Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1241

Black dragon?

When Yang Ping heard about it for the first time, he couldn\'t help looking at the Pearl and asked, "is this thing awesome?"

Mingzhu looked at Yang Ping angrily. She said that if this guy hadn\'t bothered her, she would have reached the peak of her life long ago. She also needed to discuss the god horse black dragon token here. Although it looks very mysterious, she thinks it\'s general. A token can be forced to where.

Boss Tao\'s face was positive and said, "yes, it\'s the black dragon order. I don\'t know how to appear on me. Alas, this thing is very evil. Although it\'s the realm of saints, it\'s not like joking. It scared the baby to death."

Yang Ping held back to vomit, smiled and scolded, "return the baby, don\'t be disgusting."

Boss Tao said hurriedly, "Yang Ping, don\'t underestimate this token. It\'s very mysterious. I can get the power of Longcheng through the token. Do you believe it?"

Yang Ping looked surprised.

But obviously I don\'t believe it.

Boss Tao sneered, took a deep breath, then held the token and closed his eyes. Then something strange happened. It was obvious that the air flow around him was accelerating. A powerful force surrounded him. This force was very familiar. Yang Ping used it a lot and was surprised: "You can use the power of the dragon city. Is there no mistake? You can lie in a trough like a bird. When was the identity of the leader of the dragon city so worthless?"

The peach boss, with a black face, smiled and scolded, "don\'t talk nonsense. Just tell me. My strength will more than double when I use the power of tokens. This is still a situation where I don\'t understand deeply. Now I can understand only one tenth at most."

Yang Ping was shocked.

Understanding one tenth of the token can double your strength, which is too exaggerated. It shows that the black dragon card is a good thing. If you use it on yourself, can you sweep the world?

"Let me play?" Yang Ping said excitedly.

Boss Tao showed a wary expression, shook his head and said, "no, this thing belongs to me and no one can touch it. But even if you use it, it won\'t work. He is consistent with my life, and others are useless."

Yang Ping naturally didn\'t believe it. Regardless of boss Tao\'s sad expression, he grabbed it, held it, and said, "come on, I want to double my strength."


He found no response and tried several times. Yang Ping said angrily, "why is it useless to me."

Boss Tao carefully took the token and explained, "I told you that people with inconsistent fate can\'t stimulate their strength. Moreover, I think holding the token is like holding my first love, very happy and powerful."

Yang Ping looked at his narcissism and said, "you are a pervert. You attribute the improvement of your strength to a token."

The peach boss disdained: "you know a fart. I admit that my talent is not as good as you, but when I understand all the secrets of the complete black dragon token, I can use almost half of the power of the dragon city. I believe you will not be my opponent at that time."

Yang Ping was noncommittal.

The Pearl said seriously, "I didn\'t expect the black dragon card to choose you. But then you are very dangerous. Other people who get the black dragon token will kill you without any means."

The peach boss was startled and shouted, "no mistake. Do others get the black dragon order?"

When Mingzhu saw the peach boss, she really didn\'t know the origin of the black dragon order and explained: "The black dragon token is actually the identity recognition of the candidate for the leader of the dragon city. Only when you get the token can you become the leader of the dragon city. The black dragon token is actually a kind of Dragon God token, and other green dragon token, Thunder Dragon token and so on are the identity symbols of the candidate. This is an elimination process. Killing your competitors can get the real recognition of the dragon city. It is invincible in the world."

"Invincible in the world?"

Yang Ping couldn\'t hear it and said with a smile, "well, pearl, it\'s right for the peach boss to be open, but it doesn\'t hurt him. The black dragon makes me feel ordinary."

Mingzhu glared at him again, making Yang Ping soft and laughing.

"In fact, the black dragon order is the weakest one. There is little hope. The Dragon God order has a total of 18 tokens. When all tokens are combined, they will become a real dragon god order. The person who gets the Dragon God order is the real heir."

Yang Ping listened carefully and felt that Mingzhu would not make up stories for no reason.

Does the Dragon God order really exist?

"There are two ways to obtain the Lord of the dragon city. One is to obtain the imperial scepter, and the other is to obtain the Dragon God order. It is not easy. Yang Ping has obtained the scepter before and swallowed it up, so there is no saying of Scepter inheritance, but the Dragon God order is the most recognized."

The two men were stunned and listened attentively.

Mingzhu added: "the gathering of Dragon God orders is an elimination process, so other people who get tokens will try their best to kill the holders of other tokens, so boss Tao, you are in danger."

Boss Tao said confidently, "don\'t worry about this. I\'m a sage. I\'m also a famous person in the Jianghu. Anyone who dares to fight me should weigh his weight. I don\'t bother others. Others should burn Gao Xiang."

"The token holder can be anyone, but he is definitely the one with the same fate. If it was in the past, you don\'t have to be afraid at all, and you can even easily get the position of the leader of the Dragon City, but now the dragon city is chaotic and mixed with Jianghu people, including some top saints."

"Wait!" the smile on boss Tao\'s face disappeared, the corners of his mouth twitched and asked, "you don\'t want to say that someone\'s strength is much stronger than me?"

Pearl nodded and looked at him sympathetically.

Boss Tao was so frightened that he threw away the token and shook his head and said, "forget it, I\'m a saint. I don\'t like things, I don\'t feel sorry for myself, and I won\'t lose myself because of my rights. Who wants the position of the Lord of the Dragon City, and what I get from fighting and killing is not worth money."

Yang Ping despised him.

Just now I said how awesome it is. Now I hear that there is a great saint competition. I know there is no hope to lose it immediately. Is this still a saint?

It\'s enough to disgrace a saint.

Boss Tao didn\'t know what Yang Ping meant, so he deliberately didn\'t go to see it. He coughed and said, "I\'ll throw it away. Forget it, I\'d better be a saint who stands aloof from the world and sit and watch the clouds roll and the flowers bloom and fall."

"Someone will come to you soon."

Mingzhu seriously said that no one can refuse the temptation of the Dragon God order, because getting it means going further, and you can also get the opportunity of the legendary unparalleled artifact, and the heavenly Buddha will be greedy, so the peach boss must face many experts who are much stronger than him.

"No, I won\'t argue. It\'s boring." boss Tao looked at Yang Ping and said with a smile, "well... You haven\'t done anything lately. I\'ll hang out with you. Helping others is the foundation of happiness."

"No need." Yang Ping shook his head.

The peach boss shouted, "Oh, how can I do that? I can\'t let my friends suffer. I can\'t. I can be your secretary. It\'s OK to serve tea and pour water."

Yang Ping smiled and looked at boss Tao\'s old face slightly red. Suddenly, he looked outside the door and said, "someone is looking for you."

Boss Tao was surprised. The strength that could avoid his perception was definitely still above him. Unexpectedly, a token plunged him into a bloody storm, which was equal to a human target. He hurriedly said, "who, who will give it to me."

grow vigorously

A sharp laugh came from the outer wall. A thin black shadow fell in the yard. Seeing the peach boss, he showed amazing killing and greed. He said angrily, "the black dragon order is on you. Take it out."