Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1238

The withered eyebrows stretched out, like two withered leaves drooping on the branches, which may fall at any time. The old monk finally nodded his head when he heard the answer from Taoist Zun. Tao Zun was calm on the surface, but he was ecstatic in his heart. He understood that he finally passed the first impression level. If you want to learn from an old monk, you want fate, not talent. No matter how powerful the talent is, it\'s nothing in front of the old monk. The old monk didn\'t know how many times and how many talents he had seen. He also came to the peak from the bodies of a pair of peerless demons. He didn\'t care about these at all.

Therefore, the Taoist priest was not sure about coming, because any plot track did not work in front of the old monk. He\'s just trying, in case he can be liked. Now the old monk\'s reaction was unexpected.

The heavenly heart is my heart.

The way of heaven is my way.

This is the Tao of Taoist Zun. Unexpectedly, he was recognized by the old monk. Taoist Zun was overjoyed and excited from the bottom of his heart.

"What do you think of the Dragon City falling into a magic barrier?" the old monk asked casually.

Taoist Zun immediately became nervous, thought about it, and said, "the will of the dragon city is distorted, and the people are possessed. It\'s nothing more than starting over again. Destruction is rebirth, and rebirth is also destruction. Unfortunately, no one knows the painstaking efforts of the predecessors. Persisting in mistakes is just passing away."

The old monk didn\'t answer.

Taoist Zun felt it necessary to say one more thing and said, "Yang Ping, this son must die."

The old monk was more interested in the Tao than the Tao Zun showed. He asked, "you seem to have a big opinion on Yang Ping."

Taoist Zun hurriedly said: "I want to eradicate Yang Ping. He is not a personal gratitude and resentment. He is my senior brother\'s apprentice and my nephew. I should protect him in terms of relationship. However, he is a lonely star of Tiansha and a factor of chaos. Once let go, it may cause chaos in the future. For the dawn of the world, we can only sacrifice Yang Ping."

"At dawn?"

The old monk looked at Taoist Zun with deep meaning, and then said, "do you know why I ask you this?"

Taoist Zun was stunned, but he quickly replied seriously: "elder, I care about the people and benefit the common people."

The old monk smiled and said, "you have something interesting. Although you are anxious and unpredictable, you can keep your face unchanged. If you were an owl a hundred years ago, it\'s a pity that you were born now and can\'t do anything. Even if you change your life against the sky, you will eventually die in Yang Ping\'s hands. This is the number."

Taoist Zun turned pale and looked at the old monk in surprise.

The old monk waved his hand and said, "don\'t explain. The reason why I ask you is because I care about you. There are talents from generation to generation. You are not a trendsetter of the times or a protagonist, but I can make you a protagonist."

Taoist Zun was shocked. He knew that the next words might affect his life.

Lao he Shang said, "kill Yang Ping, but you can\'t do it yourself. You must deceive heaven, and his luck will fall on you. Understand?"

Taoist Zun\'s heart beat faster.

Bang bang!

Taoist Zun couldn\'t help being excited. His face flushed and trembled: "thank you for your advice."

The old monk asked, "are you still willing to worship me as a teacher?"

Taoist Zun shook his head, looked firmly and said, "times are changing, and so will luck. This time the elder didn\'t value me, it doesn\'t mean I can\'t do it next time. I\'ll show it to the elder." then he got up and left, turning into a smoke cloud.

The old monk closed his eyes again and his body melted into the void. It seemed that he had never been here.

Past, present, future.

The old monk seemed to be able to shuttle freely, but just as he was about to erase the mark of history, a disdainful laughter came from the sky. At random, the old monk grew a flower in his original position, the flower of the future.

"Brother Tianmu, long time no see."

The old monk reappeared. There was a flower beside him, symbolizing one flower and one world. He was the flower, the world and another time and space. As soon as the voice fell, the old monk looked ahead. I don\'t know when the clouds on the top of Mengshan Mountain dispersed and turned into reality, revealing that the Rocky Mountains are not shaded by trees. If someone knows that the top of Mengshan mountain is just a bare area, not a legendary fairyland, he will definitely lose his chin.

The clouds dispersed.

The old man called Tianmu looked at the old monk and said, "I didn\'t expect you to be as insidious as before. Obviously you don\'t want to be infected with cause and effect, but you let others do it. You\'re as cowardly as before."

The old monk said calmly, "brother Tianmu, you and I have been suppressed by that pair of masters for a hundred years. Don\'t you wake up? You had a strong relationship with Lei Feng, but in the end, you were just used. The road ahead is almost blocked. If you step back, you and I may become real history."

Old Tianmu said, "you want to kill Yang Ping and seize fortune, but you suspect that there is some opportunity in Yang Ping. Come on, Lei Feng is not a fool and won\'t waste too much on a test object. You know that Lei Feng has more than one test object, and Yang Ping is just one of them."

"Everything is an experiment," the old monk said seriously.

"Lying trough, don\'t pull it. It\'s no use. I\'m not those silly birds. I\'ve been playing around by you. I\'m here for other reasons this time." old Tianmu smiled at the old monk and looked at his body, as if he wanted to see through.

The old monk smiled and said, "why?"

"Kill you, I can\'t see it. What a silly bird."

Old man Tianmu suddenly looked serious and said seriously, "I find it\'s a good time to do it. You were seriously injured in Cihang Jingzhai. Lei Feng\'s means are not so easy to deal with."

To see a world in a flower.

Flowers bloom and people disappear.

The old monk completely disappeared, and he was stunned when he saw the old man Tianmu. When he saw that the small flowers on the cliff were broken, it almost took the power of a flower, indicating that the old monk spent a lot of energy to leave and didn\'t want to be entangled by the old man Tianmu.

But just like this, the old man of Tianmu held his stomach and laughed.

"Silly bird, I haven\'t seen anyone so afraid of death. You\'re finished, old bald donkey. You can\'t beat me this time. You\'ll die next time."

"If I don\'t fight with you, it doesn\'t mean I\'m afraid of you. Brother Tianmu, one day you will understand my kindness. It\'s not aimed at you. Obviously you can\'t cut off the past. In that case, let\'s see."

Tianmu old man spat, "silly bird."

Dragon city.

When the Jade Emperor\'s disaster fell, a Golden Whip floated out of the palace, and then whipped it down. I only heard the roar all my life. Yang Ping on the ground was staggered. The Jade Emperor\'s disaster was one of the most terrible disasters. He could have insisted on keeping the Pearl for a period of time, but after the interruption.


Yang Ping\'s black hair stood upright. When he saw the Pearl disappear, he was angry and shouted, "thief, God, I\'m going to tear you!"

But it\'s all over.

The repeated attacks made Yang Ping crazy. The legendary disaster not only failed to defeat Yang Ping, but also quenched a golden light. Yang Ping didn\'t find that after mental confusion, his body of Nine Yang finally showed another realm by purely cultivating his body.

A legendary realm of flesh

The golden palace disappeared and the lightning annihilated.

Yang Ping was scorched black, closed her eyes and entered a mysterious realm of understanding.

open one \'s eyes.

But it is a pair of beautiful eyes, and the pupils are full of care and worry.