Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1236

In fact, the Liu family doesn\'t have much hatred with the Zhu family. In principle, there can\'t be no contradiction between the families. Let alone killing the core members will cause a huge storm. Yang Ping feels extremely angry at the scene in front of him. A murderous spirit erupts from his chest. He knows that Zhu Yan is evil, but when he sees the scene in front of him, he still feels that he underestimates the other party. Zhu Yan is a devil.

Even children.

Killing two subjects, Yang Ping picked up a Zhu\'s child, about three years old, but his eyes lost their light. The smelly environment made the wound inflamed, maggots grow, groans powerlessly, and shivers in the cold dungeon.

In the Yin and Ze dungeon, dozens of lineal blood bodies of the Liu family were not complete, especially some seedlings with good talent. Zhu Yan emptied their blood to become useless people. Yang Ping was angry at such a thing.

"Don\'t..." the Zhu family\'s children are like trembling flowers in the wind. Their empty pupils are full of panic and fear, which is deplorable.

The third master stumbled into the cell and saw the people in the dungeon clearly. He couldn\'t help roaring up to the sky.

"Zhu Yan, you beast, I\'ll kill you!"

Yang Ping was not as excited as the third master. He immediately started treatment. He had seen terrible scenes, but some wounds could never be cured. For example, children\'s eyes could never see the light.

This was not the first time that he felt that his medical skills were useless, but he still felt pain. His fingers trembled holding the silver needle. Yang Ping silently pricked the needle. It was an hour after dealing with the dungeon. He completely eliminated the experts of Zhu\'s villa, and then took the wounded out of the dungeon and came to the ground.

Those people who could still see breathed the air outside and knelt on the ground and cried. The child also cried bitterly. But after crying, he suddenly seemed very silent. He seemed unwilling to speak and recall the events of these days. It was something that anyone felt terrible even when recalling.

"Where\'s Zhu Yan? I\'m going to take revenge!"

The third master\'s voice was hoarse and angry. He shouted, "even if I die, I will go to hell with him."

Yang Ping said the treasure Pavilion thing again and advised: "Third Master, now you are the only sage in the Liu family. Please don\'t be impulsive. The key is to start again with the Liu family."

The third master stared at Yang Ping and wanted to stop talking.

Finally, the third master sighed and left with his people. He seemed unwilling to talk to Yang Ping. Yang Ping came forward and tried to pick up the blind child, but his parents pushed him away. The child\'s father stared at Yang Ping with resentment, gnashing his teeth and sneered, "Yang Ping, are you crying cats and mice for false compassion?"

The third master turned pale and looked sternly at the talking people.

Yang Ping stopped the third master and said, "it\'s okay."

The child\'s father became angry, completely ignoring the third master\'s eyes, grabbed Yang Ping\'s collar and said angrily, "if it weren\'t for you, would our Liu family become what they are now? If it wasn\'t for you, most of the first family in Longcheng would be missing. We\'re finished. Even if you kill Zhu Yan, what if you destroy the hundred year old foundation of the Liu family, you should be fully responsible!"

"That\'s enough!" the third master slapped the child\'s father and hurriedly said, "Yang Shao, please don\'t mind. They have just lost their relatives, so they are more excited. I apologize to you instead of him. You adults don\'t remember villains..."

Yang Ping swept through the disabled members of the Liu family. Instead of refuting them, he said with a bitter smile: "Third Master, I\'m sorry. If the Liu family doesn\'t have anything to do with me, Zhu Yan won\'t deal with you..."

The third master was scared to death and his face turned white. If it was someone else, the third master could still lose his temper, but who was Yang Ping? When the king returned again, even Zhu Yan killed him. Almost no one dared to offend him in the world. Even in the heyday of the Liu family, he was an ant in the eyes of others. For fear of offending Yang Ping, the third master lowered his posture to the lowest.

"Fortunately, Chenggong didn\'t go home. It can be regarded as leaving hope for the Liu family." at this time, when mentioning Liu Chenggong, the third master hopes to use the relationship of success to dilute Yang Ping\'s anger. But obviously, the third master is worried about redundancy. How can Yang Ping compare accounting.

To tell the truth, Yang Ping felt extremely guilty about the experience of the Liu family. He also felt that it was his reason that led to Zhu Yan\'s revenge, resulting in the tragic destruction of his family. He reluctantly smiled and said, "well, I\'m responsible for the settlement of the Liu family. Longcheng is not suitable to stay. I still have some influence in other places. It\'s better to..."

The third master shook his head and said in a complicated way: "if you are not secure, Yang Shao takes care, the fate of the Liu family will decline. If you can get through the difficulties, you may not be able to make a comeback in 20 years. Let\'s go first, and Yang Ping doesn\'t have to send you back."

Then he refused Yang Ping\'s treatment, and the third master disappeared in the dark with his people.

Yang Ping stared at the dark place, the disappeared figure, and his heart was blocked. Although the child\'s eyes and what his father said were mixed with resentment, they deeply touched his soul.

After all, the realm of strength is very poor. Otherwise, how can we watch the tragedy happen and do nothing.

What\'s next?

Zhu Yan is dead. Yang Ping is very sure, because there is no way to live under the five element gold needle. Unfortunately, there is no trace of the Pearl. I don\'t know where she is. The spirit swept through Longcheng. Several times, there was no breath of friends. Yang Ping came to the Bank of Luoshui River and smoked silently.


Yang Ping suddenly looked at the direction of the treasure Pavilion. His face changed wildly and disappeared from his place. When he appeared in the bamboo mountain, a figure was flying off the wall and disappeared into the darkness. He roared and shouted, "I want to escape!"

Bang bang!

Yang Ping made every effort to attack, but he only hit his opponent and fell to the ground. The other party had disappeared. Zhu Yan\'s cold laughter came from the dark: "you won this time, but next time I make a comeback, I won\'t give you another chance."

This is Zhu Yan\'s voice.

He\'s not dead!

Yang Ping can\'t believe that under the attack of the five element golden needle, Zhu Yan can still revive, subverting his understanding of artifact. At the same time, he is awed that the five element golden needle in the world is not invincible, and there are still people who can fight against it.

The first thing I thought of was the mysterious old man of the northern heavenly king or the Castle Peak cemetery, but I soon got rid of them. The breath of these two peerless old monsters is easy to distinguish, and it is impossible to do sneaky things. Is there a third old monster?

Yang Ping\'s heart was heavy and youyou said, "it\'s getting more and more complicated."

Late at night, the black clouds gathered in the sky again, obscuring the bright moonlight, making the shadow of Longcheng Mengshan, as if the whole city lived under the dark power.

The darkness is getting stronger and stronger.

The light gradually lost its hold and chose to give way.

Unable to find Mingzhu, Yang Ping is worried about whether she will be caught by Zhu Yan, but it seems that Mingzhu is all right, otherwise Zhu Yan can\'t use her to threaten himself. Dark Dragon City, where can pearl go?

A car appeared at the door of the treasure Pavilion and a stunning beauty came down.

Yang Ping seemed to feel something and looked down the mountain.

Pearl stood in the wind and looked at Yang Ping. Seeing that he was all right, she smiled happily. Yang Ping was ecstatic. He rushed up and just hugged her and murmured, "Pearl, where have you been? I\'m so worried about you."

"You\'re fine."

Mingzhu hugged Yang Ping and was satisfied.

"What\'s the matter with you?"

Yang Ping found something wrong. The Pearl in her arms was cold and was slowly disappearing