Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1228

Women are beautiful, slightly powdered and beautiful in Longcheng. Although the car is a very ordinary beetle, it can be seen from women\'s speech and behavior that she is not a child of ordinary people. At the age of twenty-five or six, I have probably experienced a lot of life, so I seem to be more mature than ordinary green girls. Of course, I mean the body, not Eq. Otherwise, I wouldn\'t have hit the car against the street lamp post just now because I was too nervous.

Yang Ping felt very uncomfortable. He was wearing dead people\'s clothes. He just wanted to take a bath in the city and be comfortable.

"Who are you?"

Although the woman smiled, she was still vigilant and asked.

"At the same time, people in the Jianghu have fallen. Why should they be similar when they meet." Yang Ping showed a Yang Guan smile, and his face was shining, especially his eyes, which were so fascinating that they didn\'t pay for their lives. It seemed that he didn\'t even know how destructive they were to women.

The woman was stunned and forgot to turn the steering wheel for a while.

"Drive carefully."

Yang Ping hurriedly reminded.

The woman was startled and stared at the front. Her pretty face was slightly red, and her heart pounded. She said in a secret way that this man was very good-looking, but a little rogue.

Yang Ping naturally didn\'t know what women thought and wouldn\'t deliberately use mind reading. He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and said, "call me in the city, thank you." he spoke in the same tone as uncle, which made women very unhappy.

"Hey, how can you be like that? I came to drive, but you slept." the woman complained.

Yang Ping opened his eyes and said with a smile, "you are still very alert to me. Even if you chat, you won\'t talk about anything. Besides, you don\'t want to talk to me."

The woman was able to see through her thoughts, her heart beat faster and hurriedly said, "No."

"Drive well. I\'ll fight later."

Yang Ping said something inexplicable, which made the woman feel embarrassed to continue to disturb him, but she became more and more dissatisfied with him and spread her anger on the car. Fortunately, there were not many cars on the second-class road between Longcheng city and Qingshan cemetery, otherwise it would be fatal at the speed of 100 beetles.

"Scare you to death."

The woman was unhappy with Yang Ping and decided to frighten her, so the car grew faster and faster, whizzing and blowing a gust of wind.

The speed reached one hundred and four.

The women were a little frightened. They thought Yang Ping would wake up and scream with fear, but Yang Ping\'s reaction disappointed her and slept like nothing. Women think Yang Ping\'s head is made of wood. She not only doesn\'t know how to be considerate to girls, but also thinks she is a free worker.

In anger, the woman drove the car to 160, and the speed continued to increase.

Yang Ping opened his eyes.

The woman sneered in her heart and said, "be afraid. I thought you were so calm. It turned out that you were pretending, so her pretty face bent an arc and showed a proud smile.

"Watch the back."

Yang Ping said suddenly.

The woman hummed, "you care about me. You should be careful in front."

"When the speed reaches 200, if the car doesn\'t have enough power, you will step on the accelerator to the end. When I ask you to step on the accelerator, you will step on it." Yang Ping looked ahead and showed a mysterious smile.

The woman disdained and said, "why listen to you."

"Step on the accelerator!"

Yang Ping suddenly shouted.

The woman was subconsciously nervous, and then stepped on the accelerator. I don\'t know why. Yang Ping\'s voice was full of strong oppression and didn\'t allow her to react. So she couldn\'t help doing it according to the other party\'s instructions. She felt so unhappy. Why should I listen to you.


Just as the car passed through two camphor trees on the roadside, it exploded behind, and then huge stones fell from the trees. If the car was not fast enough, the beetle might have become scrap iron, and the people in the car were crushed to death.

The woman was stunned when she saw the big stone falling through the rearview mirror.


The woman trembled.

Yang Ping smiled and said, "now you should thank me. I saved your life. We\'re even."

The woman bit her lips, turned pale and said in panic, "who are they and why did they assassinate me?"

"Because you offended people, maybe your family offended people."

Yang Ping doesn\'t think so. Similar assassinations often occur when there is war between big families, but the killer who deals with women obviously didn\'t think she was so sensitive that she could predict the arrival of danger and rushed out.

The plot failed.

Two Toyota overbearing flew out of the woods and caught up.

The woman cried, "look, there\'s a car chasing us."

Yang Ping skimmed his lips and said, "to be exact, he\'s chasing you. I don\'t think you look like a bad man. Did you offend the original match as a junior, and the original match wants to kill people."

The woman was furious and said, "you are the junior. Your whole family is the junior!"

Yang Ping shrugged and said, "since you\'re not a junior, there\'s always a reason. The license plate numbers of the two cars behind are obviously not local. The other party uses foreign killers. Obviously, you don\'t want to expose your identity. You\'d better ask for more luck."

The woman panicked when she was in danger and asked, "what should I do?"

"Do you believe me?"

Yang Ping suddenly asked. The coquettish appearance made the woman speechless. She wanted to believe it, but Yang Ping\'s performance was too unreliable.

"How to do?" the woman clenched her teeth. It seems that she can only place her hope on the stranger next to her. Facing the assassination of her opponent, she can\'t find a better way to deal with it at present.

"Listen to me, slow down and drive to about 100." Yang Ping yawned and said.

The woman was really obedient and slowed down the speed of the car to 100, but two Toyota tyrants caught up and surrounded the beetle in the middle. At the same time, the window opened and exposed the cold muzzle of the gun, just aiming at the woman\'s position.

The woman screamed.

Yang Ping shouted, "step on the accelerator to the end and turn left 30 degrees."

The woman gritted her teeth and did it according to Yang Ping\'s order. The car rotated 30 degrees and hit one of the Toyota domineering wheels. Then something amazing happened. The fast Toyota domineering lost its balance under the impact, and then the whole car flew out.

Toyota overbearing hit the tree trunk, roared, and a violent explosion occurred. It seemed that the people inside could not live.

The woman was stunned and couldn\'t believe the facts in front of her. It\'s incredible that the beetle could knock over Toyota\'s hegemony. After knocking down a car, women are more confident in Yang Ping\'s words.


The woman slammed on the brake and the beetle stopped, but Toyota overbearing didn\'t expect the beetle to be in the state. It didn\'t have time to brake, and then flew out of the secondary road and hit the big stone on the roadside.

Burn, explode, the people inside can\'t live.

The beetle stopped.

The woman was still in shock. She stared at the burning wreckage of the bully and said in a trembling voice, "who are they and why are they coming to kill me?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "are you..."

The woman stared at Yang Ping.

Yang Ping said with a dry smile, "I want to ask if you offended anyone at home and killed people. These people are mercenaries in East Asia. They are not weak and specially accept some highly dangerous tasks."

The task of killing the women around you is not dangerous. Who expected to kill Cheng Yaojin on the way.

Yang Ping ruined their good deeds.

The woman sat in the car and trembled with fear because she caused two traffic accidents.

Yang Ping looked carefully and found a bead on the woman\'s wrist. He was surprised and said, "you\'re from the Liu family."

The woman\'s face changed dramatically. She immediately took out a gun, aimed at Yang Ping\'s eyebrows and shouted, "who are you, the undercover sent by the Zhu family?"

"Zhu family?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "do you think I look like the Zhu family?"

The woman showed her hate eyes and sneered, "the Zhu family deceived people too much. Don\'t think you can cover up the sky with one hand. Sooner or later, someone will clean up your."