Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1214

When Yang Ping needed help most, the Pearl couldn\'t appear around her. She could only watch. The pain was like a flood and had no place to vent. She tried her best to bleed at the corners of her mouth, and her meridians were disordered. She couldn\'t break through the blockade.

Pearl can only watch.

Watching Yang Ping fall into danger.

Zhu Xi was hurt, very badly. It was Zhu Xi\'s father who took the shot. He was more vicious than anyone. He escaped several Yasheng\'s sneak attacks, but he couldn\'t escape Zhu Yan\'s attack. The black token in the middle of the eyebrow emits a vigorous black fog, which surrounds Zhu Yan. Zhu Yan\'s strength becomes extremely strong, and Zhu Xi spits blood with one palm. Yang Ping is on her back. Zhu Xi can\'t bear to let her be affected and bear all the power of Zhu Yan\'s attack.

The blood is as bright as flowers.

Zhu Xi looked at Zhu Yan and wiped off the student status at the corner of her mouth. Yang Ping behind her was dying and said, "do you have to do this?"

Zhu Yan said coldly, "put him down and you can leave."

Zhu Xi shook her head and said firmly, "unless I die."

Zhu Yan sighed. His eyes were complicated, but his tone was cold. He nodded and said, "OK, then you\'ll die together."

In order to become the Lord of the dragon city and be superior to all living beings, Zhu Yan has endured for many years. Now is the best opportunity. If anyone stops killing, even his daughter should eradicate it.

After another attack, Zhu Xi retreated and Zhu Yan started very hard. Every attack was with all his strength until Zhu Xi\'s breath was weak and he was sure he could control it. He didn\'t feel sad or happy on his face and said, "Zhu Xi, give up. You shouldn\'t participate. Yang Ping must die. No one can stop him."

Zhu Xi gasped: "I said, unless I die."

Zhu Yan frowned, and his daughter was still valuable. If he killed her at this time, he hesitated, but it was only for a moment. Zhu Yan quickly made up his mind that anyone who dared to stop him from becoming the Lord of the dragon city would kill Lao Tzu, the king of heaven.

"Dragon God fist!"

Behind Zhu Yan, there is a black dragon, which seems to be coming from the wilderness and exudes a towering momentum. This is not only a genuine Mahatma realm, but also a Mahatma realm with dark attributes. Its combat effectiveness is extremely terrible.

This is Zhu Yan\'s real strength.

When the black wind comes, the remaining flowers fall.

Zhu Yan\'s seal calls, and the earth vibrates. The black dragon behind him opens his mouth, reveals his sharp teeth, and then sweeps up and pours on Zhu Xi. The black dragon is powerful and domineering, and the wind and clouds can bite the void. Before he comes in front of him, he squeezes out countless void cracks.

Seeing the black dragon devouring Zhu Xi and Yang Ping behind him, Zhu Yan\'s face was expressionless.

It\'s over.

The new era of Longcheng will open in the future. I will become a new master and Savior. Everyone will worship me!

Zhu Yan smiled grimly.

It feels great to realize your dream.

However, when the black dragon penetrated Zhu Xi\'s delicate body and found that it was a residual shadow, Zhu Yan was stunned. Then his face changed greatly and roared: "residual shadow, you have learned the void penetration of the hanging temple. Zhu Xi, come out."

Shuttling through the void is the most powerful move in the void Sutra. I don\'t know where Zhu Xi got the skill, but it came in handy. Taking advantage of Zhu Yan\'s existence, he succeeded in delaying for a period of time and then suddenly disappeared.

However, the power consumed by passing through the void is terrible. It can consume half of the Qi strength at a time. Zhu Xi overdraw her body and forcibly shuttled through the void with Yang Ping.

Zhu Yan\'s face was gloomy and said angrily to the sky, "you won\'t live long."

Pearl was in tears and praying in her heart. She was in pain. When she saw that Yang Ping was going to die at Zhu Yan\'s hand, she was ready to die together, but there was a sudden change. Zhu Xi disappeared with Yang Ping out of thin air.


The old man\'s sarcastic voice came from his ear and said, "if you overdraw your body, your Jiuyin constitution may suffer fatal damage. It\'s difficult to recover in the future."

"Madman, why don\'t you die!"

Mingzhu couldn\'t see the old man, but she scolded angrily. She no longer cared about her identity. She clenched her teeth and said, "you come out and I\'ll kill you." if it weren\'t for the old man, Yang Ping wouldn\'t have an accident, and Zhu Xi couldn\'t disappear.

If it weren\'t for the old man, I wouldn\'t be here watching my beloved man fall into crisis and can\'t help.

She would rather die instead of Yang Ping.

Unfortunately not.

Because the old man controlled everything in the palm of his hand to make the tragedy happen. He thinks it\'s fun, that\'s all.

This is a demon.

Pearl roared angrily, forgetting the lady\'s style. At this time, where can you pay attention to the image, but the old man didn\'t reply. It was quiet around, and the silence was like hell.

Mingzhu scolded tired, cried her eyes, and suddenly became quiet.

It\'s very quiet around.

Pearl loosened her palm, exposed her cheeks, restored her indifference, no longer shed tears, no longer roared, but became different. The blood in the body opened, and the eyes became golden, pure gold, almost dying to open the void.

Her body is burning and releasing its source,

Pearl overdrawn all her strength and just wanted to kill to help Yang Ping. This move was really useful, because all the golden forces condensing blood represented the ultimate destructive power of the world, and finally opened a hole in the void.

Outside the crack, I saw the truth.

Pearl finally got a chance to go out with her life. Strangely, the old man didn\'t stop it this time, as if he couldn\'t. The Pearl finally rushed out and followed Zhu Xi\'s direction. The Pearl at this time is stronger than ever before. All hostile people will be purified into nothingness as long as they are looked at.

Whether a saint or a saint.

All the way.

Who dares to be hostile to Yang Ping, who dares to take action, the Pearl will not let go, kill them all, and even those people have no bodies left. At first, some people wanted to attack, but they were scared to leave when they saw the Pearl like a devil. For fear of being watched by the female devil\'s head.

The breath is getting closer and closer.

Pearl finally saw the beautiful shadow of Zhu Xi in the University City. Yang Ping lay on her back. There were many experts around, all masked and afraid to show their true faces. Along the way, in a short distance of 100 meters, the gate of Longcheng University was crowded, as if the underworld wanted to fight.

Zhu Xi was covered with blood, gritted her teeth and insisted that she would not die as long as she didn\'t take Yang Ping in. I don\'t know how many people didn\'t hurt her because of pity for her, but every time she fell, Zhu Xi could stand up again.

Then those people were shocked.

I have never seen such a person with such a terrible will. He has no power and is dying, but he can move on.

Clearly do not see hope, but still insist on gritting your teeth.

The greatness of life and the glory of death.

But those present were experienced experts who could not pity, so they continued to attack.

Yang Ping is still unconscious, and the condition in her body is terrible.

But a flash of light flashed across the middle of the eyebrow.

Zhu Xi still fell down and knelt on the ground, but with one breath, carrying Yang Ping, she looked at the gate of Longcheng University. The school is very quiet, quiet and strange. But no one dares to go into Longcheng University.

A short distance of 100 meters, but there is no way to surpass it.