Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1218

Heaven will place great responsibility on such a person. He must first work hard, strain his muscles and bones, and lack his body.

Yang Ping originally felt that his body was light and floating, like his soul wandering in the void. The starry sky was dark. There was no boundary to explore the universe. He needed to explore it by himself. He was in a dark channel, but in a distant place, there seemed to be a parallel channel leading to the distance.

He once remembered that it was the way that men in green shirts came out.

And I\'m still exploring in the dark.

The starry sky is boundless and the future is confused. Yang Ping knew that human beings are so small in the cosmic starry sky only when he was in the channel. Whether saints or great saints, or even heavenly beings, the comparison between heaven and earth is extremely small. At most, they are more powerful than mortals. As long as heaven and earth want to destroy the God, it\'s just a little more effort.

The starry sky is so strong that the emperor is afraid.

Yang Ping sighed and whispered, where am I and where am I going?

Yang Ping wanted to stop, but he couldn\'t control it. His soul left his body and saw his body moving towards a black hole, slowly approaching the black hole, and death came. He wanted to control, but there was nothing he could do. His heart roared and his voice looked pale.

Everything seems to be so empty.

What should I do?

Yang Ping is more confused than anyone. Others at least have predecessors to point out and have direction. However, if he wants to go another way, he can only grope for it by himself, but the price is too high.

There was an inexplicable pain in his heart. Yang Ping suddenly looked back and looked at the past, as if he had lost the most important thing. He heard someone calling him vaguely, vaguely the voice of Zhu Xi.

"Why can\'t I hear it?"

Yang Ping turned around and wanted to swim back, but the power of the unknown channel seemed to pull him like an invisible magic hand, close to the black hole and towards death.

"Why am I so miserable?"

Yang Ping burst into tears and shouted at the channel, "get out, I don\'t want to explore, I want to go home!"

No response.

Only the cold magic hand continued to pull her to death.

Yang Ping curled up and kept yelling. He wanted to penetrate the dark channel and return to the original place. He didn\'t want to lose the most important thing because of exploring the unknown. He vaguely noticed that someone had an accident, and he was still the most important person.

Unfortunately, there\'s nothing I can do.

He is like a boat in the angry sea. He bumps in the big waves and may capsize, lose himself and lose his life at any time.

Just when Yang Ping was desperate, a light appeared behind him. Yang Ping suddenly looked at the past, as if he saw a pointing light. He was overjoyed and hurried to swim over. In the void without direction, he can only go towards the light.

Gradually, familiar scenes appeared. Yang Ping had a God\'s perspective in the dark, overlooking all living beings.


Yang Ping was overjoyed. The light came from his hometown. There must be nothing wrong. He returned with excitement and finally did not lose his way. People in the sea, in the barren desert, finally understand how important it is to guide people.

And that light was the brightest he had ever seen.

He really felt that the source of light was so terrible that it could surpass the blockade of darkness and illuminate his road. He can see from high above that there are many fireflies on the earth. Those are the light of life lit by saints, but they are too different from the light indicating the direction.

In the end, how powerful people may have the light beyond destiny?

Yang Ping could not answer, because the source of light was obviously different, and even the light of all fireflies could not compare with him. Resisting the shock in his heart, he returned to the diaphragm and pierced it with force. Then the darkness disappeared and the light reappeared.

Open your eyes, Yang Ping knows he\'s back.

He remembered that he seemed to be in Zhu Xi\'s office in China Airlines building. Zhu Xi was angry. But there is no desk around, no precious bookcase, no familiar office door, and no Zhu Xi.

Where is this?

Yang Ping got up hard and looked around.

Surrounded by the lake.

Lying by the lake, I was soaked to the skin.

Many young men and women gathered on the shore, pointing at him with regret, disdain and more contempt.

"What\'s the matter?"

Yang Ping sat up and looked at the crowd blankly.

"Shit, I didn\'t die like this. I thought he was dead." a boy with acne looked at Yang Ping in surprise and shouted, "do you know that he was flooded in the lake for half an hour?"

Yang Ping reluctantly smiled and said, "I forgot."

The pimple boy said, "if you don\'t die, you will have a blessing. I\'m sorry. A girl died because she saved you. Hey, I don\'t know what you can\'t think of. You have to jump into the inner lake. The inner lake is smelly. You can jump down."

Yang Ping wondered, "I jumped into the lake? Someone saved me and died?"

When the acne boy wanted to answer, the fat man next to him sneered and scolded: "you can\'t let it go. Why bother our goddess? Do you know that the goddess sacrificed herself to save you..."

At this point, the fat man\'s eyes turned red and glared at Yang Ping, trying to fight. The acne boy hurriedly pulled the fat man and advised him, "well, I know you love Zhu Xi, but no one wants to do this. He is also a poor man. Let\'s go and have class later."

In his heart, Yang Ping pulled the fat man and said in a trembling voice, "you said Zhu Xi is dead?"

The fat man shook off and shouted, "you\'re paralyzed. Didn\'t you think about others before you committed suicide? Scum and coward like you waste social food. Zhu Xi drowned in order to save you. Are you satisfied?"

Yang Ping fell into a stupor and murmured, "how could it be that Zhu Xi drowned to save me?"

It\'s like a TV play.

How can you jump into the lake?

How could Zhu Xi save him and drown?

Yang Ping reluctantly smiled and said, "are you kidding? How could Zhu Xi die?"

Others showed disdainful eyes, but no one came to inquire about Yang Ping\'s physical condition, and they despised him very much. Gradually, the crowd dispersed. Yang Ping sat alone by the lake. Only then did he find that his place was the inner lake of Longcheng University.

Zhu Xi is dead?

Yang Ping got up, endured uneasiness and left the school.

He came to China Airlines building, entered the office and shouted, "Zhu Xi, Zhu Xi..."

No response.

Only the breeze turned the pages on the desk.

Qingfeng can\'t read. Why do you turn the pages.

Yang Ping\'s face turned pale for a moment.

"No, Zhu Xi won\'t die."

Yang Ping can\'t believe it. She is a master, and Zhu Xi is not bad. At least she is above the five grade level. No, Zhu Xi\'s strength is very strong, far more than before. The inner lake of Longcheng university can\'t drown her.

However, the omen of the breeze turning the book made Yang Ping in a bad mood, and his ominous premonition became stronger and stronger.

When you see the time on the computer.

Yang Ping\'s face was stiff.

Now, seven days from then?