Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1229

Zhu family?

shut out the heavens with one palm?

Yang Ping heard the woman talking to herself and said curiously, "you\'re talking about the Zhu family in Longcheng?"

The woman sneered, gnashing her teeth in a tone full of hatred and said, "yes, it\'s the Zhu family. Zhu Yan deceives people so much that he wants to kill them all. Even if Liu Chengxin is broken, he will go out to find someone for revenge."

Yang Ping frowned and said, "are you from the Liu family?"

The woman nodded and knew that she had said too much. She was very irrational about a stranger\'s attitude information. She changed her ice face and said, "forget everything about you and what just happened, otherwise you will die miserably."

Yang Ping: Oh, I won\'t ask any more.

The heart is curious.

Isn\'t the Liu family the first family in Longcheng? Can Zhu Yan destroy the Liu family no matter how powerful he is?

Yang Ping doesn\'t know whether it\'s true or not, but it can be seen from the woman\'s tone that the Liu family must have done a lot of hurtful things, otherwise it won\'t let Liu deliberately resent it. The comprehensive strength of the Liu family is still above the Zhu family. Generally, it is the result of losing both sides. Unless the Zhu family gets great support, it is impossible for the Liu family to lose a lot without any chance to resist.

The car continued to move forward. The closer it was to the city gate, the more nervous Liu Chengxin became. She dared not go into the main gate for fear that she would be found by the Zhu family, so she entered from the passage 500 meters away from the main gate.

Along the way, Liu Chengxin was very nervous until he came to a remote alley. He stopped the car and shouted, "get off quickly. Don\'t say you\'ve seen me after you leave, or you\'ll suffer."

Seeing that Liu Cheng was kind-hearted and reminded him of safety problems before leaving, Yang Ping lay lazily on the co pilot and said with a smile, "I suddenly don\'t want to go."

Liu Chengxin was so angry that he looked around and said, "do you hear me? You\'ll die if you don\'t get off the bus. Don\'t force me to do it."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "it\'s up to you?"

Liu Chengxin, as expected, should be Liu Chenggong\'s sister, perhaps a cousin, but because of this relationship, Yang Ping can\'t die. In the past few days of deep sleep, what happened in Longcheng? The Zhu family covered the sky, and the Liu family almost killed the door. He is very good and needs to find out.

At the same time, Yang Ping felt that the sky above his head changed a lot. It used to be blue, windy and sunny. Now, it\'s cloudy and looks like the rhythm of rainstorm. However, Yang Ping knows that it\'s not the rhythm of Rainstorm at all, but the transformation of Longcheng\'s will into cold and evil. It\'s all condensed and defiled by the negative emotions of Longcheng.

Moreover, Yang Ping felt that as long as he shot, Longcheng\'s will would ruthlessly suppress him as in his dream. Now it\'s better to follow Liu Chengxin, one to protect her and the other to inquire about the news.

"You want to die."

Liu Chengxin was very angry. He secretly said that the man had a brain problem. He said it was dangerous and didn\'t want to leave. He hummed, "do you touch porcelain? How much money do you want? I can give it to you. If you don\'t go again, it\'s too late."

"I don\'t want money."

Yang Ping showed a wronged expression, rubbed his hands and said.

Liu Chengxin blushed, stared at Yang Ping and scolded angrily: "you hooligan, you have an unreasonable desire for me. I warn you, if you dare to have unclean ideas about me, I\'ll kill you."

Yang Ping was speechless.

Where did Liu Chengxin see that he had ideas about her? He was very narcissistic. Unexpectedly, Liu Chengxin was more narcissistic than him.

No communication.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t do anything to you, but I have a grudge against the Zhu family and want to help you." Yang Ping casually made an excuse, then generously got out of the car and directly pulled out the key, which made Liu Chengxin look anxious and couldn\'t help swearing.

"You\'re paralyzed. Believe it or not, I killed you. I pretended to be pure with you before. Do you think I\'m easy to bully?" Liu Chengxin directly took out a pistol from the car. I Cao, or a serious revolver, aimed at Yang Ping and said in a cold voice, "give me the car key."

Yang Ping saw the number of the revolver, nodded and said, "you are from Guoan."

A group of people in black are coming.

They looked stiff, not like ordinary people. Their breath was very cold. Passers-by were cold. They couldn\'t help looking more and hurried away. These people have no chance of life. If they are not acting, they think they are corpses.


Liu Chengxin turned pale and stamped her feet. "You idiot, you can\'t go. Now you can\'t go. Which wangba Island betrayed me and actually knew my stronghold." as soon as she gritted her teeth, she put away her revolver and ran to the alley for a while. When she saw Yang Ping standing still, she scolded, "bastard, why are you still waiting? Come in."

Yang Ping grinned and followed.

Through the narrow and cold alley, they came to a building with old red brick structure. They entered an apartment on the third floor. After closing the door, Liu Chengxin breathed a sigh of relief. Through the window, he saw a group of people in black walking downstairs. He patted his full chest and said, "it\'s dangerous. These are not people at all. They are Zhu Yan\'s killing machines."

Yang Ping smelled a familiar smell from the man in black. It was the ultimate soldier of Dr. J\'s research. He used human corpses for research and injected a mysterious genetic agent to make the corpses come back to life.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yan also has this genetic agent, and can be mass produced.

It seems that the sky in Longcheng has indeed changed.

Liu Chengxin did not hide his concern in his eyes and said, "Zhu Yan\'s men are almost such people. They have no pain and strong combat effectiveness. Ordinary special forces are not opponents, and they are absolutely heartfelt."

"What should I do? How should I contact my family?"

Liu Chengxin walked back and forth, patted his head and scolded, "I\'m paralyzed. My mother just went on a business trip, and my family became like this. That old bastard Zhu Yan bullied me. No one in the Liu family, right? I\'ll kill you with a gun tonight."

make love!

Here\'s applause.

Liu Chengxin stared at Yang Ping and said angrily, "do you despise me?"

Yang Ping said with a dry smile, "no, I admire your courage. Even the top experts of the Liu family are not Zhu Yan\'s opponents. After you go, leave your money first. Anyway, they are dead and don\'t waste."

Liu Cheng was so happy that he scolded, "are you looking for death?"

Yang Ping shrugged and said helplessly, "people say that people should find a man to have a good time before they die. Look at you. If you have such a good figure, it\'s better for me to be cheap. Anyway, if you have a good time before you die, you can burst out 120 potential."

Liu Chengxin picked up the pistol, pointed to Yang Ping\'s eyebrows and said angrily, "do you think I dare not kill you?"

Yang Ping did not show panic when facing the pistol.

Look at each other calmly.

Seeing that he could not frighten, Liu Chengxin said dejectedly, "I know you are kind, but I can\'t find my family. I don\'t know what to do?"

"I don\'t think your family is dead. They should be locked up."

Yang Ping suddenly said.

Liu Cheng\'s delicate body trembled slightly and said in surprise, "are you sure?"

"Try it at night."

Yang Ping smiled.


There was a violent crash downstairs.