Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1233

Yang Ping and the third master originally wanted to enter Zhu\'s Dungeon to save people, but they were moved to see Zhu Yan go out late at night. Yang Ping whispered, "you save people. I\'ll see what the hell he\'s doing?"

The third master nodded and said, "be careful, Zhu Yan is insidious and cunning. It\'s hard to deal with."

Yang Ping smiled and said, "I used to suppress him, but I can still do it now, but I won\'t fight with him for a while, so that he can stay for a while."

With that, Yang Ping didn\'t go into the dark.

The third master looked at the night with complicated eyes. With a sigh, he jumped into the courtyard wall of the Zhu family and saved people.

All the way.

Zhu Yan drove slowly in a limousine. It seems that there is nothing important. He is like a king to travel and inspect people\'s livelihood. Especially in the dark, he is the center of darkness and can command everything.

Yang Ping follows all the way and is confident in his hiding ability. So far, it is difficult to find him unless he reaches the realm of the northern heavenly king. In particular, Yang Ping can hide and integrate with the night. Even if Zhu Yan is powerful, he can\'t reach the realm of the northern heavenly king.

Treasure Pavilion.

Unexpectedly, the place where Zhu Yan came late at night was the treasure Pavilion.

Yang Ping actually wanted to come here for a long time. He just didn\'t want to scare the snake. He was inexplicably nervous when he saw Zhu Yan coming here. He didn\'t know whether the Pearl in the treasure Pavilion and Tao Chengyi escaped? He has no comprehensive perception and is afraid to scare the snake. He knows very well that the power of the will blessing of the dragon city can move almost everywhere. At the same time, any wind and grass will be predicted in advance. This is the terrible part of the power of the dragon city.

Zhu Yan got out of the car and said to the driver, "I have important guests tonight. You wait first. You may come out later."

"Yes, master."

Said the driver.

Yang Ping is familiar with the driver\'s voice. He seems to have heard it somewhere. When he looks carefully, he can\'t help turning pale. I Cao, unexpectedly, am Duan Fei. Isn\'t he a member of the Standing Committee of Longcheng municipal Party committee and Secretary of the political and legal committee? How can he be Zhu Yan\'s driver?

If you say it, it will be shocking. A big man is actually a businessman\'s driver. Yang pingqiang endured his curiosity and waited for Zhu Yan to enter the door. He came to the car and made Duanfei imperceptible by using his invisible ability.

Duan Fei sat in the car, lit a cigarette, puffed and puffed, looking at the night sky, flickering.

"Borrow a fire."

A voice sounded in his ear. Duan Fei was nervous and murderous. However, he turned around and saw Yang Ping. His face was colder and his eyes were very unfriendly. He said, "if the master knew it was you, he would kill you himself."


Yang Ping couldn\'t help laughing and said, "the director of Tangtang Public Security Bureau is actually a driver and a master. I don\'t know what happened in the middle, but you have at least a little dignity."

Duan Fei sneered and hummed, "dignity? Dignity is more important than life? If I wanted dignity, I would die. If it was you, how would I choose?"

Yang Ping said in a deep voice, "at least you should think about your identity. You are an official elected by the people, not someone else\'s dog."

Duan feiqiang endured his anger and said in a cold voice, "we know each other. If you leave now, I\'ll take it as if you didn\'t see it. If you\'re wordy, I\'ll tell the master directly that you can\'t fly at that time."

Yang Ping disdained and said, "are you really afraid of him?"

Duan Fei stared at Yang Ping and wanted to see through his eyes, but he was disappointed. Yang Ping\'s eyes were always calm. Although he was confident, he didn\'t publicize at all. He said, "it seems that you have been promoted, otherwise you won\'t be so confident, but it\'s useless."

Yang Ping squinted and asked, "what\'s the matter?" he would not believe that a public security director would compromise because his life was threatened. At least Duan Fei was not greedy for life and afraid of death.

"Zhu Yan is very strong." Duan Fei threw away his cigarette end and said in a deep voice, "you can\'t imagine how strong you are. I once thought I could defeat him, but after the fight, I couldn\'t even bear a look in his eyes. Hey..." he sighed and shook his head, "In short, you\'d better not fight with him. Zhu Yan is completely different from before. I feel a force from darkness in his body, which is extremely terrible."

Yang Ping was awe inspiring.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yan colluded with the dark place and gained great power, but this is not an excuse for his fear. Yang Ping felt that he would not be any worse, but it was inconvenient to tell Duan Fei.

"Why did Zhu Yan let you be a driver?" Yang Ping asked again.

Duan Fei hehe said with a sneer: "he is happy now. Anyone who disobeys him will not come to a good end. Yang Ping, you can survive and should not enter the dragon city. The dragon city has become Zhu Yan\'s speech hall. He can control everyone\'s life and death."

Yang Ping shook his head and said, "how do you know if you don\'t try."

Duan Fei knew that he could not persuade Yang Ping, but said: "Let\'s go. I won\'t embarrass you in your face. If Zhu Yan knew you were in the treasure house, he would be the first to kill you. Don\'t underestimate Zhu Yan. He is now stronger than ever, and the great saint is not an opponent in his hands. I saw a great saint who was unconvinced, but he was killed by Zhu Yan himself and made into an experimental body."

Yang Ping fell into meditation.

Through Duan Fei\'s narration, Zhu Yan\'s strength may be stronger than expected.

Yang Ping comforted: "you don\'t need to explain. From your eyes, I can see that you are unconvinced, and you are not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Give in for a while, and I\'ll return the Qingming Festival in Longcheng when I know his details."

"Hard work."

Yang Ping was not admitted to the hospital and the wall disappeared.

Duan Fei tried to stop talking. Finally, he held back, took out a cigarette again and lit it. He said secretly that even if people all over the world misunderstood people, some people still believe me. Yang Ping, you must not die, or there will be no hope for Longcheng.

In order to save Longcheng, he didn\'t hesitate to surrender his identity. For Zhu Yan\'s driver, he endured such a thing that was detrimental to his dignity. Duan Fei is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he will not sacrifice casually. Although he is conceited, he loves his country and the people. It is nothing to sacrifice a little dignity for the people of the motherland. Staying by Zhu Yan\'s side, Duan Fei hopes to play a role one day. Now Yang Ping has come and the opportunity has come.


Yang Ping sneaked in. He saw Zhu Yan standing beside the seal of the bamboo forest all the way. He seemed to be telling him that he looked very respectful, completely different from before he went out. If the estimation is correct, the place where Zhu Yan connects with the dark place is in the bamboo mountain of the treasure Pavilion.

Unfortunately, I can\'t hear clearly, because Zhu Yan isolated the sound with an array.

Yang Ping approached and wanted to crack the array, but found that Zhu Yan\'s array was to use the power of the dragon city to imprison a space. Unless he broke through forcibly, he could not eavesdrop. He tried several times and had to give up.

Half an hour later, Zhu Yan knelt on the ground, looked pious, and then went down the mountain.

Yang Ping wants to see what Zhushan is.

Before long, Zhu Yan got on the bus and left.

Yang Ping waited for a long time until Zhu Yan completely left and didn\'t pay attention to this side. He came to the open space of Zhushan. The place where Zhu Yan originally stood was not good. He couldn\'t help but be surprised at a look.

A coffin.

A very ordinary coffin, covered with moss, is no different from an ordinary burial coffin. But this is a coffin that makes Zhu Yan kneel. It\'s definitely not ordinary. Yang Ping looked at the coffin, improved his mind and made a defensive posture to avoid the outbreak of the coffin.

But the coffin was quiet.

"Do you know why I came here?"

Behind him came a laugh. Yang Ping suddenly turned around and saw Zhu Yan standing at the foot of the mountain, looking at him with great interest.

Zhu Yan took the lead with both hands and showed a strange smile.

"Dragon God seal!"

Zhu Yan made a seal, then heaven and earth changed color, and the whole bamboo mountain turned into a cage to trap Yang Ping.