Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1246

For a long time, in the eyes of the northern and southern heavenly kings, Yang Ping was only an experimental carrier and a victim of the two masters and disciples who wanted to create a new world. Yang Ping would never be the only one. There must be other experimental carriers, so the old man didn\'t pay too much attention to Yang Ping. However, when Yang Ping broke out all the darkness stored in his body, it seemed that there was a dark cloud over the dragon city, Can\'t help turning pale.

It\'s horrible.

If all the darkness in the universe is condensed, even the heavenly king should retreat. The individual is too small relative to the universe. Even the old man can\'t forcibly suppress the common people.

The sky is not high, but the heart is the highest.

People\'s heart is the strongest and most terrible, because people\'s desire is endless.

The old man stared at Yang Ping and observed the changes of his body. He didn\'t hesitate to use thousands of forces to oppress Yang Ping, which made Yang Ping lose his balance and burst out terrible potential. If he didn\'t control the surrounding void, I\'m afraid an idea and a breath could turn Longcheng into a dead land. Compared with the darkness in Yang Ping\'s body, the evil Qi overflowing from the channels in the dark place is not worth mentioning.


When the old man reached out and grabbed it, a brilliant palace with 18 floors condensed on his head. Each floor boundlessly represents a parallel world. A total of 18 worlds appeared, creating an ancient and unique tomb. It is a heavenly tomb, which is even more terrible than an artifact.

As soon as the heavenly tomb appears, it absorbs darkness and suppresses the heavens.

Darkness takes back and returns to peace. Yang Ping\'s eyes change from absolute darkness into a star universe, disillusionment, rebirth, disillusionment, rebirth, continuous reincarnation, and finally return to chaos, a land of Tai Chi.


Seeing through the power changes in Yang Ping\'s body, the old man couldn\'t help sighing: "he is worthy of being the first person in the universe. He can deceive heaven and create ordinary people. If the experimental carrier is successful, he will be unlimited and become an unprecedented anomaly."

Just when the old man was shocked, thinking and hesitating, a palm flew from the sky, and a long river of time and space ran through the sky, forcibly pulling the past, present and future three time dimensions, infinitely shortening the distance between the palm and Yang Ping. If you want to kill with one blow.

This palm is too terrible. Thousands of forces burst out everywhere. It seems that the world can no longer find a countervailing force in addition to the essence of the universe. The long river of time and space represents immortality. It is impossible to attack with the power of time and space.

The northern Heavenly King shot.

He wants to kill Yang Ping.

The old man, who was still hesitant, suddenly showed a divine light in his pupils and said coldly, "old bald donkey, how can you be more anxious than Lao Tzu? This measure is not as good as you. How can you achieve the king of heaven." after that, the glorious palace behind him hit the long river of time and space, and the two thousand forces collided, annihilating the void, forming an absolute darkness. However, they had excellent control and didn\'t hurt every plant in Longcheng.

The long river of time and space was shaken by the heavenly tomb, twisted, lost its accuracy, and then disappeared into the void. An old figure appeared on the path. The yellow eyes like yellow essence burst into a stinging brilliance. He said unhappily: "the cycle of cause and effect, bad retribution, and the fetters that have lasted for many years are going to disappear. Why bother yourself?"

The old man sneered and said, "I don\'t like you. What\'s the matter?"

It was the northern heavenly king who took the shot. Naturally, he saw Yang Ping\'s extraordinary place and felt that he might pose a threat to himself in the future and may have an impact on the road to the future. Therefore, he did not hesitate to lower his identity to take the shot. Unfortunately, he was intercepted by the old man.

"You read about the love between the two masters and disciples and want to help Yang Ping, but do you know that if it weren\'t for the two masters, you and I would have made higher achievements. Looking at the past and present, we only have one chance. If we miss it, you and I can only become nothingness. No matter how powerful we are, we can\'t jump out."

The old monk looked excited and scolded, "you madman, get out of the way quickly."

The old man shook his head, frowned and said, "I think you are old and confused. Do you really think they will only prepare an experimental carrier? If Yang Ping dies, the power will be scattered to other carriers, and the success rate will be higher. Their essence is to let carriers kill each other. It\'s good for you to help directly."

The old monk sighed: "after all, you still want to stop me. Anyway, I will only do it once. Since he is all right, it means that the fate of the world of mortals is not over and the cause and effect is not broken, but if you forcibly protect him, it will only make him die faster."

"At least it\'s better than being killed by you for no reason." the old man spat and spit directly at the old monk, without shame.

The old monk frowned, very helpless.

When dealing with a person whose strength level is not below his own, the other party still has no rules. The old monk is angry, but there is no way. He can only say: "well, you and I stop and watch on the sidelines, how about?"

"Don\'t think I don\'t know you want to use those young people to implement your shit plan. I warn you that if you eliminate all the beautiful women in the world, I will not let you go first." the old man sneered.

The old monk hummed, "don\'t worry, I pay attention to cause and effect."

"Get out."

The old man doesn\'t want to talk to the old monk. They have different ideas. No one can convince anyone. They will fight when they talk about it. Last time, the old man wanted to kill the old monk while he was injured. Unfortunately, it was almost impossible to kill a heavenly king.

"The Tao of cause and effect was your Tao in those days. You once understood cause and effect. Why should you persist today." with a long sigh, the old monk turned and left, "don\'t force me. The other two people will come out soon. You can weigh it yourself at that time. Three dozen one, you\'re not an opponent."

The old man was awe inspiring. The other two talked about the heavenly kings in the same realm as them, East, West, North and south. Among them, the old man is the southern heavenly king, in charge of the heavenly tomb, the old monk is the northern heavenly king, in charge of the space-time Avenue, and a butcher and an alcoholic. They control other Taoism, but their strength is not weaker than the southern heavenly king.

"Don\'t force me here. You want to threaten me. Don\'t think I\'m easy to bully. Then I\'ll directly let the king of heaven appear and kill you."

Unwilling to show weakness, the old man threatened.

Sure enough, the name of the middle heavenly king can still shock the old monk. In addition to the four heavenly kings in the southeast and northwest, there is also a middle divine power. This talent is the strongest of the five people and has the means to suppress the heavenly king.

"Don\'t you know what happened in wujialing?"

The old monk said coldly, "this matter involves too much. Even if you and I are involved, you can\'t get away. You do it yourself."

"Two don\'t help each other."

Suddenly, the old man turned his eyes and cried.

The old monk frowned, hesitated, nodded and said, "it\'s a pity that you and I sit on the sidelines and can\'t do it. Yang Ping\'s road is a fixed number. It has been doomed to the end since he was born. Forcibly distorting is a struggle with the way of heaven. You don\'t know the temper of the way of heaven."

"It\'s a deal."

The old man hummed, "I don\'t believe it. What shit is fixed, but it\'s all bullshit."

"Take care of yourself."

The old monk left.

The old man looked at Yang Ping, who was in a coma, and tut tut said, "boy, I offended the old bald donkey for you. The other two bastards are estimated to have looked here long ago. You should be good, don\'t die halfway."

A five color light did not enter the heart.

The old man also left.

The two heavenly kings reached an agreement and let it be. Now it depends on whether Yang Ping\'s fixed number can survive. After surviving, he can naturally become a God. If he can\'t survive, he will turn into dust and never exceed life.

Half a day later.

Yang Ping woke up with a sharp pain in his head.

The green mountains are still there.

Tomb of Zhu Xi.

Four scarlet characters branded the traces of the avenue. Strangely, the tomb left, revealing a purple golden coffin.