Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1232

When looking at each other, there was a strong roar between the sky and the ground. Yang Ping snorted coldly. The sound waves were like thunder and stabbed into the sky. Those eyes were scattered by the sound waves and then disappeared. He knew that it was Zhu Yan\'s eyes. He could look down on the Dragon City from the perspective of the sky. Sure enough, he was more skilled in controlling the power of the dragon city than before, but it was the power of darkness, Because those eyes are full of evil and cold, not masculinity and justice. Their ways are very different. Although I don\'t know why the will of Longcheng is darkened, it\'s not a good thing. The well-being of millions of people in Longcheng may be threatened because of the sudden change of the will of Longcheng.

When the sky becomes dark, there are more lonely ghosts and wild ghosts wandering on the ground. Evil characters who did not dare to appear before will be sheltered by the Dragon City, which will soon become an evil paradise.

Yang Ping was worried, but he didn\'t say it.

The one eyed dragon felt his master\'s breath and shouted. Unfortunately, his master didn\'t save people. He just looked at it and left, or was beaten to pieces by Yang Ping. The one eyed dragon was quiet and suddenly quiet, which shocked the third master. This is not the form of Cyclops.


A terrible explosion energy wrapped Yang Ping, and the Cyclops exploded directly.

The third master turned pale and shouted, "be careful, he\'s going to explode."

The third master knows very well how powerful a saint\'s explosion is. Even the great saint\'s body can\'t withstand the saint\'s self explosion, at least seriously. Unfortunately, the cry was still late. The explosion turned into a mushroom cloud over Yang Ping, and then razed the yard to the ground. Fortunately, the third master is far enough away, otherwise he will be affected.

The explosion is over.

The ground is in a mess.

A huge pit appeared in the center of the explosion. It was a trace left by the self explosion. It was more than ten meters deep, which showed the power of the explosion. The third master trembled and stared nervously at the front. Even if he had more confidence in Yang Ping, who could guarantee that he would be all right in the face of the saint\'s self explosion?

Liu Chengxin opened his mouth, his eyes flushed, and his delicate body trembled slightly. Although I spent a short time with Yang Ping, I knew he was not a bad man and helped him everywhere. It can be said that without Yang Ping, she would have been assassinated long ago.

"Third master."

Liu Chengxin went downstairs, helped up the third master, silently looked at the explosion center and asked, "is he still alive?"

The third master smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "I don\'t know."

Suddenly, the third master shouted and stared at the huge pit. His eyes were round and lost his voice: "I\'m Cao, can\'t I? There\'s nothing..."

Liu Chengxin looked over and smiled happily when he saw Yang Ping walking out of the huge pit intact.

Yang Ping patted the soil on his body and scolded, "I didn\'t say it in advance. My clothes were dirty. Liu Chengxin, your man\'s clothes may not be able to take them." except for a few holes in his clothes, there were no injuries in other places, and even one of his hair didn\'t fall off.

The third master smiled bitterly and said secretly that he was really a freak. The sage couldn\'t hurt a penny by exploding himself.

The three left the house. Under the protection of Yang Ping, they successfully avoided the perception of Longcheng and came to a safe place. A building in the middle of Bali street in Longcheng is where Liu Chengxin originally lived. Although she is a core member, she generally does not participate in Jianghu affairs, so she can be alone. This house has not been damaged.

Yang Ping helped the third master stabilize his injury first. The five element needling technique was as pure as fire. He soon recovered the third master, and the effect was several times faster than before. Liu Cheng was surprised to see it. The third master was extremely shocked. He had never seen the magical treatment of five element acupuncture. He thought he couldn\'t take action within half a month. It was unimaginable that he recovered to the peak in less than an hour under Yang Ping\'s treatment.

"Well, don\'t look at me with adoring eyes. I\'ll take a bath first."

Yang Ping waved his hand and walked into the bathroom regardless of the dementia of the third master and Liu Chengxin. Liu Chengxin recovered and remembered that there were his own personal clothes in the bathroom. He got up quickly and shouted, "wait!"


Yang Ping\'s scream came from the bathroom.

Liu Cheng\'s heart was tight. He blushed like a big apple. His eyes took water and didn\'t dare to go over. It\'s a shame that she lost her clothes. She didn\'t bring them out in the bathroom. Yang Ping forgot this when she went in. She wanted to dig a hole in the ground and drill down. She had no face to see anyone.

"Your model is so small. It\'s unscientific." Yang Ping\'s confused voice came from the bathroom. Tut tut said, "women\'s body still can\'t see the surface. There\'s a big error."

Liu Chengxin was still shy. When he heard Yang Ping\'s words, he flew into a rage and shouted, "what do you mean? Get out of here."

"Nothing, we\'re just seriously discussing science. You seem to be at least D, but why are the models only..." Yang Ping was puzzled and asked.

Liu Chengxin rushed in, picked up his clothes and rushed out. Before he left, he didn\'t forget to kick Yang Ping over and scolded, "hooligan, you\'re really not a good thing."

Seeing Liu Chengxin rush into the room, the third master\'s eyes are complex.

It would be great if Liu Chengxin could get on well with Yang Ping.

But as soon as he got up, the third master shook his head. Liu Chengxin\'s conditions were good and he had Liu family background. Generally, everyone could deserve it. It\'s a pity that the man was Yang Ping and they didn\'t belong to the same world.

Now that the Liu family is broken and their immediate relatives are arrested, Zhu Yan will not deal with them immediately, but will lock them all up. No one knows where they are detained. This is a secret place.

The third master inquired about the whereabouts of his family, but he was caught and chased by the one eyed dragon. Fortunately, Yang Ping appeared in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

Worried about the safety of his family, the third master lay listlessly on the sofa.

Yang Ping came out after taking a bath and changed into a set of pajamas. However, just after going out, a set of clothes smashed over and just set it on his face. Liu Cheng\'s heart was cold and said, "that\'s my pajamas. Go in and change them."

Yang Ping smiled, shrugged and said, "anyway, everyone is a man. What are you afraid of?"

Liu Chengxin almost vomited blood. He clenched his fist tightly and said, "OK, wait for me. Don\'t think it\'s great to be strong. One day you\'ll fall into my hand and I\'ll make your life worse than death."

Yang Ping said shamefully, "people are so afraid."

Liu Chengxin sneered and walked upstairs. The third master looked at the quarrel between the two people, smiled bitterly and said, "Yang Shao, when shall we save people? I\'m afraid of time delay. Zhu Yan will be bad for my family."

Yang Ping\'s face changed, nodded and said, "go out now."

The third master looked upstairs.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "it\'s dangerous not to take her. Maybe Zhu Yan has arranged a net of heaven and earth, and it\'s difficult for saints to protect themselves. Ordinary people go to pure death."

The third master understood: "also."

After cleaning up, they left the building and didn\'t tell Liu Chengxin. Liu Chengxin stayed in the room and sat on the bed in a daze for a long time. In front of him, there was a picture of two people in police uniforms. If Yang Ping was there, he would be shocked. Because Liu Chengxin\'s boyfriend is an acquaintance.

Duan Fei.

According to the information provided by the third master, the Liu family are detained in the dungeon.

There is a dungeon in Zhujia villa, which is heavily guarded.

Take advantage of the night.

Yang Ping and the third master came to the outside of Linhai villa. A car came out of the villa. There was a man sitting in the car. He looked dignified, as if it was the center of Longcheng. It was actually Zhu Yan. What else did Zhu Yan go out to do at night?