Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1231


The one eyed dragon\'s head was pressed on the ground and fell into the soil. It was almost invisible, leaving only a pinch of hair. He didn\'t even have a chance to resist. Under Yang Ping\'s palm, it was like a mountain suppression, and gurgling black blood came out of the soil, which looked shocking.

The yard is very quiet.

Yang Ping hung a cigarette and looked at the third master. He smiled heartlessly and said, "Oh, isn\'t this the third master? He was so miserable. Did he spoil his little wife too much last night?"

The third master coughed up blood, shook his head and sighed, "I knew you wouldn\'t die. It seems that the bet is right."

Liu Cheng was stunned. He thought Yang Ping was an ordinary man who went down to die. He didn\'t want to be so violent. He couldn\'t help scolding me Cao. Is there a mistake? Is this still human?

Before, the third master fought with the one eyed dragon. People who didn\'t know it thought they were playing boxing emperor. It was a shame for the cow to be rubbed on the ground. Liu Chengxin couldn\'t help but sour his teeth and mourned for the one eyed dragon.

"I just slept and became what I am now. By the way, who is this guy? He doesn\'t seem to be human." Yang Ping asked.

The third master smiled bitterly and said, "I\'m ashamed to say that this guy is a puppet and the latest ultimate killing machine developed by Zhu Yan. I didn\'t expect that the combat effectiveness is so strong. It seems that Zhu Yan has been holding back for years. If he finally shows his fangs."

"Zhu Yan is so powerful." Yang Ping was surprised. He used to take it casually. He didn\'t expect to see it for a few days.

The third master\'s face was dignified and said, "Yang Ping, you\'d better not provoke Zhu Yan now. This person has been recognized by the will of the dragon city and has become the real leader of the dragon city. He has a higher degree of recognition than you used to. Although it is the realm of the great saint, the power of power is definitely more than the great saint."

Yang Ping nodded, but he didn\'t feel much. Now he doesn\'t know whether he is at the level of the great sage. Anyway, he looks so powerful. Since the Qi strength in his body disappeared and transformed into another mysterious force, creating a new system, he can\'t judge his strength and boundary. It\'s estimated that he should not be weaker than the realm of the great sage.

"Find a place to settle down first. I think you\'re dying." Yang Ping got up and went to the third master. The damage suffered by the other party was more terrible than expected, indicating that the lethality of one eyed dragon may have set some programs specifically for the saint, and has the energy of thunder attribute attack to specifically restrain the third master\'s attribute.

It\'s the first time to see such a [email protected] ^^$

Zhu Yan is amazing.

Unexpectedly, the man was so hidden that Yang Ping couldn\'t help sighing that if he had killed Zhu Yan ruthlessly, it wouldn\'t happen now. Looking at the third master, it is estimated that the Liu family is probably over.

"Be careful."

The third master looked behind Yang Ping and turned pale.

A gust of wind blows.! $*!

The one eyed dragon jumped up with a big knife and appeared on Yang Ping\'s head. Yang Ping walked quietly to the third master without seeing a killing machine on his head.

When the sword falls, it carries the momentum of thunder and condenses the strength of the one eyed dragon. It is bound to kill with one blow.

The third master shouted, "be careful. His energy has the attribute of restraining Qi strength. Don\'t resist hard."

Liu Chengxin\'s face changed. It was too late to shout. The one eyed dragon had already attacked. He could only watch it, showing an unbearable color, and scolded: "this idiot, don\'t you look at the back when you walk! I\'m so angry."

The third master took a breath and got up to help, but he saw Yang Ping\'s mouth bent and showed an unusual smile.


The blade can split the void, thunder and lightning fall, and can paralyze the sage. The one eyed dragon has almost no solution in the same realm with this move, because his attribute is specially set to paralyze the sage realm power, and there is also highly toxic. As long as he resists a little, he will inhale it, so that the power of the body stops running and loses the ability to resist. Just now the third master almost died. Fortunately, he used the mark to resist, otherwise he would die faster.

"I don\'t think you\'re dead yet!" roared the one eyed dragon.

Only a crisp sound was heard. Two fingers appeared in the pupil and clamped the blade. Yes, they really clamped the blade. The one eyed dragon smiled grimly and shouted, "you die faster."

The poison is injected into the body through the blade, trying to paralyze Yang Ping\'s body. The one eyed dragon concluded that Yang Ping would be slaughtered by him next. He had no power to fight back. He was strong, so it was better to kill him.

The third master became nervous for fear that Yang Ping would be careless.

"Regret it."

The one eyed dragon was suspended on his head, holding a big knife in both hands, and wanted to suppress Yang Ping, just as he had been rubbed on the ground before. It was a great humiliation. The one eyed dragon wanted to treat him in his own way.

It\'s a pity that he missed Yang Ping\'s strength.

The poison entered Yang Ping\'s body through the blade, but it didn\'t achieve the desired effect. Yang Ping kept smiling, and his two fingers were as steady as a mountain. He said, "what else can you do?"

The one eyed dragon stared at one eye and said in surprise, "you are not affected. It\'s impossible. The program designed by the master for me is perfect."

Yang Ping said, "it seems that you only know these three axes."


Yang Ping broke the broadsword, then grabbed the one eyed dragon\'s neck and hit it on the ground. The third master let down his heart and said secretly that this man just likes to be surprised at first, and was scared to death by him. However, it seems that he hasn\'t seen it these days. Although Yang Ping disappeared, his strength has increased to a level that he doesn\'t even know. It\'s really powerful. Liu Chengxin patted his chest with a pale face and murmured, "it\'s dangerous, it\'s dangerous. Is there something wrong with this guy\'s brain? It makes people worry."

The most tragic thing is the one eyed dragon. He thought he could return a tooth for a tooth. Unexpectedly, he was finally rubbed on the ground. His venomous roar came from the soil: "do you know who I am? I am the master. Sit down and sit down the eight King Kong. If you hurt me, you will offend the master and die."

Yang Ping picked up the one eyed dragon, threw it on the ground, clapped his hands and said, "who is your master?"

The one eyed dragon sneered, showed a proud expression and shouted, "my master is Zhu Yan, the Lord of the Dragon City, who controls the lives of countless people. Be afraid. If you can kneel down and commit suicide, I can forgive you."


Yang Ping pressed the one eyed dragon on the ground again and rubbed it. Tut tut said, "who did I think it was? It was Zhu Yan. Let alone you bastard, he was rubbed on the ground by me before. I don\'t know if you two have a brain problem."


The third master saw his heart beat faster. I Cao, it was Yang Ping who dared to speak to Zhu Yan like this. The others were not Zhu Yan\'s opponents at all. At the beginning, Zhu Yan brought people to the Liu family and sealed everyone as soon as he shot. He still used the card given by the Shenyin organization and managed to escape, but he was still seriously injured.

At that time, Zhu Yan was so powerful that he waved the power of a city to fight with people. He was almost invincible in the city.

When the one eyed dragon shouted and struggled, Yang Ping suddenly looked at the sky, put away his cynical smile and showed a dignified color.

A pair of eyes stared at the ground.