Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1224

When Mu Zihan said this, his face turned crimson and his heart pounded. Xuanxuan fell asleep without external interference. The living room looked very quiet and the air was full of ambiguity. Her eyes are full of two peach blossoms. The spring waves blow, and the towering places rise and fall, making the perfect peak curve more charming and attractive.

Mu Zihan didn\'t know how beautiful and attractive he was. In front of Yang Ping, he was only shy and nervous, even with a little inferiority complex. She is a woman with a daughter and is flawed, so she never expected to get anything from Yang Ping. She has been doing business quietly and suppressing her inner love. Even if he saw something he shouldn\'t see in the bathroom last time, she still took it for granted that nothing had happened.

When Mu Zihan dreamed back at midnight, he knew it was impossible and wanted to completely erase Yang Ping from his heart and become a torture. She used to have Xuanxuan and felt that life was incomparably rich and could be satisfied without the moisture of the relationship between men and women. But now we meet again, and the deep emotion erupts. Mu Zihan walks up and floats, stares at Yang Ping, and summons up the courage to invite.

Yang Ping looked at Mu Zihan and looked surprised.

"OK, you go."

Yang Ping nodded and continued to think.

Mu Zihan flashed a disappointed look in his eyes, smiled bitterly in his heart, and many ideas came out. He secretly said that he hadn\'t seen me seriously since he entered the door. Maybe I wasn\'t good enough and didn\'t deserve his nostalgia.

Turning to enter the bathroom, Mu Zihan\'s back was bleak and pitiful.

Half an hour later, Yang Ping woke up from thinking and found that Mu Zihan in the bathroom had not come out. He shook his head and laughed. A woman\'s bath was slow enough for a short time. If he did it in five minutes.

But ten minutes later, Mu Zihan still didn\'t appear. Yang Ping was surprised. Will he lack oxygen after a long time inside?

"Sister mu."

Yang Ping cleaned up his mood, went to the bathroom door and shouted, "sister mu, I want to go to the bathroom." he was embarrassed to ask you whether you have taken a bath. He can only find a reason to go to the bathroom. But strangely, Mu Zihan did not respond.

The heart clattered, Yang Ping said secretly, there will be no accident. Mu Zihan has not recovered from Qiu Xiaozhi\'s kidnapping. In addition, he is still in shock. He is inevitably excited and nervous in the bathroom. There are too many water mist in the bathroom, and the air is thin, which is easy to lack of oxygen. Yang Ping couldn\'t use perspective to see the situation inside, so he asked, "sister mu, can you answer first?"

Still no response.

Yang Ping frowned and whispered that it\'s important to save people. As for others, there\'s no air control. If Mu Zihan had an accident, what would Xuanxuan do. He pushed open the bathroom door, went in and said, "sister mu... Er..."

After entering the bathroom, Yang Ping was stunned.

Mu Zihan didn\'t faint. Instead, he sat in the bathtub and stared at the shower on his head. He didn\'t know what he was thinking. He was so affectionate and absorbed that he didn\'t even hear the cry outside. He didn\'t return to his mind until Yang Ping came in. He screamed and blushed.

"You..." when Mu Zihan saw Yang Ping coming in, he not only didn\'t scream, but had a faint joy in his heart. He seemed to understand Yang Ping\'s inner thoughts very well and couldn\'t help getting excited. "It turned out that he didn\'t like me, but liked this model. That\'s too... Different."

Mu Zihan is happy. As long as Yang Ping is interested in her, it is a good thing. No matter what posture and conditions Yang Ping likes, he can try. As long as Yang Ping likes, anything can be discussed.

Yang Ping stood awkwardly in the bathroom and saw Mu Zihan\'s figure. Although it was only a glance, the soul stirring charm was like a mature peach. He had never seen a woman with Mu Zihan\'s mature and attractive temperament, which was a man\'s favorite.


Yang Ping reluctantly smiled and said, "I\'m worried about your accident. You haven\'t answered for a long time. I thought you fainted in the bathroom." when Mu Zihan found that his eyes were watery, he suddenly scolded himself as an asshole and said why. There was no silver here. He hurriedly said, "it\'s all right. I\'ll go out first."


Mu Zihan\'s weak voice came from behind. Yang Ping was stunned, but did not turn around and asked, "what\'s the matter?"

He climbed onto Yang Ping\'s shoulder with both hands.

Mu Zihan\'s face was crimson. He broke Yang Ping with a trembling Qianqian jade hand, and then the two people were honest with each other. As long as Yang Ping bowed his head, he could see all mu Zihan. In the misty mist, he was full of extreme temptation.

"I\'ll help you..."

Mu Zihan gasped. His tone was very nervous. The desire in his eyes could melt any man.

Yang Ping\'s mind was rippling. Knowing what Mu Zihan meant, she couldn\'t help but be distracted.

Sister Mu\'s meaning is obvious. He can get her body as long as he wants. From sister Mu\'s physical reaction, she can cooperate in doing anything. In addition, what happened to Qiu Xiaozhi today, Mu Zihan may be grateful and mean to promise by example.

But can you accept it?

When Yang Ping was excited, he suddenly thought of Tiansha lone star. What does any woman who has a relationship with him look like now?

no way!

A stern voice appeared in Yang Ping\'s heart. Mu Zihan is not Zhu Xi or pearl. She has her own life. She is an ordinary person. If she gets involved in Jianghu disputes, she will die without a place to bury.

Pushing away sister mu, Yang Ping escaped from the bathroom: "I\'m sorry. I can\'t."

Sister Mu\'s cry came from the bathroom.

Full of sadness and pity.

Yang Ping sat back on the sofa and sighed in his heart that it was over the line to save Mu Zihan\'s mother and daughter. Now he doesn\'t know what the punishment of heaven will be. Even Zhu Xi and Mingzhu can\'t escape, let alone Mu Zihan.

Whenever I think of Zhu Xi in the rescue room, Yang Ping feels inexplicable heartache. It\'s not Zhu Xi anymore. It\'s not the real Zhu Xi from the inside to the outside. The nine Yin constitution completely disappeared, and Zhu Xi looked at him as if he saw a stranger.

The look as like as two peas in the cold.

Yang Ping couldn\'t bear the blow. He didn\'t look back and even didn\'t dare to go back and have a look. He was afraid that it would involve the scars in his heart and arouse the blood sparkling memories. So is mu Zihan. Yang Ping can\'t bear it.

But the crying in the bathroom softened Yang Ping\'s heart.

A long sigh was particularly distressing.

It\'s hard to accept beauty\'s kindness.

I don\'t know how long it took. Mu Zihan put on his clothes and came out of the room. He hung his head and walked towards the room. He didn\'t dare to see Yang Ping more. The sad shadow touched his heart. Yang Ping couldn\'t help saying, "sister mu, come here."

Mu Zihan stopped and whispered, "I\'m sleepy. I want to go to bed first."

There are disappointment, self pity, bitter smile, sadness and despair in the tone

Mu Zihan is a very conservative woman. If she falls in love with a man, she will wholeheartedly, so she basically won\'t take the initiative to express her love. However, when she met Yang Ping, she understood very well tonight and was ready to give herself to him.

But Yang Ping\'s actions hurt herself deeply.

Mu Zihan was disheartened.

The greater the courage, the greater the damage, and the easier it is to sink.

Yang Ping felt sorry and sighed, "sister mu, sit here and I\'ll tell you why I can\'t have you, okay?"

Mu Zihan\'s delicate body trembled slightly.