze and hesitated. He still came to the grave and touched it. The cold coffin conveys bursts of coolness and penetrates his heart.

When he opened the coffin, the light was shining in the gap and hurt his eyes. He couldn\'t help closing his eyes and subconsciously didn\'t dare to see it.

The light dissipated.

After a long time, he opened half his eyes and glanced at it. Yang Ping was stunned. Then he was ecstatic and roared, "I knew it wouldn\'t happen. Zhu Xi, you\'ll be fine."

The purple and gold coffin is gorgeous, but there is no Zhu Xi in it.

No body means there is still a possibility of living.

Zhu Xi is not dead.

Yang Ping is sure that nothing happened to her. At most, she was kidnapped. As for who can kidnap an expert with nine Yin in her body, it must be the super strong who can do it silently. He thought of the northern heavenly king, the old man in the Castle Peak cemetery, President Qu, and even the dark place.

But it\'s all ruled out.

Heavenly King level masters don\'t need to do such low-level things as kidnapping at all. President Qu has no motivation to do it. Although the masters in the dark place are good, Yang Ping is confident that no master in the dark place has entered the dragon city and can completely avoid his perception.

The old man in Qingshan cemetery said that Zhu Xi was dead, and Yang Ping believed it, because the other party\'s realm far exceeded him, but now he is [email protected] ^^$

Lose a memory.

Vaguely, he was very angry, but why he was angry and the results of his anger were unknown. It seemed that he had been forcibly cut off. Yang Ping was angry and very uncomfortable. He tried to think about memories. Unfortunately, it would only cause severe pain in his head.

"Forget it, you\'d better find Zhu Xi."

Yang Ping left the Castle Peak cemetery and returned to the treasure Pavilion. He saw the Pearl standing at the door, looking forward to it. His eyes were filled with care and worry. His heart was warm. At least there were people who cared about themselves when it was dangerous.

He was an orphan since childhood. He followed xuanjizi to learn the art of immortal medicine. He has achieved some success and entered the army. Up to now, he has achieved great success and fame. Yang Ping rarely gets warmth from others.! $*!

So it\'s obviously important to yourself.

"Are you okay?"

Mingzhu took Yang Ping\'s hand and asked anxiously.

Yang Ping shook his head and said with a smile, "how could I have an accident? I\'ll go back for you."

"Will boast." Mingzhu reluctantly smiled.

They walked into the treasure Pavilion. Mingzhu wanted to ask, but couldn\'t help it. Yang Ping didn\'t seem to have been to the Castle Peak cemetery and became very normal.

In the next day, Longcheng became more normal. There were almost no Wulin experts in the street. The super forces lurking in the dark seemed to have a particularly low profile. They ordered their subordinates not to make trouble these days, so as not to affect the fish in the pond.

Yang Ping watched movies, went shopping with Mingzhu, and even watched the sunset by the Luoshui river. Everything was as usual.

On the contrary, this state makes Mingzhu very uneasy.

She found that she couldn\'t see through Yang Ping\'s thoughts now. In the past, one look and one action could speculate what he thought, whether he was happy or whether he needed care and comfort, but now she couldn\'t feel it at all.

This is the most terrible.

Pearl\'s worry finally happened. On the Bank of the Luoshui River, she snuggled up in Yang Ping\'s arms, asked the familiar and fascinating breath, and couldn\'t help saying, "Yang Ping, are you disgusted with me?"

Yang Ping was stunned and then asked, "no, what\'s the matter with you? Do you look bad and feel uncomfortable?"

Mingzhu shook her head and said bitterly, "I\'m afraid of you like this. Although you don\'t say it, I feel that you have changed a lot. After you came back yesterday, your breath is different from before." she hugged her arm tightly for fear of losing, and whispered, "I don\'t know if I have the courage to live after losing you. Yang Ping, don\'t leave me, OK?"

Yang Ping touched Mingzhu\'s head and said with a smile, "fool, how could I leave you."

"But..." Mingzhu stopped talking, hung her head and whispered, "aren\'t you worried that I have something to hide from you?"

Yang Ping shook her head, looked at Mingzhu affectionately and said softly, "I know you won\'t hurt me. Mingzhu, don\'t think too much. The person I love most in my life is you. You have something to hide from me, but I won\'t force you to answer, because I don\'t want to see you in trouble."

Pearl cried.

Hearing Yang Ping\'s words, she felt extremely happy for the first time. Loving a person is not possession, but making him happy. After thinking about it, she felt it was still necessary to tell Yang Ping that although it violated Zhu Xi\'s meaning, the long pain was better than the short pain. She could comfort him while she was still around him now.

"Zhu Xi is dead." Mingzhu suddenly said seriously, with a nervous expression.

"I know." unexpectedly, Yang Ping didn\'t blame, but said with pity, "I also know you were buried in the Castle Peak cemetery. You\'re worried that I\'ll feel bad after I know, aren\'t you?"

Pearl nodded and looked at him numbly.

Unexpectedly, he knew Zhu Xi\'s ending long ago, but it was wrong. Why did Yang Ping behave so calm and not sad at all. Mingzhu wondered if he was too sad and could not change his character. Worried about his state, she couldn\'t help asking, "I\'m sorry, I didn\'t protect her."

Yang Ping relaxed and shook his head. "You\'ve tried your best. Although I don\'t know what happened at that time, it\'s not important, because I\'m sure Zhu Xi isn\'t dead and is still hiding in Longcheng city."

Pearl, open your mouth.

After telling the story of Qingshan cemetery and memory, Yang Ping said seriously, "I suspect that in addition to President Qu, there are some strong experts. They are waiting for opportunities and opportunities for me to make mistakes."

Mingzhu said with a wry smile, "maybe they are afraid of you."

Yang Ping didn\'t answer, his eyes glowed and said, "you can know the answer tonight. I hope those people don\'t disappoint me."

I don\'t know what Yang Ping means, but Mingzhu will support unconditionally.


After letting Mingzhu go to bed, Yang Ping sat at the door and smoked. His mental power was released and enveloped Longcheng. At the beginning of the Lantern Festival, the dragon city appears quite quiet and beautiful. The bright moon is in the sky, and the bright moonlight falls on me, like a lover who tells of love.

"Not yet."

Yang Ping secretly said that tonight is the last chance. The people hiding behind the scenes will certainly appear.

But it was quiet all night.

Wait all night in vain.

At the moment of dawn, when his mental strength was most relaxed, Yang Ping stared at the suburbs and showed a cold smile. He said secretly, he finally couldn\'t help shooting. I\'d like to see. Even if I\'m not the Lord of the Dragon City, I\'ll let you know how powerful I am.

The darkest hour before dawn.

Yang Ping saw an old man coughing all the way, crooked near the city gate, just like ordinary people.

But look carefully, the old man is very strange.

Step by step.

Very strong.

Yang Ping\'s eyes flashed and sneered, "it takes no time to get here."