Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1237


Yang Ping was shocked to see the Pearl in her arms disappear a little, but there was no sadness on her face, but there was a strong reluctance and attachment. She shouted, "Pearl, what\'s going on!"

Pearl stretched out her green fingers and wanted to touch his face. Unfortunately, she passed directly through her face. Her body became empty and there was no way to make material contact. With a long sigh, she said with regret: "I didn\'t expect this day to come so fast. I\'m leaving. Yang Ping, thank you for your company during this time."

"Nonsense!" Yang Ping hurriedly shouted, "I must be dreaming!"

Mingzhu said with a bitter smile, "you\'re not dreaming, it\'s all true." at the moment, her whole body is like a gorgeous light spot, floating in front of her, within reach, but at the end of the world, with a reluctant smile on her face, she stretched out her hand to catch Yang Ping, but like the running water in her hand, she can\'t hold it, can\'t catch it, and slowly ran away.


Yang Ping burst into a terrible momentum, towering over the heaven and earth, and a golden column of light rose into the sky to pierce the sky above his head. The unparalleled breath tarnished the heaven and earth, the earth under his feet disappeared, the sky above his head disappeared, and even his breath disappeared. The square formed an absolute star region. In the star region, Yang Ping is the master and can control everything, but in the star region, All black, full of boundless darkness and despair.

A vast starry sky.

Yang Ping\'s black hair was flying, his eyes exuded monstrous magic, and roared, "impossible, pearl, you won\'t leave me, and no one can take you away."

Seeing the change of Yang Ping, Mingzhu\'s only remaining consciousness dissipated waste heat and said anxiously, "don\'t do this. You\'re awake, Yang Ping. It\'s doomed. It\'s not me but others who accompany you to the old age."

Yang Ping laughed wildly and said in a cold voice, "I don\'t believe in fate. I only believe in myself!"

"If heaven oppresses me, I will destroy heaven."

"If the earth bullies me, I will crush this land."

"God wants to stop me. I meet God and kill God."

The demons of terror spread out, and the dark clouds in Longcheng covered the sky, as if it was the end of the day. Yang Ping did not allow the Pearl to leave him, so he showed an unprecedented posture, forming a starry sky, which means creating a world by himself. When the star domain appeared and the world was formed, the form of the Pearl became an entity.

Seeing the appearance of the complete pearl, a strange light flashed in the pupil.

Although the Pearl appeared, it was very terrible to see Yang Ping, because the price to keep her was unimaginable. Even if it was the emperor of heaven, it was impossible to fight against fate. Even at the level of the North heavenly king, it was still impossible to revive a person in time and space.

But Yang Ping did it.

He completed an unprecedented era.

Life goes out like fireworks, the sky is gorgeous for a while, and then enters the dark period. It is endless darkness and the star field is unstable. He can only force it to maintain for a very short time, so he can only watch the Pearl disappear again.

A faint sigh came from the void.

"Take care of yourself."

The Pearl disappeared. This time, even light and shadow did not form, and black clouds surged in the sky. Thick silver snakes swam away, soaking up the cold awn and locking Yang Ping. God didn\'t allow any strange things to appear, so there was a roar, and the sky came thunder.

This is a thunder robbery that has disappeared for decades.

In those days, the nine Heavenly God thunder, which could only appear when a big man who walked against the sky and threatened the way of heaven was promoted, was furious because of Yang Ping\'s ability and fell nine purple heavenly thunder.

The Pearl disappeared.

Yang Ping was in a frenzied state. In the face of the nine Heavenly God thunder, he was fearless, but showed a contemptuous expression. Yes, the corners of his mouth were filled with contempt and affection without affectation. If it was someone else, even ordinary genius would be destroyed in the face of a sky thunder, and he could not resist the disaster of heaven and earth at all. However, Yang Ping was born with golden fists in the face of thunder, and fell on the golden thunder one by one.

The heavy lightning fell and was shattered by Yang Ping\'s fist before it became powerful. He roared up to the sky: "thief God, you have the ability to take me, I\'m not afraid of you!" Tiandao felt that his dignity had been violated, so the world was quiet for an instant.

Very strange silence.

The dragon city was quiet, as if a heartbeat could be heard. In the face of the anger of heaven, Longcheng\'s will lurked and became a shrinking turtle. He dared not face it. Longcheng\'s will directly avoided the thunder robbery of heaven and abandoned the seal yoke of blessing on Yang Ping. In other words, Yang Ping\'s current physical state is not oppressed by the will of Longcheng. It is very terrible.

A golden palace appeared in the clouds.

In a flash.

But still shocked the Jianghu.

but deep clouds set me wondering where.

In the thick clouds, on a spotless stone step, a gorgeous woman in white walked barefoot on it. She suddenly stopped and looked at the direction of the dragon city and said, "it\'s one of the three legendary heaven robbers, the Jade Emperor robber. This son is even more rebellious than expected, but I don\'t know whether Tao can get through the difficulties. Two old monsters were born. It seems that the oath of that year has finally been broken."

"What are you going to do?"

The gorgeous woman said softly, as if she were talking to the clouds or talking to herself. The lonely tone made the camellia flowers in the unknown place of the cloud bloom particularly gorgeous and almost dye the thick fog red.

Mengshan, the top of the mountain.

A dry old man and Shang pan sat on the edge of the cliff, plain, integrated with heaven and earth, regardless of each other. Heaven and earth is him, he is heaven and earth. The sky overhead, the clouds of Mengshan, because of his appearance, he assumed a submissive attitude.

Taoist Zun knelt on the ground and prostrated respectfully in front of him, his body trembling. Taoist Zun has several masters in the world, but facing the old monk, it\'s like an ant trying to see the towering huge tree. No, it should be an ant looking at the stars. Taoist Zun is too small in front of the old monk.

"Why do you kneel down to me?"

The old monk sat here for seven days and seven nights. Now he opened his eyes and looked at the direction of the dragon city. He didn\'t care about the posture of the Taoist priest. One of the three disasters in the Dragon City, the Jade Emperor robbery, startled the world and wept ghosts and gods, and woke the old monk.

The old monk is naturally the king of the north.

A person who should not exist in this world.

The Taoist priest respectfully said, "I\'m kneeling."

The old monk asked again, "what is heaven?"

"The heart of heaven is my heart."

Taoist Zun\'s answer made the old monk smile, as if he had penetrated all the thoughts in Taoist Zun\'s heart, making Taoist Zun extremely nervous. Taoist Zun can look down on the world and look down on ordinary people. There are no people in the world who can make him nervous, but the old monk\'s eyes made Taoist Zun afraid of any conspiracy. Because in the eyes of the old monk, any conspiracy is nothingness.

"What do you think?" the old monk asked.

The Taoist priest replied, "the sky is Yang Ping\'s limit."

The old monk smiled and said, "you\'re very talkative. What\'s your purpose when you kneel for seven days?"


The Taoist priest looked very pious and said.


The old monk smiled, pointed to the dragon city and said, "what I think, can you do it?"

Taoist Zun hurriedly said, "it must be OK."


"The heart of heaven is my heart."