Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1222

A group of people closed the jewelry store to save the boss.

Senming building.

This is the lair of the gangster gang. It\'s a lending company on the surface, but it\'s secretly doing illegal activities. It\'s strange that the gangster gang has done too many evil things, but no one cares. This in itself shows that the gangsters have a strong background.

second floor.

Muzihan tried to resist panic and walked into the office on the left. The knife in her pocket gave her a certain sense of security, but when she saw the man in the office, muzihan became nervous. There was only one person in the office, sitting in a chair with his back to the door.

"Boss mu, I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time."

The man turned around and showed a ferocious and terrible face. He smiled and said, "is it so difficult to invite you to a cup of tea? I have to make everyone unhappy. I like to let things go and don\'t do it if I insist."

The middle-aged man has a scar on his face. He looks ugly with a centipede, which increases a lot of killing opportunities. Obviously, he is a vicious man, and his breath is obvious. There are many lives in his hand.

This man is Qiu Xiaozhi, the boss of the generation of gangsters in the pedestrian street.

Qiu Xiaozhi was not a simple man. When he was a mercenary in Southeast Asia, he returned to China and opened a reception company. His business became bigger and bigger, and his means became more and more presumptuous. Qiu Xiaozhi is rampant because he has a good cousin who is the head of the Public Security Bureau. So no one came to trouble.

Originally, Mu Zihan and Qiu Xiaozhi were not much involved. Paying the protection fee can let the jewelry store do business well. But one day, Qiu Xiaozhi took his lover to Yang\'s jewelry store to buy jewelry. It was amazing to see Mu Zihan. He has played with many women, but none can compare with Mu Zihan. His lover is very young and a model, but compared with Mu Zihan, NIMA is a scum.

Qiu Xiaozhi fell in love with Mu Zihan at the first sight. Of course, this love is strong possession and overbearing plunder. He doesn\'t like to pursue women. He only likes to possess women. So he got rid of the model lover on the spot and made a move on Mu Zihan.

Unfortunately, Mu Zihan was strong and took up arms to defend. When other employees saw that the boss was bullied, they surrounded him one after another, and some of them called the police directly.

Qiu Xiaozhi saw that the other party was crowded and had no impulse. Instead, he made an apology and compensated the jewelry store for its losses.

I thought it was over.

But then came the nightmare.

After Qiu Xiaozhi met Mu Zihan, he was haunted. He was basically afraid of other women and always wanted to get it. It\'s a pity that Mu Zihan doesn\'t give face. Every time he gives a gift, he will be thrown into the trash can.

He is angry.

It is a great shame that the leader of a gang is despised and rejected. Qiu Xiaozhi was able to keep modest at first, but later he lost patience and used his relationship directly. He not only asked the Administration for Industry and commerce to check the tax payment of jewelry stores, but also let his men harass him constantly.

These days, the business of Yang\'s jewelry store has been seriously affected.

These are all thanks to Qiu Xiaozhi.

Mu Zihan hates him to the bone, but unexpectedly, Qiu Xiaozhi kidnapped Xuanxuan and forced her to come to senming building. Mu Zihan is even worse for such a dirty practice. Qiu Xiaozhi looked at Mu Zihan and found that she was wearing very attractive clothes today. Although it was a uniform, the mountains inside were extremely attractive. The perfect curve was not like a woman who had given birth to children, but younger than those models.

Qiu Xiaozhi loves it more and more. He can\'t wait to jump on it.

Mu Zihan said nervously, "where\'s my daughter?"

Qiu Xiaozhi\'s eyes flashed, pretending to be surprised and said, "your daughter, how do I know? I thought boss Mu came to date."

Mu Zihan said angrily, "Qiu Xiaozhi, don\'t be arrogant. If something happens to my daughter, I won\'t let you go."

Qiu Xiaozhi smiled, shook his head and said, "boss mu, you are in business. Do you think your words are credible? With your energy, if I want to deal with you, I will crush you with one finger."

Mu Zihan saw that Qiu Xiaozhi\'s eyes were red and his secret way was bad. The other party was a beast and would not be reasonable.

I can\'t help but step back.

Mu Zihan regretted coming so impulsively, which was tantamount to a sheep entering a tiger\'s mouth. A panic flashed in his eyes, pretending to be calm and said, "if you hurt my daughter, you can\'t stay in Longcheng."

Qiu Xiaozhi got up and walked towards Mu Zihan. His desire became stronger and stronger. Seeing Mu Zihan\'s body, he didn\'t know why. He wanted to jump up and bite to meet his animal desire.

Mu Zihan is an irresistible beauty.

Qiu Xiaozhi was surprised how mu Zihan was abandoned in those years. There were still people in the world who would abandon such a beautiful woman. In that case, let me have a good heart ache.

"You promise me to be my woman, I can let Yuxuan go. As long as you accompany me once, I\'ll let you go." Qiu Xiaozhi licked his lips, smiled and grabbed Mu Zihan.

Mu Zihan exclaimed, took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed Qiu Xiaozhi hard.

Blood spatter.

Qiu Xiaozhi looked at his arm and was cut by a knife. Blood flowed.

Seeing that Qiu Xiaozhi was hurt, Mu Zihan panicked in his eyes and hurriedly said, "don\'t come here, or I will..."

Qiu Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes and showed a crazy smile. Then, in Mu Zihan\'s frightened eyes, he stretched out his tongue, licked the blood of his arm, showing an intoxicated color, and said, "I haven\'t tasted the taste of blood for a long time. When I killed in Vietnam, I personally tasted the body. It\'s not delicious. I still like a beautiful woman like you."

Mu Zihan\'s pretty face changed and his jade hand trembled with the knife.

This is a madman!

Qiu Xiaozhi took the snatching knife aside, threw Mu Zihan down and said excitedly, "boss mu, you are mine and no one can take it away. You\'d better obey me. I\'m very strong..."

Mu Zihan was sad and could not beat Qiu Xiaozhi at all.

"If Yang Ping were here, our mother and daughter would not be bullied like this." at this time, Mu Zihan sadly found that in the face of despair, the first person to think of was Yang Ping.

"Sorry, Yang Ping, I can\'t wait for you anymore."

Seeing that Qiu Xiaozhi was going to do animal things, Mu Zihan flashed a determination in his eyes, ready to bite his tongue and commit suicide to protect his innocence. It\'s just a pity that I can\'t accompany my daughter anymore and wait for Yang Ping to come back.


Just as Mu Zihan bit his tongue and killed himself, a scream sounded in his ear.

Mu Zihan opened his eyes and saw a man coming in at the door, showing an incredible color. A tall figure with Xuanxuan in his arms came in. Qiu Xiaozhi, who looked ferocious, covered his head and cried sadly.

"Yang Ping!"

Mu Zihan wiped his eyes and almost thought he was dreaming!