Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1221

The shadow is very tall, two meters above the foot. The most powerful thing is his eyes, glittering with palpitating cold. Ordinary people look at each other, and their soul is frozen. Behind the shadow, there is a long tail, barefoot soles, and black soil behind the mountain.

With a roar, the shadow rushed over.

Super fast.

It is equivalent to the second holy realm. Such terrible speed and power do not know the limit of the shadow. Yang Ping saw the dark face clearly and frowned. The twisted face is covered with scales, and the long tail swings, sending out terrible stagnant force. It seems to be thrown, and the steel will be broken.


The tail attacked Yang Ping, his mouth opened, revealing a thick and disgusting liquid, which fell on the ground and corroded the earth. The shadow monster killed him as soon as he started.

Yang Ping didn\'t find out the origin of the monster, but felt it was similar.

He raised his hand and threw it at the monster\'s head.

With a click, the monster couldn\'t bear Yang Ping\'s punch. His body sank to the ground and sent out a shocking bombardment. Finally, he sobbed and had no vitality. After one blow to kill the monster, Yang Ping was not happy because the barbed wire outside the Wutong tree rang with loud growling.

And monsters will come out.

Yang Ping frowned and then disappeared. A minute later, the movement outside the barbed wire disappeared and the restlessness disappeared. When Yang Ping came out of the back mountain, his face was calm, he looked at the Wutong tree, and then the whole man became a strange existence.

Those monsters are dead.

Killed with one punch, without exception.

Yang Ping had a heavy heart and was not happy because of his strength to crush the monster, because he felt that a pair of eyes in the sky were staring at him and full of hostility. Yang Ping was familiar with the owner of these eyes. He used to be the Lord of the Dragon City, got the scepter and the power of all sentient beings. The breath of the master of the eye is actually condensed by the power of all sentient beings, so he can conclude that he has lost his identity as the master of the dragon city.

I don\'t know why the Lord of the dragon city is very hostile to Yang Ping.

His entry caused a strong attack.

Monsters are just one wave.

After completely hiding his breath, Yang Ping became an ordinary person and walked in the crowd on the street looking for evidence.

A jewelry store, located in the pedestrian street.

Yang Ping stood at the door. He was going to leave, but he was surprised to see the name of the jewelry store.

Young\'s jewelry store.

Yang Ping saw a familiar shadow in the store. He hesitated and wanted to ask. But Yang Ping immediately gave up. If you are involved with him at this time, you will certainly be retaliated by the will of Longcheng.

But when Yang Ping wanted to go, he suddenly frowned and looked at the store.

Mu Zihan has become more amorous and mature. She has changed from the former director of the public relations department to the owner of the jewelry store. The transformation of her role makes her more attractive. Mu Zihan was able to say with Zhu Xi that she was one of the three beauties of China Airlines Group. It was not just because of Mu Zihan\'s beautiful appearance, but also because her mature and seductive temperament was not comparable to Zhu Xi.

She wore a uniform and worked hard in the store. She didn\'t feel superior because she was just the chairman, but more cordial. The employees in the store admire their boss very much, so they put up twelve points in doing business.

Through the efforts of the staff, the business of Yang\'s jewelry store has become bigger and bigger, with five branches. The original investment of 30 million yuan has now become several billion yuan of assets, and it seems that with the operation of Mu Zihan, the jewelry store may be even larger.

But big trees attract wind.

Although Yang\'s jewelry store has a big business, it has offended many people.

One of them is this generation of gangsters.

Those who do business in the pedestrian street have to pay protection fees, which is necessary. There is a large flow of people in the pedestrian street. This branch is the best. In fact, as long as they pay money every month, they can be fine. Mu Zihan is also willing to pay, but the other party wants not only money, but also people.

Mu Zihan is a famous beauty in the pedestrian street, so he attracted the attention of the boss of the gangster gang in the pedestrian street.

It is said that the boss of the gangsters in the pedestrian street has a strong power behind him, which ordinary people can\'t afford. He wants something and no one can stop him. Mu Zihan was introducing a wedding ring to a couple. Suddenly, a startling cry came from the door.

Three hair dyed gangsters came in with sticks in their hands. The security guard in the store wanted to intercept them, but one of them hit him on the head with a stick and lay on the ground groaning, which looked very painful.

Mu Zihan looked cold and stared at the visitor.

"Boss mu, our boss wants to buy you a cup of tea. Don\'t you know if you\'re free?" a gangster looked at Mu Zihan wantonly with a cigarette in his mouth. His mind was agitated and scolded. Mu Zihan was really beautiful. The good cabbage was arched by the pig.

"If you mess around again, I\'ll call the police!" Mu Zihan said angrily.

The gangster laughed wildly, then spat and scared the shopping customers to leave quickly. They can\'t provoke gangsters. Gangsters have a bad reputation in the pedestrian street, but no one cares. There must be many reasons behind it.

"Call the police?" gangster Meng stared at Mu Zihan and tut tut said, "haven\'t you reported it? Is it useful? To tell you the truth, our boss issued a wanted notice today. Boss Mu must go to have tea, otherwise the family will not open from today on."

I\'ve seen arrogant gangsters, but I haven\'t seen so arrogant. Mu Zihan\'s lungs burst with anger. It\'s impossible to want her to give in!

Mu Zihan sneered and said, "tell your boss that the heaven\'s net is wide and open. Your boss can\'t cover up the sky! I won\'t let you succeed if I don\'t want this store."

The gangster showed a sinister smile.

I wasn\'t surprised by Mu Zihan\'s toughness. Mu Zihan refused several times before and didn\'t care about it once or twice. This time, however, they were confident. The gangster took out a pen from his arms and shook it in front of Mu Zihan.

After Mu Zihan saw the pen, Qiao\'s face changed and said angrily, "what have you done to my daughter?"

The gangster smiled, shrugged and said, "get in the car."

Mu Zihan hesitated.

"Boss, you can\'t go. They are not good people. What if something happens?" an employee was worried about Mu Zihan\'s safety and persuaded him, "we should call the police. I don\'t believe these people dare to mess around."

The gangster\'s eyes flashed fiercely, then he jumped up and beat the man hard, breaking his head and bleeding.

This silenced everyone.

Mu Zihan was in great pain. Her daughter was all she had. If something happened, it would be difficult to feel at ease all her life. He gritted his teeth and said, "OK, I\'ll go with you. If you hurt my woman, I\'ll die with you even if I try my best."

The gangster disdained to smile.

"Get up!"

Three gangsters swaggered to the door.

Mu Zihan took a knife, put it in his pocket, and then left.

"It\'s too lawless, smashing stores, robbing, kidnapping in broad daylight. Is there a king\'s law!" someone was indignant and wanted to call the police, but was stopped by his companion.

"Stop talking and keep your voice down. If you let the gangster Gang know, you\'ll be dead. Don\'t you know that the boss of the gangster gang has a hard relationship. It\'s said that he is related to the big people in the city. If he provokes them, he doesn\'t know how to die."

The companion hurriedly warned.

The man sighed, shook his head and left angrily.

Only the employees in the jewelry store looked at each other. I don\'t know who was angry, but he shouted, "he\'s so good to us. Now the boss is in trouble. Are we still people if we stand idly by?"

"Yes, let\'s go together and save the boss."