Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1216

Zhu Xi fell down and Mingzhu was seriously injured. No one could save Yang Ping, who was in the greatest crisis in history. At the moment that his black claw stretched out to his head, the sky over the dragon city was covered with dark clouds, like a ferocious face. The deepest black clouds gathered into a pair of cold pupils, overlooking the vast land. It seemed that the people in the dragon city were all mole ants and floating clouds, The extreme coldness is definitely not what people in reality can have. Only the most evil race in the dark place can have it.

Although the old man was surprised, he didn\'t care too much. After all, no one can threaten him in today\'s world.

Qu wanting is still muttering. She hasn\'t heard from her mother yet. She moves around anxiously. A large number of experts ambush Yang Ping outside, but she falls into an absolutely quiet environment. She doesn\'t know that the whole Longcheng university is completely blocked by the elderly.

The old man\'s eyes are faint, see through the past and the future, flashing a mysterious light.

"It\'s just a little, just a little."

The old man said in his heart.

Indeed, Yang Ping almost died, because the claws turned into black tokens, like Jiuyou, not only hurt the flesh, but also caused a devastating blow to the spiritual world. At that moment, Yang Ping\'s spiritual world was forced into darkness and frozen the world.

The Pearl roared up to the sky and shouted, "stop."

She fluttered up again. Unfortunately, she couldn\'t get close to her black claws. She was bounced away by a force in the field. Her delicate body was hit hard, spitting blood and dyeing her skirt red. Zhu Xi barely got up and jumped at Zhu Yan. The power of nine Yin in her body bloomed and condensed into a dark flower, suspended on the black claw.

Fortunately, Zhu Xi broke out her last potential and finally delayed for a little time. Her claws were imprisoned by the dark flower and couldn\'t move for a time. But it was only for a time. Soon, the black token burst into a stronger breath. This force did not come from Zhu Yan, but directly flew into the air from a distant place underground, penetrated through layers of space, came to the real world, and wanted to kill Yang Ping at all costs.

This is not Zhu Yan\'s will, from the dark place.

Seeing that Yang Ping was dying, Zhu Xi and Mingzhu both fell into despair and stared at Zhu Yan with great resentment. Even in the face of her father, Zhu Xi showed hatred and seemed to want to die together.

Zhu Yan\'s face looked cold and hummed: "a group of waste, Longcheng will be my territory in the future, which will be doomed. Zhu Xi, if you still have the idea of saving people, I will kill you myself."

Zhu Xi coughed up blood. Her delicate body was shaking. She stood up and walked towards Yang Ping.

Zhu Yan took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "it seems that you\'re looking for death, so go to death." the voice had no emotion. The stagnant black claw suddenly adjusted its direction and stabbed Zhu Xi. Zhu Yan\'s expression was indifferent, as if he was killing an mole ant, not his own daughter.


The blood fell on the ground, but the claws did not penetrate the body. Zhu Xi looked at her inconceivably. A body stopped the claws and took a hit. And this man is

Pearl gasped, "take Yang Ping and leave. You are a couple."

Kneeling on the ground, Mingzhu held her claws tightly, and her face was surprisingly calm. She looked up at the sky and showed an expression of incomparable nostalgia. The calm was palpitating, and Zhu Yan frowned. She had a good hunch, because the black claws were dead and uncontrollable.

Zhu Yan tried several times to control his claws, but it didn\'t help. The black token lost contact directly.

Zhu Xi\'s eyes were dull. She looked at her claws wearing transparent beads, and the blood was dripping on the ground. She made a pattering sound, hammered her heart hard, and muttered, "Why are you doing this..."

Pearl looked at Yang Ping on the ground. Her eyes were full of love. She sighed, "it\'s a pity that I can\'t accompany you forever. I\'m sorry, Yang Ping. I broke my promise."

Zhu Yan said angrily, "bitch, what\'s good about Yang Ping? Now he\'s just a waste. Are you two idiots? He killed a man!"

Pearl is just like this, so is her daughter.

Remembering that there was no one around him, he betrayed and even killed everyone of the Zhu family in order to obtain the supreme right, not just to climb the top of the Dragon City, but look at Yang Ping. He got the absolute right, didn\'t cherish it well, and casually led the dragon city to take back the right. Yang Ping fell to the altar, and there were two beauties working hard for him.

This extreme contrast is hard for Zhu Yan to accept.

"Go to hell!"

Zhu Yan roared up to the sky, the black clouds became stronger, and the pupil in the sky fell a light column and shrouded him. He became stronger and faintly broke through the realm of heaven, but he was not heaven after all.

The black claw pulled, and the Pearl couldn\'t control it. Many words she wanted to say suddenly stopped and shouted, "go, I can\'t stop it."

Zhu Xi still didn\'t move.

How could she have the heart to give up the Pearl and leave with Yang Ping.

Mingzhu roared at Zhu Xi and said angrily, "are you an idiot? You still don\'t know what to do. No wonder Yang Ping doesn\'t want you. Do you want three people to die together or leave with Yang Ping!"

Zhu Xi bit her lips, hurriedly picked up Yang Ping and rushed to the gate.

Zhu Yan was anxious. If Yang Ping entered Longcheng University, he couldn\'t get in, because Longcheng University was a restricted area, and even the people behind him didn\'t want to provoke him. If Yang Ping entered the door, he would lose a great opportunity.

He will never allow this to happen.


Zhu Yan burst out all his strength. The sky was as dark as ink, and those eyes were even more terrible. Countless black lightning were wandering, as if it had come to the end of the world.

The black claw finally tore open the Pearl\'s control and stabbed Zhu Xi in the running.

Pearl could do nothing, lying on the ground, angry as a hairspring, murmured, "you must go in, you must go in..."


The black claw bombarded the door and was stopped by a mysterious force. Zhu Xi took Yang Ping into it. If it was one second late, the claw would tear the two people apart. Zhu Yan was so angry that he stared at Zhu Xi and shouted, "you betrayed me!"

Boom, boom!

Zhu Yan frantically attacked the defense of Longcheng University, but the light curtain at the door was safe and sound. He was angry in his heart, resentful in his eyes, and the smell of evil shrouded around him, making the area dead. Fortunately, no one came, otherwise it would become a dead land.

I don\'t know how many times, Zhu Yan roared, "I\'m the chosen one. If you stop me, you will be punished by heaven."

"When I stand at the peak of the Dragon City, I will kill you and your family!"

Zhu Yan stared at the door fiercely, as if he wanted to swallow the people inside. If it weren\'t for this bastard array, he would have succeeded. Unfortunately, without if, Zhu Yan can only accept failure.

Yang Ping didn\'t die in the end.

Suddenly, while Zhu Yan was scolding, a lightsaber condensed and stabbed Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan sneered and disdained: "this ability wants to kill me. It\'s a fool\'s dream."


The lightsaber cut off one hand.

Zhu Yan was stunned, then bowed his head and found that it was not a dream, because the arm was really his own.