Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1244

So far, when Zhu Xi exchanged her life for Yang Ping, she actually made plans very early.

Debt repayment, well said, is just self sacrifice.

Zhu Xi volunteered to use his life to repay Yang Ping\'s debt, so he can get through the difficulties and achieve what he is now. It\'s a pity that he doesn\'t know that behind his strength, there was a girl who gave everything for him.

Mingzhu sighed and tried not to cry, for fear that Yang Ping in the next room would notice.

Keep a secret, a secret that can\'t be released for a lifetime. Mingzhu got up, hugged the quilt and held it tightly. Her suffering face was full of sadness. She wanted to go over and tell him countless times that not only she was willing to sacrifice, but also a girl, exchanged her life for her life, kept Yang Ping\'s breath and didn\'t want him to know. Compared with Zhu Xi, Mingzhu doesn\'t think she loves Yang Ping most. Instead, Zhu Xi loves more fanatically than her.

"You three are doomed to pain."

Before leaving, the old man of Tianmu took a deep look at the Pearl and said, "the way of heaven is merciless, and there is love in the world. A return from the Yellow Spring Road, the sinking of a son of destiny, and the fall of a fantasy world. In the past, now and future, you represent three time dimensions. You shouldn\'t be together, but you want to go against the sky. Why?"

Pearl looked at the Tianmu old man and lost her impulse of anger. She felt incomparable disgust in the face of a person whose strength was far higher than hers and a peerless expert who looked down on the world indifferently. These people think they are right and think that all things are mole ants, but in this world, if there is no grass, tree or stone, how can they have a foundation? They are just rootless duckweeds.

Tianmu old man seemed to see Mingzhu\'s resentment, rarely smiled and said, "you\'re actually good. I\'ll say it again. You\'re willing to be my disciple. I can make things start again."

Pearl\'s mind moved and hurriedly asked, "can Yang Ping be resurrected?"

Old Tianmu shook his head and said, "there are some things you shouldn\'t know. As long as you completely cut off your relationship with Yang Ping and I erase your memory, you can not only start again, but also climb to the top of the world. Would you like to?"

Pearl shook her head.

This is a great temptation, but Mingzhu doesn\'t hesitate to make a decision.

Without Yang Ping\'s world, what is worth remembering?

"Have you ever been young?" Pearl looked at the old man fearlessly.

Tianmu old man smiled and said, "in my eyes, what you understand is just the fetter of the ultimate road. You and Zhu Xi will become the fetter of Yang Ping in the future. He carries too many things on his body, and any bad one may die."

"You three are doomed to fetter."

The old man of Tianmu disappeared and Zhu Xi disappeared. Mingzhu looked at the empty place and sat for a long time. For a long time, Yang Ping\'s body recovered her vital characteristics, but she couldn\'t be happy because she had seen Zhu Xi leave with her own eyes.

I\'m so weak.

Pearl is drawn from the painful memories. If I am firm, if I am not afraid of losing my time with Yang Ping, if I am not disappointed, I can sacrifice like Zhu Xi.

"I lost."

Mingzhu knows that some things must be told to Yang Ping, otherwise she won\'t feel at ease all her life, because she lost and her life fluctuated. She thought it was a final decision. Unexpectedly, no one knows what the future will be like until the last moment.

She went to the door and wanted to open the door. Her hands were stiff in the air and hesitated.


Yang Ping just wanted to go in. Since he woke up, his heart was empty and he always felt that he was missing something. The disappearance of Zhu Xi, Yang Pingyuan thought it would be very calm, but his heart beat faster.

It\'s not a good feeling.

"What\'s going on?"

At the moment of choosing the Pearl, Yang Ping felt that he should live a good life, ignore the external disputes and focus his feelings on the Pearl. He still felt so before waking up. After waking up, he always felt something wrong.

Why are you more and more flustered with the Pearl.

Is Zhu Xi missing?

Yang Ping shook his head and said secretly, Yang Ping, you fool, it\'s enough to have one pearl. Why consider others. Zhu Xi has her own way and will have her own happiness, but it has nothing to do with herself.


Why is it so hard.

Yang Ping withdrew her hand and turned away.

At the same time, Zhu Xi didn\'t open the door.

They seemed to have a tacit understanding. They didn\'t go to each other. They could have met face to face. Unfortunately, they were a little worse after all. Yang Ping thought of Zhu Xi\'s restlessness for no reason. She thought that she would always find Zhu Xi anyway. Besides, she was too willful and always did some impulsive things. Now it\'s troublesome. When she comes back, she needs a good lesson.

Thinking like this, Yang Ping unknowingly left the treasure Pavilion.

Walking in the street without expression, Yang pingmang wandered aimlessly. When he came to the No. 3 villa of emerald Dragon Court, he was stunned and secretly said, how could he come here? It must be a coincidence that it has been so long.

Next, Yang Ping went to several places, all of which were memories related to Zhu Xi. Luohua bridge, Luoshui River and so on

Yang Ping stopped and finally understood why he missed Zhu Xi so much, because he had never put it down. On the surface, he was very heartless and broad-minded, but only he knew that those were just excuses.

The ominous feeling became stronger and stronger, and Yang Ping was uneasy. He covered his chest and sat on the stool to rest.

"Illusion, it must be an illusion."

Yang Ping got up, walked on, and finally came to the Castle Peak cemetery, where countless dignitaries were buried, standing beside the ancient tomb for a long time. He thought of that dream, woke up from the grave and found that there were countless peerless experts around him, all of whom were buried here.


Yang Ping looked at a new tomb in front of him.


He coughed violently and hurried to the front of the mountain. After confirming that the name was right, he was pale with fear and murmured, "it\'s impossible. He must be joking. God always likes to joke with me."

Tomb of Zhu Xi.


Yang Ping roared up into the sky, his eyes flushed, and gritted his teeth: "no, how could Zhu Xi die? It must be the same name and surname."

Walking to the grave, Yang Ping gently rubbed the tombstone, his heart dripping blood.

He couldn\'t believe that Zhu Xi disappeared because she died and was buried in the Castle Peak cemetery. He wanted to dig out the grave to see the truth, but he didn\'t dare. He was afraid that Zhu Xi was sleeping inside.

"What\'s the matter? What happened to me these days?"

"She sacrificed herself just to give you a chance."

An old man sat and suddenly appeared next to the grave. He puffed and smoked. He glanced at Yang Ping. Yang Ping was shocked. He just felt that he was seen through. There was no secret about his body.


Yang Ping stared at the old man without fear, although he knew that the strength of the old man was far above him.

"Because you shouldn\'t exist."

The old man said coldly.