Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1226

Zhu Xi stared at Yang Ping angrily. Because he had just come out of the hospital, he said anxiously, "don\'t play anymore. With your willpower, you should have jumped out long ago. Why are you still stubborn?"

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi quietly.

Zhu Xi\'s look was not like fraud. The anxiety and panic from his heart came out from his bones. He wanted to jump up and intercept it. He had a feeling that iron is not steel. He said, "can you calm down and think about it? Don\'t blindly prove anything. The more you prove it, the deeper you fall, and you can\'t extricate yourself."

Yang Ping asked, "do you think I\'m getting deeper and deeper, or are you worried?"

The more so, the more suspicious Zhu Xi is. As long as he triggers the seal of the village in the city, he can prove whether he is in a fantasy, but Zhu Xi happens to appear in the village in the city. How can this not be suspected.

Yang Ping still believes in himself.

Just when he forcibly opened the seal, Zhu Xi\'s face changed greatly and cried, "Yang Ping, if you open the seal, the whole village in the city will fall. Now it\'s different from before, and you can\'t stop it."

Yang Ping said coldly, "that\'s my business."


Zhu Xi\'s eyes flushed, stared at Yang Ping, showed an angry expression, and gritted her teeth and said, "how on earth can you believe me? Will I lie to you?"

Yang Ping sneered, "I can\'t feel the nine Yin breath on you."

Zhu Xi\'s eyes were dim and youyou said, "if you doubt just because the breath of nine Yin disappeared, I\'m very disappointed in you. Yang Ping, think about how my nine Yin constitution disappeared."

"If you insist, I won\'t stop you, but don\'t forget how many people you will kill because of your impulse. The current dragon city is no longer the former dragon city. You are no longer the master of the dragon city. The real master of the dragon city is looking for you all the time."

Zhu Xi turned and left with deep disappointment in her eyes.

The car disappeared.

Yang Ping was touched. He silently looked at the car going away, remembered Zhu Xi\'s expression before, and murmured, "why did the nine Yin constitution disappear? Is there a secret?"

He loosened his mark, suppressed his impulse and said in a secret way: "it\'s not urgent to prove for a while. I\'ll go and see what Zhu Xi wants to do. If everything is empty, there must be flaws for me to continue to prove."

Yang Ping left the village in the city to find Zhu Xi.

China Airlines building, top office.

Zhu Xi turned her back to the door of the office and looked down at Longcheng. She had a panoramic view of the tall buildings, but her back looked lonely. She sighed. The sigh was full of helplessness and sadness. Up to now, there was no way back. She saw that one by one fell into sudden panic, but no one could pull it out.

Unexpectedly, Yang Ping is no exception.

Yang Ping walked into the office, his eyes alert and looked around to see if there was an ambush. Zhu Xi sneered and said, "this is not what you used to be. What are you nervous about coming to my office?"

With a dry smile, Yang Ping felt embarrassed when he was seen through his mind. He wondered, "what happened when you said I was still in a dream?"

"Don\'t you remember everything seven days ago? At the gate of Longcheng University." Zhu Xi looked back and asked seriously.

Yang Ping shook his head and said: "What happened at the gate of Longcheng university? What\'s the matter with your Jiuyin constitution? It\'s impossible to completely disappear. You know, both Jiuyin and Jiuyang constitutions are very special, which can be squeezed infinitely and burst out the ultimate potential. I almost died before, but Jiuyang constitution has been promoted to the second stage, with strong recovery ability, but you lost it."

Zhu Xi said sarcastically, "so you suspect that I am not Zhu Xi, but an illusion used to deceive you?"

Yang Ping was noncommittal.

Jiuyin constitution will not disappear out of thin air unless this person is false.

Zhu Xi asked, "according to your meaning, it\'s no use for me to prove that I\'m Zhu Xi, because you preconceived that I\'m false and everything around me is false. Only you are true, right?"

Yang Ping\'s face was calm and did not answer, but silence represented acquiescence.

Zhu Xi flashed a sadness in her eyes and said helplessly, "then I don\'t need to prove it. If you can remember that the Pearl has lost its life for you, will you feel a little uncomfortable?"

Yang Ping\'s face changed dramatically. He stared into Zhu Xi\'s eyes and said in a cold voice, "don\'t provoke me with the Pearl." he didn\'t like others to say that the Pearl had something to do. Even if the Pearl didn\'t appear now, it must not be dead.

He didn\'t want to believe that Pearl left him.

Zhu Xi ignored Yang Ping\'s killing and said coldly, "the fact is the fact. If you wake up a little, you will find that the current dragon city is completely different from the past, not because of hallucinations, but because someone has changed everything."


Yang Ping\'s heart beat faster and sank into a deep voice.

If someone really changes everything, his realm and strength can be called terrible. He has never heard that one person can change a city, unless it is

Think of the old man in the Castle Peak cemetery and the northern heavenly king who banned his spiritual world. These two people have the power to change the city, but why do they have to make great efforts to do such thankless things.

"The city is very quiet."

Zhu Xi turned to look out of the window and suddenly asked.

Yang Pingling listened to the hustle and bustle of the city, but it was surprisingly quiet. No, even dead. There was no chaos in the city. Yes, but there was no vitality. Instead, it was like a pool of stagnant water, rotting forever.

He doesn\'t like the feeling of silence.

There are no experts to disturb the Jianghu and no enemies to target themselves. Is this still the Jianghu?

"You seem to have forgotten your responsibility and enjoy your current state."

Zhu Xi\'s words were inexplicable, but full of deep meaning. Then he walked towards Yang Ping and said in a deep voice: "but these are false. If I am false, you must be false. Your willingness to sink means that your road is basically broken. You have no choice. You can only go to dark, and you can never see the end of darkness."

Yang Ping was shocked and looked at Zhu Xi inconceivably.

In the past, it was absolutely impossible for Zhu Xi to say that, because Zhu Xi did not understand the general importance of another road. Only when she really reached the extreme of the world, can she reflect on whether the inherent road can reach the end.

Therefore, the present Zhu Xi is definitely not real, but a prop with the same level of human thought formed through the illusion.

"You are false."

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified, made an aggressive gesture and said coldly, "but I\'m true!"


Yang Ping shot and hit Zhu Xi in the chest.

Zhu Xi lowered her head and looked at the sinking chest. Her face was pale and showed a miserable smile. She stretched out her hand to touch Yang Ping\'s face, but she couldn\'t reach it. Then she hung her head and lost her vitality.

Yang Ping relaxed his breath, took back his fist and murmured, "dreamland, break it for me!"

The office in front of him was empty, and Zhu Xi\'s body was distorted, as if entering a wonderful space-time channel. All the surrounding scenery changed greatly. Yang Ping opened her eyes and found that there was darkness in front of her.

It is surrounded by the smell of soil and the familiar smell of Castle Peak cemetery.

Yang Ping said secretly, where is this?

Are you in the grave?