Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1225

We are not in the same world. We can\'t have a deeper intersection, so we would rather hurt each other than continue to develop. I don\'t know if you can understand it, but our relationship is over and can\'t continue to develop.

Yang Ping looked into Mu Zihan\'s eyes and explained.

But mu Zihan obviously couldn\'t accept this explanation and said, "you can find a better reason."

We\'re not in the same world?

So where are we now?

Can\'t we have a deeper intersection?

We have a deeper intersection. Can we go deeper?

This is an excuse!

What do you mean that you would rather hurt each other than continue? Although I know that accepting a person is harder than rejecting a person, the good excuse can\'t make myself understand. Yang Ping is just making up.

It seems to understand Mu Zihan\'s stubborn eyes. Yang Ping doesn\'t know how to continue to explain. Do you want to tell her about fate or explain that there is a causal fate in the world? He is a lonely star of Tiansha, and no one involved has a good result.

Will anyone believe it?

Yang Ping vowed to break the shackles of fate and walk out of another road. Just like the green shirt man, he stepped through the starry sky. All things in the sky can\'t interfere. Even fate should tear it up, but his current realm strength is far from the same level as that of the green shirt man.

It\'s too hard to open up another road.

Jiuyin constitution is gone, and Zhu Xi has changed into another person. The Pearl didn\'t know where it was going, and even couldn\'t feel any breath in Longcheng. It disappeared out of thin air. Many familiar people become strange after meeting. Yang Ping is afraid that a person around him will lose himself and become a walking corpse.

He was afraid, so he chose to refuse.

"I see."

Mu Zihan\'s eyes were dim, got up, reluctantly smiled and said, "I understand your choice and know that I didn\'t meet your requirements. You are so excellent, and I have a daughter. We didn\'t match before."

"Sister mu, it\'s not what you think." Yang Ping was speechless. The more he knew, the harder it was to explain. He smiled bitterly, "one day you will understand my difficulties."

"I understand, but so what? Is it wrong that I appreciate your personality and like your character? You can not like me and refuse me, but please don\'t find reasons to prevaricate me. Please respect my persistence in a relationship."

Mu Zihan got up, calmly looked at Yang Ping and said in disappointment, "in fact, I now understand that it\'s better to create by myself than expect others to give. Yang Ping, thank you for giving me a lesson."

"I\'m sleeping."

Mu Zihan went into the room, closed the door and never came out again.

Yang Ping sat on the sofa and felt helpless. Some things really couldn\'t be explained. It was even more impossible to explain clearly. He hesitated to look at the room, sighed, opened the door and left.

"Sister mu, one day you will understand that the future you appreciate will be disgusting to you."

Leaving Mu Zihan\'s home, walking in the cold street, inhaling the cold air in his lungs, looking up at the sky, it was already the dawn of lights. Among the crowd, Yang Ping walked quietly and carefully felt the different atmosphere of Longcheng.

Those eyes appeared again, as if with a cold smile.

Yang Ping took a deep breath, looked at each other calmly, and said secretly, I know you\'ve been watching. Wait until my weakness appears, and then hit me hard, but you underestimate me, Yang Ping. Since we are going this way, we must fight to the end. I want to see. If the will of Longcheng can\'t deal with it, what can I compete with the way of heaven?

Think of it as a test.

Yang Ping went through the crowd to the treasure Pavilion, jumped in from the outer wall and lived in the original wing room. He knew that everything here was very real and might even die here, but he always remained skeptical.

He suspected that the dragon city was fake.

Yang Ping sat on the bed and settled down.


The wind was trembling. The window of the wing room was shaking. The wind outside was very strong. From time to time, there was a whimper, as if the wronged soul was shouting. Yang Ping turned a deaf ear and entered his own world for continuous cultivation. After the damaged meridians are repaired, they become extremely thick. No, they can\'t become thick, from a stream to an endless sea. The power that his meridians can hold can be said to have no boundaries.

Break the rules and achieve different numbers, so there is no limit.

He is trying to find out his own ancient martial arts. It is too difficult and not so easy to create new skills on the basis of the five element needling method.


When Yang Ping was practicing hard, a ghost appeared silently in the room. It was white, strange and cold. It hung in front of him, but it could not be seen, but it really existed. Those cold eyes seemed to freeze his soul and let Yang Ping degenerate step by step.

The next morning.

Yang Ping opened his eyes. The wing room was still the same as before, full of dust. The white ghost left last night. There was a bird cry outside. The sun shone on the bed through the window, reflecting a pair of exceptionally bright eyes, and the pupils were full of wisdom.

Think about it all night. If Yang Ping has something to gain.

As like as two peas, the world is real. It needs to be proved constantly. The impression of Mu Zi Han is too real, exactly like reality. But Yang Ping does not believe that he wants to test truth and false through one thing.

Some things can disappear, but some things can\'t be changed. The dark place has no ability to change.

Village in the city.

Yang Ping came to the entrance of the dark place. There was a seal channel here. Many experts who had run out of the dark place. He wants to lurk in and see if it really exists.

The construction site is in full swing.

The project manager has been replaced. He is an old man with little strength, but he works very steadily. After a series of rectifications, the security of Longcheng is good, and the seal channel of Liancheng Zhongcun has become honest.

The construction site is progressing smoothly. No one has died these days.

Yang Ping came to the construction site unimpeded. People who didn\'t know thought he was moving bricks. The cave did not appear, indicating that no one set out in the dark place. Yang Ping calculated the position and stood above the cave.

"I wouldn\'t do that if I could."

Yang Ping is taking risks. If he can, he is unwilling to test the seal channel of the dark place, but there is no way. If everything is an illusion, it is absolutely impossible to simulate the origin of the dark place.

Just as Yang Ping was preparing to work hard, a bully suddenly appeared next to the construction site.

Zhu Xi got out of the car and saw Yang Ping at the construction site.

Yang Ping also found Zhu Xi and frowned.

How could it happen?

Just about to test, someone came to stop him from moving the seal.

Zhu Xi came over and said unhappily, "Yang Ping, you know what you\'re doing? Once you open the seal, the whole village in the city will die. What do you want to do?"

Yang Ping stared at Zhu Xi and wanted to see the clue.

However, except for as like as two peas, the other is completely normal. Even the ice and the sadness of the eyebrows are the same.

"Yang Ping, don\'t you wake up?"

Zhu Xi\'s first sentence stunned Yang Ping and said, "you wake up, don\'t get lost..."