Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1227

The yellow mud loosened, filled with earth bags, and then spread cracks. From top to bottom, a coffin came out of the soil. Only a roar was heard, the coffin opened, a figure fell on the ground, and he came out in the misty smoke.

Breathing the fresh air, I felt very good. Holding my arm a little, I even made black cracks appear in the surrounding void, as if a fist could pack the void. Taking him as the center, after thinking, a hurricane immediately formed and swept down, making the peak forest of the Castle Peak cemetery swing, large leaves fall and fly to the sky, just like a group of crows across the sky, He went in the direction of the Dragon City, full of foreboding.

After Yang Ping woke up, he felt stronger than ever before. It was just the strength of his body, almost ten times stronger than before. Although the realm had not been improved, he could not see the diaphragm across his head. It was the barrier of the realm of saints. Only by breaking the void, integrating into the long river of time and space and achieving his own achievements could he be promoted to the realm of saints.

But now Yang Ping doesn\'t need it. In his spiritual world, he sees an incomparably broad river of time and space, which is very similar to that of the northern heavenly king. Countless figures rise and fall in the river of time and space, struggle and want to get ashore. Beside the river of time and space, there are high hands jumping out. These people are saints. Saints are not limited by the long river of time and space, and can stand on the bank and watch the scenery.

The saint went ashore.

All living beings are still suffering.

If you look carefully, although Yang Ping is still in the water and his two feet are inserted into the long river, his figure is really too tall and unprecedented, because the water of the long river can drown and kill saints, but the river can only be at the bottom of the foot board.

In other words, the bottom of Yang Ping\'s feet is the water of the long river of time and space, but it has no effect on him. As long as he wants to jump out of the long river, he can jump up and achieve the strongest Saint realm in ancient and modern times.

Yang Ping seemed to see the end of the long river. His body was tall enough to see through the void and overlook all saints.

This is the strength after rebirth?

Yang Ping has no sorrow or joy in his heart. He enters a wonderful state. When he thinks about it, everything is alive and full of vitality, which is emitted from his body and can affect the surrounding time and space. The development of the body of Nine Yang has reached the extreme. He knows that now, let alone the easy use of the third move of Nine Yang Shenquan, his fist will be equivalent to the highest level of Nine Yang Shenquan.

This is the way against the sky!

Yang Ping feels the violent power of his body, but his state is still poor. He needs to balance with his body in order to achieve perfection. People cultivate the essence, Qi and spirit. If the essence, Qi and spirit reach a perfect combination, it means that Yang Ping can create a new road.

New road, new [email protected] ^^$

It is no longer in the direction of saints, but in a way to create the mysteries of the body.

Yang Ping took a deep breath and walked down the mountain. He secretly said that everything in his dream is not true. Pearl, are you still in the treasure Pavilion, Zhu Xi? Have you lost your Jiuyin constitution and become another person.

Castle Peak cemetery, known as the tomb of all living beings.

There are too many experts buried here, including dignitaries and famous families, but most of them are unknown Jianghu people. Along the way, Yang Ping calmed down when he saw the names.

Yang Ping was in a mysterious tomb. There was no burial place for ordinary people. All of them were amazing names. He even saw the legendary experts. Including the peerless masters of the bloody battle in Longcheng 20 years ago.! $*!

The demon saint, a genius who is known as the dark place and can\'t appear in a hundred years, once participated in the competition for the unparalleled artifact in the Dragon City, but died in the dragon city and was buried in the Castle Peak cemetery. The heavenly demon hand he created is still used by the magic gate as one of the ancient martial arts of the magic gate.

This is a legend, but the tomb after death is just a piece of loess.

Xuanni, the martial uncle of the leader of Cihang Jingzhai, is unknown, but being able to be the martial uncle of the leader of Cihang Jingzhai is enough to show that his identity is more terrible than the devil saint, but he is also buried in the Castle Peak cemetery.

I remember that the expert Zhu Xi came to Qingshan cemetery to look for seemed to be buried here, but I didn\'t know his name.

Thrilling names appeared on the tombstone. Yang Ping was shocked and looked forward to it at the same time. How can I feel proud to be buried in the same place with these masters of the same era.

It can be imagined that if all the masters in the tomb survive or are reborn, what will the world look like.

The idea flashed by, and Yang Ping suddenly stopped, showing a look of horror. He thought of a terrible possibility. Will these masters survive?

The expert Zhu Xi is looking for can live, and she can live. What about these peerless experts?

Yang Ping didn\'t dare to think about it. He looked back at the mysterious tombs, showing a deep color of fear and left quickly. Out of the Castle Peak cemetery, Yang Ping opened her hands to embrace the blue sky, breathed the fresh air of the Castle Peak cemetery, and felt full of endless energy.


A scream came. In the red beetle parked in the parking lot not far away, a woman saw this side and made a sharp cry. At the same time, she suddenly stepped on the accelerator and wanted to reverse out, but in panic, the car crashed into the street lamp post, hit it and flamed out.

Yang Ping chuckled and whispered that he was so handsome that he needed to be so excited.

He walked towards the beetle.

Now Yang Ping is eager to leave the ghost place of Qingshan cemetery. He always feels that Qingshan cemetery is too mysterious, and there is a mysterious force affecting everyone. It is more depressing and terrible than fresh air.

The woman saw Yang Ping coming and shouted, "don\'t come here, or I\'ll call the police."

Yang Ping shrugged and said with a smile, "beauty, I don\'t mean you any harm. I just want to take a ride. Please give me a ride to the city." he doesn\'t want to walk to the city center. He just wants to take a quick bath and fill his stomach.

When the body is strong, the need for energy becomes greater.

The woman closed her eyes and took an anti wolf spray. She said, "don\'t come over, or I\'ll be rude to you. Do you hear me? Oh, please don\'t come in. I\'ll kill you."

Yang Ping sat on the copilot, grabbed the woman\'s wolf spray, and laughed. "I\'m not handsome enough to call the police. Let\'s drive if we can\'t go."

The woman closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "put on your clothes first!"

Yang Ping was stunned, and then looked down. His old face turned red and secretly scolded himself for being too excited. He didn\'t even know he wasn\'t dressed. It was really humiliating. He looked at the back seat. There was a suit of men\'s clothes and his eyes lit up.

The woman felt Yang Ping\'s malicious eyes and shouted, "wait, that\'s..."

Yang Ping put on his clothes and felt it was just right. Well, it seemed to be specially designed for him. He smiled and said, "borrow it for two days."

The woman leaned against the driver\'s seat and said, "that\'s my boyfriend\'s clothes."

Yang Ping didn\'t think so and said with a smile, "it\'s just borrowed to wear. It doesn\'t matter. You see, I\'m so handsome and poor. Women should have a little compassion. It\'s lovely."

The woman said coldly, "my boyfriend died and was buried in the Castle Peak cemetery."

Yang Ping was stunned and said in surprise: "is this suit..."

"Ready to burn it for him."

The woman said coldly.

Yang Ping secretly said bad luck. NIMA finally came out of the coffin. Unexpectedly, she first wore dead people\'s clothes. Pooh, Pooh, Pooh. She wanted to take it off, but she was embarrassed to sit in the co pilot.

The woman saw Yang Ping\'s expression and made her laugh.

The tense atmosphere broke the balance with the woman\'s laughter. After Yang Ping changed his clothes, he looked like a model and didn\'t seem to be a bad person.