Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1217

The seemingly harmless lightsaber easily cut off an arm, and the stump was clear between the pupils. Then a touch of fear emerged from the depths of his heart. Zhu Yan realized that he didn\'t cover up the sky in the dragon city.

Someone else can kill him at will.

Zhu Yan grabbed his arm, turned and ran away, which was quite different from the evil tyranny before he came.

Yang Ping didn\'t die, but he suffered heavy losses.

When Mingzhu saw Yang Ping entering the gate of Longcheng University, she was calm, slowly closed her eyes and murmured, "it\'s successful... Yang Ping, forgive me for not being able to accompany you to old age."

Close your eyes and close them forever.

Pearl feels light and weightless. The secret way is, am I dead? Where can I go when I\'m dead? Hell or heaven? She knew that her body was dying and overdrawn her blood power to the limit. In order to save Yang Ping, she killed those sneak attack experts and squeezed all the potential of her body, which was equal to losing blood, becoming a loser and sacrificing herself.

But Mingzhu doesn\'t regret it, especially when she dies instead of Mingzhu, she has a kind of relief in her heart. Together with Yang Ping, there will be a feeling of stealing. Yang Ping was originally a pile with Zhu Xi, and Jiuyin and Jiuyang were one. Zhu Xi and Yang Ping almost became enemies because of themselves.

It\'s time to quit.

Pearl prayed that Yang Ping would never have to suffer again and would live a good life with Zhu Xi. But the thought just got up and couldn\'t help laughing. Is it possible?

In Longcheng, it is an unreachable luxury to want to live a stable life. On the contrary, Mingzhu misses the days when she was driven out of her home and worked hard. At that time, there was no current chaos, there was a goal, there was blood, and it was easy to be satisfied with a little success.

But now I can\'t help entering the Jianghu.

Even at the top.

"Daughter, mom hopes you can live an ordinary life in the future. That\'s the happiest. Don\'t enter the Jianghu, and don\'t......" the mother\'s figure appeared in front of you. Her eyes were full of love and worry. The nostalgic tone echoed in her ears, and the figure turned into light and electricity and gradually dissipated.


Pearl left tears and cried, "I\'m sorry for you. I can\'t avenge you."

Maternal love is like a mountain. It is so great and so heavy. Mingzhu came to Longcheng with hatred, but she didn\'t regain her dignity to the dead family. She used to have this ability, but now it\'s too late to say anything.

I\'m dying.

The Pearl sighed in her heart, her delicate body was still rising, and finally came to the boundless darkness.

The eyes lost color and darkness.

At the gate of Longcheng University.

Zhu Xi hugged Yang Ping, sensed that his breath was getting weaker and weaker, and hurriedly shook and said, "Yang Ping, wake up, you can\'t sleep!"

Yang Ping did not respond.

The white ghost appeared nearby. The cold pupil had no emotion. It always followed Yang Ping, bringing bad luck and cruel destruction. Starting from the sidewalk, it is doomed that Yang Ping will not be safe.

Knowing that Yang Ping was dying, the ghost slowly dissipated.

Zhu Xi was startled and cried, "Yang Ping, wake up. Mingzhu is dying. Only you can save it. Do you have the heart to watch Mingzhu leave you?"

Tears fell from the corners of his eyes. Yang Ping seemed to feel that he had lost the most important thing and heartache, but he was unconscious and could not wake up. He sank in his dream and pain.

If you want to go against the sky and start over again, what you lose is unimaginable. Yang Ping wanted to make a real difference, but he didn\'t expect to lose so much. The way of heaven kept targeting him and even made Zhu Yan an an executioner.

This is a cruel punishment.

Yang Ping only left one breath, hanging one breath, still struggling.

Tiandao wanted to destroy Yang Ping, so he killed the Pearl around him. That was the person he cared about most. He let Yang Ping sink forever and never wake up.

This is Tiandao\'s plan.

Yang Ping was powerless.

Only those who go against the sky have to endure unbearable pain and suffering, can they hope to succeed.

But there is only hope.

A tear represents Yang Ping\'s despair.

Zhu Xi hugged him and wept silently, because the breath of the Pearl completely disappeared, which means that she will never wake up. Remember that once they were the best friends, but in the end they were separated by Yin and Yang.


Zhu Xi\'s mind showed the expression that Mingzhu resisted the black claws for her. At that time, all the disagreements between the two disappeared and restored the era of girlfriends.


Zhu Xi wept silently, looked up and looked blankly at the family courtyard of Longcheng University. The villa was very quiet and did not respond from beginning to end. Even if there was an earth shaking sneak attack and assassination at the door, many people died. Principal Qu still didn\'t respond.

"Does God want to destroy Yang Ping?"

Zhu Xi was desperate and felt powerless. When the Pearl died, Yang Ping was no different from dead. She was also seriously injured. She gradually felt the cold of her body and kept calling her hands and feet. She was unable to help Yang Ping any more. Even if we can avoid Zhu Yan\'s pursuit, can principal Qu save him?

Powerlessness, despair, countless negative emotions poured into my heart.

Zhu Xi sighed, melancholy.

An old man appeared in front of him, with white hair and a kind smile, quietly looking at Yang Ping in Zhu Xi\'s arms.

Zhu Xi looked up at the old man blankly.

Isn\'t this the old man who jumped out of the coffin and let her replace the old man who has been sleeping for a hundred years?

Zhu Xi\'s eyes flashed a hopeful look, excitedly looked at the old man and shouted, "you save him. I\'m willing to do anything for you. As long as Yang Ping lives, not to mention a hundred years, a thousand years."

The old man said with a smile, "this is the fate. The achievement of an odd number needs three disasters and nine disasters. This is the first fate. But your anti Strike ability is a little poor. It\'s just that your lover falls into collapse when he leaves. What will you do in the future?"

Zhu Xi didn\'t understand, but begged: "help him, please help him."

Without immediate consent, the old man asked, "Yang Ping must sacrifice someone if he wants to live. If you choose between you and Mingzhu, who will you accept to live?"

Zhu Xi was stunned and said, "Pearl, can she still live?"

The old man laughed and said, "of course, the pearl is not dead. Besides, the pure Yin constitution is so easy to die. A small dragon city will delusion to replace the way of heaven. It is really not afraid of death."

Zhu Xi was immediately excited and shouted, "please let the Pearl live!"

The old man narrowed his eyes and suddenly said seriously, "if the Pearl lives, you will die. Would you like to?"

Zhu Xi fell silent.

The old man shook his head and sighed, "look, human nature is selfish. Although you are very moved and Mingzhu saved you, you can\'t really die instead of her."

Zhu Xi bit her lips and didn\'t answer.

The old man was disappointed, but Zhu Xi couldn\'t see it.

Suddenly, Zhu Xi\'s firm voice sounded in the old man\'s ear: "I am willing to die instead of pearl, but how can I believe you?"

The old man smiled.

A mysterious smile.