Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1245

You shouldn\'t exist.

When Yang Ping heard the old man\'s words, he felt extremely absurd. If he shouldn\'t exist, who is qualified to exist. He was determined to serve the country and the people, but the old man gave him an almost heartless answer. He was very angry and shouted, "why do you say so? Just because your realm is high, you can be high and responsible for others?"

The old man\'s eyes were cold, and the terrible pressure swept through. The whole Castle Peak cemetery was like a paper boat immersed in the water and severely oppressed. Yang Ping felt the same and couldn\'t bear the old man\'s pressure because he could tear the earth attribute saint\'s strong flesh.

That\'s terrible.

"You are an alien, a stone that hinders the progress of the world, and you are also a lonely star of Tiansha. Your existence will collapse the world order. If it weren\'t for the relationship between teachers and disciples, I would kill you myself."

"You should be satisfied. At least some women die for you, but you don\'t know how to cherish it. You feel sorry for yourself here, which makes me despise it. No one who has achieved great things cries like you. If you die, you will die. Can\'t you live?"

The old man said contemptuously.

Before the fire broke out, Yang Ping heard the last sentence and was shocked all over. He shouted, "senior, do you have a way to save Zhu Xi?"

The old man sneered, "I killed him myself, don\'t you think?"

Yang Ping\'s eyes were cold and showed an unprecedented killing opportunity. He said in a cold voice: "senior, I hope the previous words are not jokes. I don\'t like such jokes because they are very dangerous."

The old man shrugged and said, "danger? From you?"

"Ha ha."

The old man laughed so hard that he shook his head and said: "You look up to yourself too much. If you don\'t mention your strength, you don\'t deserve to give me shoes. Even if you reach the Mahatma, Tianzun and Tianshou, so what? I can still crush you with one finger. Boy, you can live because I gave you a chance to live because I promised your woman to let you go, otherwise I would have killed you with your value."

Yang Ping made a fighting posture, his eyes were dark, and said coldly, "senior is very powerful, but I Yang Ping won\'t sit and wait to die."

The old man sighed and said, "well, since you want to die, I will help you. You will die at the hands of others in the future, which will tarnish Wu Jialing\'s reputation." with a sigh, he shot, and the world suspended above Yang Ping collapsed, and a force above the small world suppressed it.


Yang Ping broke several ribs. At the same time, the terrible pressure made him unable to move, and he still couldn\'t gather all his strength. He was angry, roaring and yelling, but it didn\'t help, because the old man was too strong.

"Don\'t you have the five element gold needle? Although it\'s not the body, it\'s not bad. You can try it." the old man warned.

Yang Ping was shocked and realized that the old man was terrible. He knew that he had a peerless magic weapon, but his face remained unchanged. Was the other party really afraid or mysterious? But now facing the old man\'s threat, he had to use his strongest card.

Five element gold needle!

The golden pole across the spiritual world felt the call and stored in the body. It belonged to the world power of the girl who had been veiled, and broke out the strongest posture. Although it was not the noumenon, its power exceeded the heavenly Buddha. This was Yang Ping\'s strongest blow.

"You killed Zhu Xi?"

Yang Ping asked again. The black fog surging in his eyes will be demonized at any time.

The old man disdained and said, "that\'s all?"

Yang Ping was ruthless and secretly said that since you want to die, I will complete you. Therefore, the five element golden needle broke out, and the whole dragon city seemed to be shrouded in extreme oppression and panic. Even the dragon city consciousness was dormant under the light of the golden needle. The golden needle can hurt the will noumenon of the Dragon City, and the God should be afraid of.

The golden light shone on the old man.

The old man smiled and his eyes twinkled. He didn\'t know what he was thinking, but the next thing overturned Yang Ping\'s cognition. The invincible golden needle didn\'t burst out in front of the old man.

The golden light disappeared.

The old man swings his sleeve, and the universe in his sleeve directly breaks the attack of the golden needle. His sleeve is a vast world, which can hold countless energy. Even the explosion of the universe can not damage a penny.

universe of 1000000000 universes!

This is the real strength of the old man.

Generally, the realm of Tianzun can form a dust world, which is equivalent to having its own world, but it is not perfect. There will be no signs of life in it. However, further, it can form a small thousand world, in which there can be some single-cell organisms. The next level is the middle thousand world. Few people in the whole universe can reach such a realm, because it is above longevity Realm.

But the old man has the power of the world and is simply appalling.

When the golden needle disappeared, Yang Ping felt powerless, as if a mole ant wanted to challenge the sea and overestimated his strength. He deeply knew that the gap between the two people could not be filled by an artifact.

Boundless tyranny.

Yang Ping only felt that all the energy stored in the spiritual world had disappeared and was forcibly transferred by the old man. Although his strength had not been affected, he lacked the strongest card. If he faced the realm of heaven, he might not be able to fight. This was what he was most worried about.

All along, he was lucky and felt that he could fight the emperor with the golden needle. Now he lost his cards and had a little panic.

The old man waved away Yang Ping\'s strongest support and said coldly, "is that why you are arrogant in front of me? Without me, China can still find 20 people to kill you."

"Ignorant boy, you are too naive."

The old man kept hitting and satirizing, which made Yang Ping lose heart and confidence, as if in a desperate situation.

Seeing Yang Ping\'s dejected appearance, the old man\'s face was expressionless.

Countless worries came to his mind. Yang Ping completely lost his will to fight. He stared at the old man and waited for death. The old man stood opposite and did not attack, but an idea, a world, smashed the vacuum, and the black vortex almost rolled him into pieces.

Yang Ping fought between heaven and man, and fell into panic and hesitation.

What should I do?

I lose my strongest support. Can I protect the people around me if I meet an expert in the heaven realm?

What about the Pearl?

How does Zhu Xi resurrect?

Thinking of Mingzhu and Zhu Xi, Yang Ping, who lost his fighting spirit, felt a strong reluctance. The skin exudes amazing black fog. At Dantian, the dark source that originally suppressed the extreme appears again to control his body. Its realm and strength are rising to a terrible place.

The five worlds are suspended behind, releasing the power beyond thousands.

Directly smash the old man\'s great strength.

"I\'m not willing!"

Yang Ping roared up to the sky, his black hair danced, like a demon God, released terrible pressure, and even matched the momentum of the old man. If he said it, it would be shocking. A boy in the sub holy realm could fight against the invincible Southern king of heaven in the world.

The southern heavenly king is a peak across everyone\'s head.

He forced out the darkness in Yang Ping\'s body, his eyes twinkled, and said, "I see so much darkness and light, war and peace. I see countless Yin and Yang, and want to condense an unprecedented peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, the carrier is too weak. How can I bear such a big ideal."

As soon as you point out, the five elements world collapses.

Yang Ping screamed like a tear. The darkness penetrated into every pore and wanted to be completely controlled, but he was shattered by the finger of the South heavenly king. The darkness met the great power of the South heavenly king and hurried back to hibernate. However, the South heavenly king wanted to get rid of it completely, but it was very difficult to kill Yang Ping completely.

"Gathering the darkness of the former world on one person, you have more and more courage, which is impossible to succeed. However, it is not difficult for you to dare to do such an unprecedented experiment with your ability."

"But if you succeed, will the darkness in the hearts of all people in the world leave and become walking corpses? Including us?"

"Kill or not, are you testing my humanity?"

The old man stared at Yang Ping, who fell into a frenzy. It was difficult to make a choice for a time.

"No, it\'s not that simple."

The old man suddenly showed his light and said in surprise.