Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1230

The battle between saints could have caused such terrible damage. The courtyard walls of civilian houses fell down. What I don\'t know is that it was an earthquake. Some people who eat at home and watch TV looked through the window and were almost scared to death.

Two figures stood on the courtyard wall, and all the surrounding courtyard walls were damaged. One of them is carrying a big knife, one eyed dragon, which emits bloody evil Qi. That knife is the core of evil Qi. This man\'s realm is the early days of saints, but his strength is terrible.

Standing opposite the one eyed dragon is an elegant middle-aged man, whom Yang Ping still knows.

Liu Wanjun, who ranks third in the Liu family, is called the third master because he is also a member of the mysterious organization. He supports Liu Chenggong very much and has a good relationship with Yang Ping.

Unexpectedly, the third master was chased here. It seemed that his strength was not as strong as the one eyed dragon in front of him. He had a long knife wound and shed a lot of blood. He had no time to deal with it and stared at his opponent with high vigilance.

"Come back with me. The master won\'t kill you."

The tone of the one eyed dragon was indifferent. Although it was a battle with the same realm, it was very easy for him, because he was not an ordinary Saint realm.

The Third Master said coldly, "do you think you can catch me back? Although Zhu Yan has been recognized by the will of the Dragon City, he can\'t cover up the sky. Someone will appear to preside over justice."

"Justice?" the one eyed dragon disdained a smile and shook his head. "You and I have reached the realm of saints. Can\'t you see through this? Strength is justice. The master\'s current realm is far from what you can imagine."

The third master was awe inspiring. It seemed that Zhu Yan\'s growth was terrible. In just a few days, he even accepted the one eyed dragon. You know, it is difficult for saints to accept it, because they have a Tao fruit and have a complete self personality.

It\'s like if Zhu Yan wants to take over the third master, he needs to pay a great price. The third master will never allow himself to be a slave to others unless he dies. That represents the dignity of saints and cannot be blasphemed.

"In that case, you should die."

Draw the knife, point to the sky and fall.

The action is done in one go, like clouds and flowing water. The one eyed dragon brings out the start posture, and the whole person turns into a domineering lightning and cleaves to the third master.

The third master\'s face was dignified, and his Qi sank into the Dantian. Then he read a spell. Runes jumped out of his forehead and turned into a shield to meet the blade of the one eyed dragon. Two Qi forces, one absolute defense and one absolute attack, were deadlocked in the yard.

The wind and waves are surging, and the vegetation is shattered.

The blade carries the lightning attribute, breaks and destroys all things. After the one eyed dragon, a terrible thunder dragon appears, spits out lightning and blesses on the blade. This peerless power is not available to saints in the early stage, but equivalent to the middle stage of saints. A small realm is enough to kill the third master.

The third master shouted, and the runes jumping out of the middle of his eyebrows became more and more dense, barely resisting the attack of the lightning blade.

At this time, the one eyed dragon suddenly put aside the big knife, appeared behind the third master and slapped him away. With a dull hum, the third master hit the apartment on the first floor, and a huge hole was hit in the doors, windows and walls.

Hemoptysis, serious injury.

The third master got up and stared at the one eyed dragon.

The one eyed dragon dragged a big knife, looked calm and indifferent and said, "give you a chance to be loyal to the people. You don\'t cherish it. The Liu family will perish. You are the last one. When you are killed, there will be no Liu family in the dragon city."

Third floor.

Liu Chengxin could see it clearly. His tears kept falling. He covered his mouth tightly and didn\'t let himself speak. But he was tangled in his heart and watched the third master be killed. She couldn\'t do it, but her strength was too weak. When she went out, she would only die.

Yang Ping stared at the one eyed dragon and was shocked.

One eyed dragon is not a human at all, but an energy body. It should be an ultimate killing weapon obtained by Zhu Yan through experiments. Unexpectedly, it succeeded. His strength is more terrible than the experts at the same level, but his success rate is very low. The experimental body refined by real saints has absolute sincerity.

It seems that Zhu Yan\'s strength has expanded horribly these days.

He almost forgot what happened these days. When he woke up, he lay in the Castle Peak cemetery, completely unaware of the weather change in Longcheng. Unexpected, never thought about it. Now Yang Ping is worried about the safety of Zhu Xi and Mingzhu. Will Zhu Yan let them go if he is so strong?

"No, I\'m going out to help!"

Liu Chengxin showed his firm eyes and said, "it\'s a big deal to die."

Yang Ping stopped and advised, "even if you go on, you can\'t change anything. That man is very powerful. The third master is not an opponent at all. I didn\'t expect Zhu Yan to make such a terrible killing machine."

Liu Chengxin shook Yang Ping\'s hand and said angrily, "stop me again. Believe it or not, I\'ll kill you. Get out of here!"

Yang Ping shook his head and didn\'t get out of the way.

Liu Chengxin pointed a gun at Yang Ping\'s eyebrows and said in a cold voice, "don\'t think I dare not kill you."

Yang Ping\'s face was calm. Most people would be scared to pee when pointed at by a gun, but he didn\'t feel it. He didn\'t know how many times he had experienced this situation. He smiled and said, "I didn\'t say I can\'t go on, but you\'d better stay here."

Liu Chengxin didn\'t react and said, "what are you doing?"

Yang Ping shrugged and said, "of course, go down and save people."

Liu Chengxin sneered and said, "it\'s up to you? Do you know who the people below are? You\'re an ordinary person. Even if you\'re a hundred times stronger, you still don\'t look good enough. This is not your business. Let me go out. It\'s a big deal to die together."

Yang Ping sighed without explanation, then pushed the door open and shouted at the bottom: "Hey, one eyed dragon, slow down."

Liu Chengxin was stunned. He thought Yang Ping would think of a good strategy, but when he said hello, he seemed to meet an old friend. He had an impulse to spit blood and began to doubt whether his head was normal.

The one eyed dragon looked up and saw Yang Ping, but he couldn\'t feel any strength. He grinned and said, "there are a lot of deaths."

The third master\'s body was shaky and couldn\'t last long, but when he heard the sound on the third floor, he always felt very familiar. It seemed that he had heard it, so he looked up, and then the whole man was stunned and looked at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping smiled at him and said, "ouch, it\'s hard to see you."

The third master gasped violently and looked very excited. His eyes couldn\'t help blushing. He wanted to shout. He never dreamed of seeing Yang Ping in this place or meeting the Savior at the most dangerous time of his life.

Yang Ping, in the third master\'s opinion, is the Savior.

The one eyed dragon felt the mood change of the third master and said with a grim smile, "why, are you happy to see someone die with you?"

The third master sat on the ground and sighed, "I\'m so tired that I can finally have a rest."

The one eyed dragon squinted and said coldly, "are you contemptuous of me?"

The third master nodded and said seriously, "it\'s not that I despise you, but that person above despises you. It has nothing to do with me."

The one eyed dragon smiled and couldn\'t help but show his kill.

"Do you want to die?"

The one eyed dragon was very unhappy with the third master\'s tone. Pointing to Yang Ping on the third floor, he said coldly, "kneel down and kowtow. I\'ll spare you."

Yang Ping went downstairs slowly.

The one eyed dragon held the idea of torture and killing in his heart and prepared to let Yang Ping die later. He dared to despise the majesty of the sage. It\'s not a pity to die.


The idea in the one eyed dragon\'s mind just got up, and then a hand suddenly appeared on his head. Then his body was out of control. His head was pressed and hit the ground, and the whole person sank.

Yang Ping stood on the one eyed dragon, clapped his hands and said, "the strength is general, and it is not necessarily a successful experiment."

Third floor.

Liu Chengxin, who wanted to work hard, opened his mouth and couldn\'t help scolding me. Cao, is this still human?