Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1235


The treasure hall sounded Zhu Yan\'s painful cry, full of incredible. The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the ferocious face became scattered and wanted to condense, but there was a mysterious force interfering, which directly cut off Zhu Yan\'s connection with the will of Longcheng.

For a moment, it\'s enough.

Yang Ping came out of the seal, stared at Zhu Yan groaning on the ground and said, "a wise man will lose if he worries a lot. Besides, you think you are very high. Do you really think all the heroes in the world are your playthings?"

Zhu Yan\'s internal power is chaotic, and the swallowing constitution can\'t be digested. It\'s reasonable to say that the swallowing constitution can devour all things, no matter any power system can be turned into his own, which is the terrible of swallowing constitution.

However, the power passed by Yang Ping could not bear it, and there were signs of collapse.

Zhu Yan stared at Yang Ping with resentment and shouted, "what happened to you? I took your blood sample and power source and tested it. There\'s no problem."

Yang Ping was awe inspiring. It turned out that Zhu Yan had been designing him for a long time. If he hadn\'t changed in his dream and walked out of another way, Zhu Yan might succeed tonight. But there is no if in life. Since Zhu Yan swallowed up his power, he must bear the consequences.

He doesn\'t know what level of strength he has, but he must be above his vitality.

The power of the stars cannot describe the level of his power.

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Yan compassionately, and then a golden needle appeared on his head. It was golden and erupted into terrible pressure. This pressure went against the sky to pierce the sky and smash the starry sky. This is the real five element golden needle. Yang Ping has not shown it all the time.

Zhu Yan felt the power of the golden needle and looked frightened.

Even if he achieved swallowing physique and conquering the will of the Dragon City, he could not do anything in the face of the world\'s first artifact, the five element needle, which is known as the first to attack, is definitely not casual. Under one needle, everything can be annihilated.

The golden needle stabbed at [email protected] ^^$

Zhu Yan was frightened and said, "presumptuous, do you know that if you kill me, the dragon city will collapse and countless people will be buried with me!"

Yang Ping has no scruples. At this moment, he let Zhu Yan go. He doesn\'t know what tricks this person will design in the future. He must kill with one move, so the gold needle pierced Zhu Yan\'s forehead and turned into the brilliance of the starry sky.

Zhu Yan stared at Yang Ping, stiff and lifeless.

Yang Ping breathed a sigh of relief and said secretly. Fortunately, he had a hand, otherwise he might be sealed. Zhu Yan had a heavy heart and was very terrible. If he was given more time, he would be more threatening than Taoist Zun.

Taking advantage of the confusion of the will of Longcheng, his spiritual power began to explore the whereabouts of the Pearl and Zhu Xi. Soon, he found the trace of Zhu Xi, but he didn\'t see the breath of the Pearl. His heart sank. It is possible that the pearl is not in Longcheng.! $*!

too bad.

Yang Ping probed into Zhu\'s villa. The third master\'s breath was weak. I\'m afraid he was ambushed and almost died. He hurried away from the treasure house and ran to the Zhu family villa. The ambush designed by Zhu Yan can\'t be resisted by the third master.

The treasure pavilion was quiet again.

When the cold wind blew, Zhushan looked very flustered. The seal of the Dragon God appeared and disappeared, and finally turned into nothingness. Zhu Yan\'s body lay on the ground, motionless, as if to go with the wind. The cry of night owls sounded in Zhushan mountain, adding a gloomy and terrible breath to the hidden treasure Pavilion.

I don\'t know how long later, a long river of time and space appeared next to Zhu Yan\'s body, and then a light and shadow came out of the long river of time and space, looked down at Zhu Yan, and regretted: "you are not the protagonist of history after all, and it is impossible to kill Yang Ping. However, man will win the day. My game with master Lei Feng has just begun, and I just lost a move. I hope you can win after your resurrection."


Light and shadow intercepted a long river of time and space and disappeared into Zhu Yan\'s eyebrows.

Time flies. It seems that he has returned to the past and seen the future. Zhu Yan\'s body is suspended in the air and constantly ups and downs. Light and shadow soak Zhu Yan in the long river of time and space and forcibly revive him. These forces have exceeded the imagination of the world, even death.

The night deepened.

Zhu Yan\'s body fell to the ground.

"Your swallowing constitution has not yet achieved great success. It\'s foolish and ridiculous to want to devour the descendants of wujialing. However, if you practice my improved swallowing skill, you can have a little chance to succeed. Although the chance is small, it\'s an opportunity after all. Don\'t disappoint me."

The light and shadow faded away.

"Lei Feng, Wu Ming, the universe can become experimental bodies. You experiment with the human heart and I experiment with all things. We are on two different roads, but we all go the same way. We just don\'t know who can laugh to the end."

A chuckle touched the long river of history.

The strong will of the dragon city is the existence of huge things in front of the great saint, but in the face of the arrival of light and shadow, it dormant into a mole ant.

Zhu Yan suddenly opened his eyes. A set of ancient martial arts emerged in his mind. He realized it in an instant, and then said in a deep voice: "I will live up to the hope of my predecessors and kill Yang Ping."

At this moment, the breath of Zhu Yan changes again, unfathomable.


Zhujia villa.

When Yang Ping came to the door, he felt the blood inside and smelled the smell of blood donation. The murderous gas flooded the villa, making the villa a ghost city in the dark, and he could hardly feel any vitality.

He stepped into the villa and came to the place where the third master was located.

The third master lay on the ground, one arm was cut off and placed next to him. His chest was pierced through a big hole, and his heart was seriously damaged. It was obvious that he could not live. Two sage level masters fell not far away and were ready to kill the third master.

The third master coughed up blood and showed a desperate expression.

"Sorry, I didn\'t save you."

The third master muttered to himself that he had no strength to defend. He would be dead waiting for him. Two experts comparable to the one eyed dragon rushed over. One was wearing glittering gloves and the other was holding a pair of knives. They were all terrible killing machines.

Bang bang!

Two explosions.

Yang Ping appeared in front of the third master. Behind him was a piece of blood dance. The two ultimate killing machines made by Zhu Yan were exploded with one punch.

"Save people!"

The third master held Yang Ping\'s hand tightly, saw hope and shouted, "hurry to save people, or they will all die."

Yang Ping nodded, picked up the third master and rushed to the dungeon.


It\'s dark and terrible. It hasn\'t seen light for years.

Yang Ping kicked open the door of the dungeon and saw the dense shadows locked in the corner. There was a fishy smell in the dungeon. After opening the perspective eye, Yang Ping\'s night vision, the whole person was stunned. A rage rushed to his head and couldn\'t help shaking.

Zhu Yan is so cruel!

The lineage of the Liu family is imprisoned in the dungeon, which is a fear of hell.

None of the people of the Liu family is complete. Either their eyes were dug out or one hand was cut off. Moreover, those organs are placed in the dungeon. Maggots grow from the wounds of many people of the Liu family and drill around in the wounds, which is very disgusting.

There are even children lying on the ground, angry as a spring, seriously ill.

Zhu Yan

Yang Ping\'s heart is full of terrible murders. He wants to kill him again. It\'s too cheap to kill him once!