Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1240

Yang Ping knows Mingzhu very well. In front of him, Mingzhu won\'t hide her emotions. From her expression, she must know something about Zhu Xi, but it\'s not easy to ask directly. After all, no matter how urgent the matter is, she can\'t bear to hurt Mingzhu.

"It\'s all right." Yang Ping stroked Pearl\'s perfect cheek, gently kissed her forehead and said, "Zhu Xi has a very mysterious power in her body. Most saints are not opponents. It\'s estimated that she is hiding somewhere to practice."

The Pearl stopped talking.

Yang Ping looked into the Pearl\'s eyes.

But Mingzhu still didn\'t say, reluctantly smiled and said, "auspicious people have their own appearance. Zhu Xi is not a short-lived person."

Yang Ping nodded, took Mingzhu\'s hand and walked around the treasure pavilion until the bamboo forest couldn\'t help but look at it. Pearl nestled in her arms and felt Yang Ping\'s heartbeat like thunder. It was very powerful and full of security. She was reluctant to leave, so she closed her eyes and quietly enjoyed a moment of peace.

"I can\'t bear to leave you." Mingzhu murmured.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "how can you leave me? I won\'t let you go. Even if God wants to take you away, I won\'t allow it. No one can bully my Yang Ping woman." holding Mingzhu\'s cheek, he said affectionately, "Mingzhu, I won\'t let you suffer any injustice in the future."

Pearl\'s delicate body trembled and looked at him blankly. There was no language to describe the sweetness in her heart, because with the present, she was willing to die at the next moment. How pearl wants to stay together forever, but it\'s a pity

"I\'m a little sleepy." Pearl whispered.

Yang Ping picked her up and said with a smile, "OK, let\'s go to bed."

Pearl\'s face is red and her heart is pounding. It is reasonable to say that with her experience, she is a famous socialite in Longcheng. She has seen all kinds of men\'s pursuit and should be calm. However, Yang Ping\'s every move deeply affects her heart and makes her unable to extricate herself.

Although they are sure of their relationship, they have never had a substantive occurrence, and Mingzhu has no experience. Although it has fascinated countless men in the past, it is neimei\'s talent and elegant temperament between hands and feet, which has nothing to do with going to bed. Men are haunted by their appearance alone.

When Yang Ping held up, Mingzhu felt the strong vibration and was even flustered, such as a deer bumping. Although she tried her best to restrain her inner impulse, the slender jade hand holding Yang Ping\'s shoulder couldn\'t help shaking.

Yang Ping felt the emotion of the Pearl and walked slowly down the mountain.

At this moment, Yang Ping seemed to have walked for a long time. Yang Ping wanted to rush up, but he was also trying to restrain himself in order to be gentle in front of the Pearl. Because the next two may have a very in-depth discussion of human nature.

Open the door.

Yang Ping put the Pearl on the bed, looked into her eyes and whispered, "you are so beautiful“

Mingzhu said well, closed her eyes and got ready.

Yang Ping took a deep breath and slowly stretched out his hand to hold the button of his clothes. He wanted to untie it, but he found that his hand was shaking like a pearl. He couldn\'t help scolding himself for being a waste. It\'s just to untie the button. Do you need to be nervous?

It\'s not that he\'s not nervous, but that he pays too much attention to it for fear that the first beauty will be damaged by recklessness. Finally, he unties the first button and sees a touch of ice and snow like skin inside. Mingzhu snorts and grabs Yang Ping\'s hand.

"Don\'t you want to?" Yang Ping asked hurriedly, his face a little anxious. "I... I was just impulsive. If you don\'t want to, i... I won\'t force it. I\'m sorry..."

Mingzhu saw his embarrassed appearance like a little man, made her smile like flowers, and then took the initiative to get up and untie the buttons by herself.


Yang Ping couldn\'t help swallowing her saliva when she saw that Mingzhu\'s actions were so beautiful. She wondered how he de could have such a perfect woman. Each action of Mingzhu was so enchanting and seemed to be teasing him. The expression of wanting to say goodbye was extraordinarily enchanting, like a plum blossom in winter. After it was in full bloom, she seemed to tell him, come on, love me hard.

Pearl is very happy and satisfied, because what she sees in Yang Ping\'s eyes is love, which is full of possessive love. Nothing makes a woman happier than the man she loves deeply.

A woman\'s face is pleasing to herself.

Pearl has made psychological preparations. Today, she will give her body to Yang Ping completely.

Yang Ping was so excited that he was about to realize his life dream and climb the peak. An untimely cry sounded at the door: "Yang Ping, Yang Ping, come out quickly. I found an important clue."

There was no moment when she wanted to kill boss Tao. Yang Ping glared at the door, but didn\'t answer, but wanted to continue. But Mingzhu was shy, hurriedly covered her chest and said in a trembling voice: "you... Go out. What if you do recently?"

Yang Ping gnashes her teeth. She doesn\'t know how many times she curses boss Tao. Looking at the nervous look of the Pearl under her, she sighs. It seems that she can\'t do that today. Dress well and go out with anger. If boss Tao doesn\'t have a convincing reason to destroy his good deeds this time, Yang Ping wants boss Tao to suffer a little.

Pushing the door, Yang Ping didn\'t have a good way: "yelling, what\'s the matter?"

Boss Tao glanced at the room and naturally found something. He was stunned. He was embarrassed to get up and said, "well... Am I coming at a bad time?"

Yang Ping said angrily, "what do you say?"

Boss Tao showed a helpless expression and said secretly, how do I know what you two want to do? I don\'t do it for so much time in the future. Now I close the door in the daytime, and the psycho knows that something\'s wrong. After all, I disturb the little couple and smile, "why don\'t I come later?"

"Well, don\'t pretend to force, fart quickly." Yang Ping didn\'t have a good airway.

Boss Tao said reluctantly, "I really won\'t find you for ordinary things. But I\'ll show you something and you\'ll know the seriousness of the matter." then he took out a black token from his pocket, looked straight and said, "I got it."

Yang Ping stared at the black token.

There is a mysterious grain on it. It is carved with a word, dragon. The handwriting is overbearing, as if it were natural. The grain realm on the token is unpredictable and can\'t be understood for a time. Yang Ping asked, "how did you come from?"

The peach boss had a bitter face and said helplessly, "I don\'t know. I saw it when I got up in the morning. I don\'t know that bastard prank. I put the token in my arms. I fell asleep with the token in my arms. I thought someone could appear in my room silently. I didn\'t dare to go to bed at night."

Yang Ping scolded, "it\'s just a token. You make a fuss. Don\'t say it\'s my friend after you go out. I feel ashamed!"


Boss Tao thought of something, looked frightened and said, "I feel that the token has a strong attraction to me. It\'s like taking drugs. I can\'t leave. If someone takes it away, I\'ll try my best."

"This is the black dragon token."

Yang Ping couldn\'t understand it. The dignified voice of the Pearl came from the door of the room.