Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1219

Seven days!

It\'s a hard week for office workers, but they finally bite their teeth. However, for Jianghu people, seven days is definitely a sensitive time point, especially in a chaotic place like Longcheng. Too many things can happen in seven days.

Yang Ping couldn\'t believe his eyes. Seven days was just a moment, but it was a long time in the past.

Are you dreaming?

Waking up from the lake, Yang Ping doubted whether he was in a dream, but inhaling the cold air in his lungs and the faint fragrance of flowers in the office showed that what he saw was real. He paced in the office. Before rushing into the door, he forgot to ask the people of China Airlines Group, where is Zhu Xi?

He didn\'t believe that Zhu Xi died and saved him. A second-class master is abnormal compared with ordinary people. He can\'t cramp and drown. Besides, Zhu Xi\'s strength is not weak. He\'s fine in the water for days and nights.

But why does the sense of foreboding come from?

Yang Pingping couldn\'t go on, so he hurried to the assistant president\'s office to ask about the situation. Unfortunately, there was no one in the assistant president\'s office, and then ran downstairs to ask the company\'s top management. When he appeared in front of a vice president, the vice president was so frightened that he stood up to say hello and wanted to bring tea and water, but he was refused.

"Where\'s Zhu Xi?" Yang Ping asked hurriedly.

The vice president was surprised and said, "I\'m still in a meeting this morning. President Yang, what can I do for you?"

The relationship between Yang Ping and Zhu Xi is not simple. Of course, only the senior management of the group vaguely knows, so the vice president is not that the grass-roots level of the group despises Yang Ping, but is extremely awed. At the beginning, with the strength of Yang Ping, Huahang group was brought back to life.

"Where is Zhu Xi now?" Yang Ping asked repeatedly.

The deputy general manager smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhu left at noon and is expected to come back later. Mr. Yang, is something wrong?" looking at Yang Ping\'s face, he had a hunch that things were bad and couldn\'t help asking. Of course, the deputy general manager wanted to have a good relationship with Yang Ping, so he asked cautiously.

"It\'s all right. If Zhu Xi comes back, tell me." Yang Ping left the vice president\'s office and asked other senior managers one by one, but the answers were surprisingly [email protected] ^^$

Zhu Xi had a meeting at the company in the morning and left at noon. Now she doesn\'t know where she went?

Back to the office, there were hurried footsteps outside. Yang Ping looked back and was stunned. At the door stood a small white flower, standing timidly in the wind. Ma Weiwei held a stack of documents and looked worried, but when she saw Yang Ping, it turned into surprise and doubt.

Why is Yang Ping in the office?

When Ma Weiwei was about to speak, Yang Ping asked, "have you seen Zhu Xi?"

Ma Weiwei\'s eyes are dim.! $*!

Yang Ping nodded in his heart and said anxiously, "is there an accident?" if there is an accident, what he heard in Longcheng university is the fact, indicating that Zhu Xi may have an accident. He looked at Ma Weiwei nervously and his heart beat faster.

Did Zhu Xi really die to save people?

"In the hospital."

Ma Weiwei looked up and dared not look into Yang Ping\'s eyes. She worried and said, "send it to the hospital for rescue."

A gust of wind blew past.

Ma Weiwei lost Yang Ping\'s figure, opened her mouth and smiled bitterly. Although I was worried about Dong Zhu, I was jealous when I saw Yang Ping\'s flustered look. I secretly said that it would be great if he could worry about me one day.

People\'s hospital.

Yang Ping directly entered the emergency building and inquired that a girl named Zhu Xi came in for rescue half an hour ago, but now she is still in the rescue room and her life is not out of danger. He was nervous and rushed to the rescue room. The corridor was empty. Obviously, not many people knew about Zhu Xi\'s accident.

Zhu Xi has no relatives. As for those subordinates, not to mention, it is impossible to come to the hospital to see her.

"Hey, you can\'t go in!"

Yang Ping was about to enter the rescue room when she was stopped by a young nurse. She stared, pulled Yang Ping\'s arm and shouted, "this is the rescue room. Family members can\'t go in. You wait outside for me."

Generally, the nurse won\'t get angry, but she thinks Yang Ping\'s behavior is too excessive and breaks into the rescue room directly. What if the patient\'s rescue is delayed?

"I\'ll save people."

Yang Ping explained.

The nurse glared and sneered, "don\'t make trouble for the rescue doctor. If you are the patient\'s family, wait outside. If not, I\'ll call the security guard. Do you hear me." she doesn\'t believe Yang Ping will save people. It is estimated that it is the family members who are nervous about the patient\'s situation.

Yang Ping was anxious, but he couldn\'t explain. He couldn\'t say he was a miracle doctor. He was better than the doctors inside. In that case, the nurse is expected to call the security guard right away. The nurse advised, "wait at ease. You will be notified as soon as you have news."

Footsteps sounded.

The Dean came up with a group of experts with flustered faces.

The nurse turned pale and saw the dean\'s black face. She thought it was her dereliction of duty. She hurriedly said, "you should avoid it quickly. The dean is angry. Do you hear me? Oh, why don\'t you move."

The dean is getting closer.

The nurse was helpless. She could hardly speak in front of such a big man as the dean. She could only harden her head and want to speak. But the next thing overturned the nurse\'s perception.

The Dean directly ignored the nurse\'s eyes and went to Yang Ping. He choked and said, "Yang Shao, thank you for coming. Dong Zhu is rescuing in there. The situation is not optimistic." he also rushed over immediately after receiving the news. Who could have thought that a drowning girl in Longcheng university would be Zhu Xi. When I got the news, it was half an hour.

The Dean has an impulse to strangle the director of the emergency department. You are paralyzed. You usually have enough to eat and drink. Drop the chain for me at the critical time. There are some big people in Longcheng that can never be ignored. One is the members of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee, and the other is the cattle of the big family. These people can have an impact on his future in a word.

Half an hour, too much may happen.

If you didn\'t walk into the corridor and see Yang Ping, the Dean would almost kneel over. Zhu Xi\'s life is not something that ordinary people can bear. If something happens in the people\'s Hospital, NIMA, would you like to do it.

The nurse was stunned.

The dean of the people\'s Hospital, the most powerful person in the people\'s Hospital, saw the young man in front of him, and his posture was too low to imagine. It was like that the director of the emergency department usually stood high in front of the nurses, but he immediately became a pug in front of the dean.

Who is the young man in front of you?

The nurse was shocked and curious.

Is he good?

"I want to go in and save people," Yang Ping said in a deep voice.

The Dean immediately jumped down and shouted, "please Yang Shao. I\'m incompetent. Let the people inside come out. Don\'t delay Yang Shao\'s rescue."

Two emergency department rescue doctors were called out. They looked pale and wanted to stop talking, but when they saw the dean\'s stern eyes, they immediately got up respectfully and stood next to him. The Dean didn\'t say much. He watched Yang Ping go in nervously.

The door of the emergency room is closed.

Yang Ping hurried close to the hospital bed and saw Zhu Xi\'s face pale on the bed. The breath was gone. It was obviously that the rescue was ineffective and died.

But seeing the people on the hospital bed clearly, Yang Ping was stunned.

Is this Zhu Xi?