Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1220

The girl is Zhu Xi, because she has the same appearance and is so beautiful. She lies quietly on the operating table and receives emergency rescue. Unfortunately, she has no response. The ECG is flat, indicating that there is no heartbeat and the person has died.

But the girl is not Zhu Xi. At the first sight of the girl, Yang Ping couldn\'t feel the familiar breath. Zhu Xi is a special girl. She has Jiuyin constitution and has a strong attraction to Jiuyang constitution, but at the moment, the girl doesn\'t have Jiuyin breath.

Yang Ping stared at the girl and found that she was close to death. Only the God of death would come here and take her away.

Facing the girl who was about to die, Yang Ping did not hesitate and began to rescue her. He used the wooden needle in the five element needling method to stimulate the girl\'s vitality, and then reopened the Hongqiao in shenzang cave to build an internal and external vitality cycle to let the girl recover herself.

Half an hour later, Yang Ping came out of the emergency room and left without looking back.

The Dean wanted to stop, but when he saw Yang Ping\'s ugly face, he clicked in his heart and said secretly that he would not fail, so he hurried in to observe and saw the response of ECG, and his face was ecstatic.

Zhu Xi is alive.

A patient who was declared dead by the rescued doctor was saved by Yang Ping\'s magical medical skills. The Dean got excited and shouted, "Why are you waiting? Send it to the VIP ward."

The little nurse who stopped Yang Ping pushed Zhu Xi away with doubts. The Dean followed them all the way.

Yang Ping walked out of the hospital door, looked up at the sky and looked puzzled. Zhu Xi is not Zhu Xi. This kind of thing can\'t be explained, because the nine Yin breath in Zhu Xi\'s body has completely disappeared, and she doesn\'t have the life essence of Zhu Xi before.

When the state reaches a certain level, judging a person only needs to be based on the essence of his life. Even Yi Rong can easily detect that Yang Ping can\'t find the same essence as Zhu Xi on the girl on the operating table, which shows that the girl doesn\'t know the person Yang Ping is looking for.

So the question is, where is Zhu Xi?

Yang Ping walked on the road and felt that the surrounding environment was very strange. He used to control the dragon city and have the power of all living beings. The leapfrog challenge that can kill the great saint of Vatican Valley suddenly disappeared, and the power of all living beings he absorbed was silently deprived.

Longcheng does not recognize him as the master.

A week, a lot of things can happen. Everything makes Yang Ping confused. In order to determine the changes in Longcheng, he came to the treasure pavilion to see how the Pearl and peach become strange, and ask them something fishy from their mouths.

However, when she came to the treasure Pavilion, Yang Ping found that the gate of the treasure pavilion was progressing. It was desolate and lifeless, and the Pearl and peach disappeared. Yang Ping turned pale and rushed into the front yard. He saw piles of fallen leaves lying on the ground. It is estimated that it has been a while. There is a lot of dust in the wing room, and the furniture is covered with white cloth. Obviously, it seems that no one has come in for a long time.

Yang Ping became nervous and said secretly, it\'s only been a week. Why do you feel that there is no one in the treasure Pavilion for half a year.



Yang Ping didn\'t believe it and shouted all the way. As expected, no one responded.

Standing on the bamboo hill.

The withered bamboo forest was burned to ashes, dark and desolate without upgrading. What\'s more terrible is that the seal channel hidden in the bamboo forest suddenly disappeared, and the light cocoon hidden by Mrs. bamboo disappeared. It has become an abandoned channel, without darkness and vitality, and only stays in the gray color.

The bamboo house has not been repaired for a long time. It is in a dilapidated condition. If Yang Ping hadn\'t seen the furniture inside, he would have thought it was an old house in a deserted village. The things Mrs. Zhu used have long been covered with dust and can\'t see the traces clearly.

Yang Ping looked around. Except for the sky, everything was different.

What the hell is going on?

His heart was tight and inexplicably uncomfortable. It seemed that there was a hand behind his back controlling everything, so that he couldn\'t see the truth. He was forced into the environment, but he couldn\'t find an exit. Yang Ping looked for several places and found that Longcheng is different from before.

At last Yang Ping came to the Wutong tree under the Dragon City University.

Wutong leaves swaying in the wind, Yang Ping saw the blue light, lit the spark of light, and at the top of the Wutong tree, a shadow stood in the void and looked at the sky.

Blue Phoenix!

Yang Ping\'s face was very happy. Originally, he was restless. He thought that the world had changed, the dragon city had changed, and even the people around him were changing. He thought it was a conspiracy, a fantasy that controlled his senses, but Yang Ping didn\'t believe it, so he looked for evidence to prove his thoughts.

Finally found it.

Someone wants to replace Yang Ping with his own self and doubt himself, but he never thought that once a beautiful beauty was planted in the tree of Wutong University, it became part of nature.

The soul of Blue Phoenix is still there, which shows that the dragon city must be the one experienced before.


After a long sigh, a light and shadow appeared in front of her. Yang Ping looked at her silently and stopped talking. The sudden appearance of Blue Phoenix caught him off guard. He wanted to ask several times, but he couldn\'t communicate.

What the hell is going on?

"Has the great change finally begun?" an idea sounded in the spiritual world, and the voice of the Blue Phoenix came to my ears. A pair of complex eyes twinkled in the light and shadow, trying to see through Yang Ping. It\'s a pity that Yang Ping\'s essence has changed different from the past.

Because Yang Ping walked very far on his own road. Although he finally returned to reality, the power system in his body has completely changed and is completely different from what it used to be. Qi, strength and vitality are the essential forces in the contemporary martial arts system, but Yang Ping has very different forces in his body.

He doesn\'t know how powerful he is.

Without the blessing of the Lord of the dragon city and the power of all living beings, Yang Ping did not lose the illusion of power, but felt stronger, although he did not know how strong it was.

"You\'ve changed too." the Blue Phoenix sighed and said, "when his prediction finally succeeded, the dragon city will be a different dragon city, with dead lives and a dark atmosphere everywhere."

Yang Ping asked, "what happened these days?"

The Blue Phoenix shook her head and said, "I don\'t know. Although the dragon city is still there, its essence has disappeared, and the will of the dragon city has begun to recover. You are very dangerous now. You must leave the Dragon City, or you will be killed by the will of the Dragon city."

Yang Ping was silent.

The Blue Phoenix said anxiously, "you leave quickly. It seems that the will of the dragon city has found you."


The Blue Phoenix\'s shadow disappeared, leaving only a broken face that turned into light spots, slowly rising and falling into the Wutong tree.

Ground shaking.

It seemed that a huge step came this way, shaking the school barbed wire and falling to the ground one after another.

Yang Ping looked around and a dark shadow came towards him.