Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1242

He was very ugly and short. He held a skeleton Scepter in his hand. There was a faint green light in the skeleton\'s empty eyes, and wisps of phosphorous fire surrounded his head. When they appeared in front of the three people, the earth seemed to be creeping, and each sand seemed to have its own life.

The earth attribute originates from the great sage.

I didn\'t expect to be a great saint at the beginning of his appearance, and he was also a great saint with strong local attribute defense. He was brazen and looked recklessly at the three people. He directly ignored Yang Ping and boss Tao and fell on Mingzhu. When he found that he was a gorgeous beauty, he laughed: "It\'s said that there is a beautiful woman in the treasure house. She is naturally charming. It\'s really good. I happen to lack a concubine. You\'ll follow me in the future. I\'m sure no one dares to touch you."

The Pearl\'s eyes flashed and her heart was filled with murder.

Yang Ping insulted his woman as soon as someone appeared, and the smile on his face was even brighter. As for boss Tao, after seeing the other party\'s unfathomable strength, he hurriedly retreated and hid behind Yang Ping, but his mouth was unforgiving and dealt with: "who are you? How dare you be reckless in the treasure pavilion? You will die miserably later."

The visitor laughed and disdained to say: "I can kill any of you with your three little cats. A saint\'s initial state is good, but he doesn\'t deserve to lift my shoes. I can crush him with one hand. There is also a disabled man. Well, it seems that Lei Wanjun was killed by you before, but now he is disabled. As for the female doll, I pity you and give you a chance to live and follow the future outcome of a disabled man It\'s much worse than following me. You have to think about it. Hey, hey. "

He looked at Mingzhu\'s figure unscrupulously. People had long been informed that the treasure house was empty and could be trampled on. Originally, everyone was afraid of Yang Ping, because he was the Lord of the dragon city. He was blessed by the power of the Dragon City, challenged beyond the level, and even killed experts in the great saint realm. However, the emergence of the Dragon God order meant that Yang Ping lost his identity as the Lord of the dragon city and became a company Saints are not little guys. It\'s said that they have lost their power. Isn\'t it a waste?

"You two commit suicide, or you\'ll be trained to survive. Life is better than death." the visitor pointed to Yang Ping and boss Tao, condescending and unspeakable contempt, "if I kill you, I still think my hands are dirty."

"Female doll, you can serve me. As for other men, I don\'t need to think about it at all. When I become the Lord of the Dragon City, I can break through the great saint realm and achieve the heavenly statue. At that time, the whole world was not my opponent." the visitor dreamed of a better future and was very excited.

These three people belong to the bag.

Boss Tao wants to provoke, but when he sees Yang Ping\'s cold face, he quickly shuts up. He rarely sees Yang Ping so angry and frightened. At the same time, he expresses silence to the man. When Yang Ping is angry, he is very terrible.

"What are you still doing? Do you want me to do it myself?" the visitor was very confident in his realm. When he saw the three people motionless, he was unhappy.


As soon as Yang Ping spoke, boss Tao bowed his head obediently, while Pearl showed concern. Although he knew that Yang Ping\'s strength had recovered, losing his identity as the Lord of the dragon city was tantamount to losing the most important dependence. He gathered his strength and was ready to help Yang Ping when necessary.

One is a great saint, and the other is not even a saint.

Make a decision.

Boss Tao is still worried.

But in the next scene, the peach boss\'s eyes stared out and showed a ghost like expression.

The space of the treasure pavilion was locked, and the earth under my feet was infused with spirit. Someone controlled the whole manor. The three were trapped in it and couldn\'t fly. He shook his head and said with regret: "in that case, I just need to make some efforts, and you three die. No, the woman stayed. When I\'m tired of playing, I\'ll give it to others as a gift."


The visitor only felt a flower in front of him, and then a hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed his neck.

Then an expressionless face appeared in front of him. The visitor was cold and dared not dare to compete with him. However, he found that the other party was just in a flat state and was angry. Yang Ping was not even a saint. How could he be afraid?

"You want to die."

A layer of yellow energy envelops the whole body. People use the original power of the great saint level. The earth attribute pays attention to defense. However, the body with the earth attribute power is very terrible, which can let people in the same realm bombard him casually and be safe. It\'s a great shame for only an Asian saint to hold his neck.

He wanted to break Yang Ping\'s arm and let him know the consequences of recklessness.

The power of the earth attribute becomes more and more thick. In the future, people will be wrapped into a clay figurine, but the vigorous defense power will almost overturn the whole land. Countless energy will gather on the people, showing the terrible power of the great sage.

Boss Tao is more worried. He is not a fool. If he is himself, just someone to move his mind, he can crush his body and won\'t even leave his soul. Besides, Yang Ping holds each other\'s key and bears countless times more pressure than he thought.

"Be careful." boss Tao couldn\'t help reminding him. Competing with a great sage with native attributes is purely for death.

Pearl is also worried and ready to take action at any time.

The comer smiled and said, "boy, it\'s too late for you to regret now. Don\'t you know that my earth attribute original blessing can hard resist attacks of the same level? You\'re just a saint. Even if you let you fight, you won\'t hurt me at all."

"Now you make me angry, so the consequences are serious."


Come to drink lightly, directly let the soil of the foot discolouration, extract the essence of the earth, gather into a mountain peak, suspend on the top of the head, press down toward Yang Ping\'s head, peach boss changes color, want to rush to go up, but just touched the mountain peak, scream, vomit blood to fly across, can not help but show the color of horror.

What a terrible mountain power.

He was bounced off before he got close. Yang Ping was so close. How should he deal with it?

Obviously, everyone\'s concerns are superfluous.

Because Yang Ping\'s face did not change, he allowed the other party to support the power of soil attribute, stood motionless in front of him, held the pair up with one hand, and said coldly, "is that all?"

The other party\'s color changed and hurried to urge all the power of soil attributes, but it was useless. Let your earth collapse and I wouldn\'t move like a mountain.


The other party couldn\'t believe that Yang Ping could not only resist the pressure of the mountains, but also move the mountains. He was directly raised. You should know that the earth power he blessed is equal to a mountain peak. Even people who surpass him can\'t move.

But Yang Ping did it.

It seems that the rumor is wrong.

Did Yang Ping not lose his strength, but go further!

People here don\'t believe in evil and feel that Yang Ping is just a puppet without the blessing of the power of the dragon city. He roared repeatedly, and countless cracks appeared in the mountains suspended above his head, like the terrorist force caused by the earthquake.


The visitor used his extreme strength and seemed to see the miserable look of Yang Ping who had exceeded his strength.

"Is that it?"

But the result is always slapping, hot pain, people stare at beads.

Yang Ping nodded and said, "it should be your strongest strength, and so is the great sage power of earth attribute."


In the other party\'s frightened eyes, he twisted his wrist and forcibly broke his neck. Yang Ping threw the man on the ground and shook his head and said, "I thought how powerful you are. You dare to mix with this strength. The position of the Lord of the dragon city is so easy to sit."


Boss Tao\'s eyes were dull. After a long time, he scolded: "I Cao, you can easily kill a great saint. You\'re right."

Yang Ping snorted coldly, "dare to insult my woman and look for death."

A yellow token flew out of the other party and Yang Ping held it in his hand. Huanglong token wants to fly away, but Yang Ping\'s palm is too strong and is directly imprisoned. He shook his head and said, "to others, tokens are precious. In my opinion, they are just shit."

Then Yang Ping showed his terrorist power after the disaster.

The Yellow token is directly crushed.

Yang Ping smashed the Yellow token at will with his physical strength.