Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1213

"Help him."

Mingzhu pleaded with the old man with tearful eyes and said, "please save him, he\'s dying." she wanted to rush out, but the imprisonment around her seemed unreal and close at hand, so she knew that this was the old man\'s means to connect heaven and earth.

The old man didn\'t answer. Ignoring the Pearl\'s plea, he quietly looked at the top floor.

"You don\'t hate him?"

The old man looked at the Pearl and asked with a smile.

Pearl thought or not, and firmly said, "I can\'t find a reason to hate."

The old man said again, "even if Yang Ping is with Zhu Xi behind your back, you don\'t hate it?"

"Don\'t hate."

Pearl said immediately.

The old man hehe said, "I can see that you\'re really upset. You can\'t wait to ask Yang Ping. You have good emotional control, but it\'s a pity to meet me. I can see through all the emotions in the world. I taught the founder of the immortal medical school. It\'s a pity that Wu Jialing doesn\'t exist in the world, otherwise you can go to Wu Jialing to study."

Pearl stared at the old man.

The old man didn\'t think so and said, "anyone who has a relationship with Yang Ping on the bus is a bad fate and can\'t die easily. This is God\'s will and doomed. Pearl, I take you as an apprentice to help you purify the cause and effect. The deeper you are involved with Yang Ping, the more miserable the future will be. Think about it for yourself. Why do people around Yang Ping die one by one?"

Mingzhu was startled and uncertain.

Indeed, no matter sun Wangyue or others, there was no good result when they talked with Yang Ping.

The old man smiled because he saw the doubt in the Pearl\'s eyes.

"So what?"

However, Mingzhu\'s next reaction was unexpected, which surprised the old man and said coldly: "Yang Ping devoted himself to the people and paid everything for the dragon city. How many times have he been killed? If this is cause and effect, why does Yang Ping still need to suffer?"

The old man squinted.

Pearl stood up and hummed, "don\'t deceive me with this set. I\'m not a three-year-old child. I believe Yang Ping\'s character is not a lonely star. Even if it\'s me, it\'s my choice. I\'ll never regret it."

"Including Yang Ping and your two female dolls?" the old man asked.

Pearl nodded heavily and said, "that\'s his choice. I\'m very happy this time, even if there\'s no result."

The old man hehe said sarcastically, "you are really alike. You have the same appearance and temper. It\'s really carved in the same mold. It\'s a pity that you are more stupid than her. You can\'t even catch a man\'s heart. You\'re a failure."

Pearl is silent.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed to think of the past and became a sentimental old man. He said, "time can go back, but feelings can\'t be saved. Yang Ping looks very poor."

Mingzhu raised her head fiercely and said in surprise, "do you want to save people, elder?"

The old man shook his head and said, "why should I save him?"

Mingzhu said anxiously, "but don\'t you say Yang Ping is very poor. Elder, you are a person with great merit. Considering all the people in the world and the people in Longcheng, can you help Yang Ping through the current difficulties once? Saving Yang Ping is equal to saving the people in Longcheng."


The old man laughed, exaggerated and said, "you female doll, I just said pity. I think it\'s very interesting, but I\'m not going to save people, although I have the ability."

Mingzhu panicked and begged: "senior, please help him. Yang Ping is dying."

At the moment, Yang Ping is lying on the sofa, his Qi is like a hairspring, and the vitality in his body has been lost. The recovery ability of the body of Nine Yang can not maintain the rush of the two forces. If he wants to enter the Tao, he must join the Tao. If he changes in different numbers, he will become benevolent if he fails.

I\'m dying.

"Send me out," Yang Ping said in a dream, leaning on the last point to wake up.

"Don\'t tell Mingzhu. I don\'t want her to know about me."

When Zhu Xi heard this sentence, her delicate body trembled, and her tears could not help but sigh: "you still think of the Pearl in your heart. I know, but I won\'t let you die."

With a bite of her silver teeth, she picked up Yang Ping and walked outside the office.

If he has no way, he can only turn to President qu. so far, Zhu Xi knows that President Qu is likely to save Yang Ping, and others are exempted. But once you leave, the surrounding array will disappear, and people outside will inevitably detect Yang Ping\'s breath.

At the moment of breath leakage, countless experts came like locusts, and there was no grass.

As soon as the idea came out, the building array suddenly disappeared.

Zhu Xi was stunned, then turned pale and said, "bad!"


Pearl looked at the old man angrily and shouted, "why tear open the array of the building? If you do so, they will die."

The old man said with a faint smile, "that\'s what I want."

"Madman, I\'ll fight with you." Mingzhu was furious, revealing a cold killing opportunity, and gathered all her strength to prepare for the battle of life and death. However, in front of the old man, the blood power in her body was not worth mentioning. The golden pupils flashed and wanted to distort the void, but in the old man\'s world, any law would lose its effect.

The Pearl becomes an ordinary person.

Lose all power.

The old man said with a smile, "the old bald donkey can make you lose your strength. It\'s not a problem for me to let you be quiet for a while. Don\'t force me. In case I\'m in a bad mood, I\'ll do it directly." his tone was like a human watching the mole ants move under his feet. The mole ants looked so weak and pathetic that they could be trampled to death with one foot.

Pearl\'s eyes were red and roared, "don\'t force me, or I\'ll fight with you."

The old man sighed and pointed to the Pearl.

Pearl only feels that the world is quiet and the body can\'t move. Only consciousness can see the situation in the office. Many experts appeared outside the China Airlines building. All the major forces sent out. It seemed that they had received some instructions to kill Yang Ping.

But there are few great saints.

Saints, Yasheng and powerful killers are dispatched.

Mingzhu also saw an acquaintance and became manic. This person\'s breath was the most terrible, which seemed to be even more terrible than the general saint, because he was dark all over, and there was a black token mark suspended in the center of his eyebrow. The power released by the black token even Mingzhu felt afraid.

This person is Zhu Yan.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yan was dormant in the dark. He waited so long and finally shot.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yan\'s strength will change dramatically.

Does Yang Ping still have a chance?

Mingzhu wanted to shout, but she couldn\'t make a sound. She could only silently see Zhu Xi carrying Yang Ping on her back, then show her face of dying and rush outside. There\'s nothing I can do.

The heart is crying.

be of no avail.

"The way of heaven is merciless." the old man\'s voice sounded in his heart and sighed faintly, "it\'s hard for so many people to live."

Mingzhu said angrily, "obviously you caused it. You are a madman and a murderer!"

"Don\'t you think it\'s fun?"

The old man said with a smile. Although he was laughing, Mingzhu was cold all over.