Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1212

Mingzhu couldn\'t believe her ears. She looked at the old man in horror and shouted, "senior, what are you doing? Why do you want to kill Yang Ping when you accept me as an apprentice? It\'s unfair!"

The old man smiled and said with deep meaning: "the cycle of natural justice, don\'t you know that Yang Ping came to the world to pay his debts?"

Mingzhu shook her head and said angrily, "nonsense, I don\'t believe that. Senior, if you want to kill Yang Ping, you don\'t need an excuse. With your realm and strength, you don\'t need an excuse at all."

The old man smiled and said, "it seems that you care about him very much. I met a girl before. What\'s her name? By the way, her name is Zhu Xi. The girl wanted to suffer instead of Yang Ping, but it\'s a pity that it was destroyed. It\'s estimated that two little lovers are in love."

Mingzhu sneered, "do you think you can bewitch me?"

The old man said, "why go and have a look?"

Pearl frowned and hesitated.

She really didn\'t believe in the old man. She was afraid before, but she was not afraid to offend him when she saw each other kill one by one. Anyway, she had to do it. Why be polite to him.

It\'s just that the old man\'s smile is uncomfortable.

Is it true?

Although I don\'t believe that Yang Ping will betray himself, the other party is Zhu Xi. They were related to a relationship before. Strictly speaking, they are still in front of themselves. It is understandable that Yang Ping\'s old relationship is unforgettable.

But I can\'t get through it.

Pearl took a deep breath and turned to go.

The old man smiled and said, "what I said won\'t change. Let\'s see what they\'re doing."

The world is spinning. Mingzhu only feels that there is a long river of time and space at her feet. She is in it. She just disappears in the blink of an eye. The next moment, she appears downstairs of China Airlines building. Familiar square, familiar Maybach. I don\'t know how the old man controls it. Everything in the top office can be seen clearly.

Everyone thought Yang Ping had disappeared, but he appeared in the China Airlines building.

The building is equipped with layers of arrays to stop the peep of experts. The most dangerous place, that is, the safest place, disappears from the box to the southern suburbs, and then turns back to the city center. It requires huge power to operate and avoid the exploration of experts. Zhu Xi takes great pains.


Yang Ping\'s face was pale and his Qi was almost dry. It was so difficult to create a way. His body was not only badly hurt, but almost died in the office. Some things are difficult to stop once they are started. Yang Ping has no choice but to go to the end.

However, the achievement is too difficult.

Yang Ping was lying on the sofa with vague consciousness. The two forces in his body clashed indefinitely, one black and the other white, just like a mass of chaotic gas generated by the chaotic big bang. He struggled in the meridians and orifices and kept hurting his body. Fortunately, it is the powerful repair ability of Jiuyang Qi, otherwise one impact may kill him.

Zhu Xi sat on the sofa, looking at Yang Ping with anxiety.

Nine Yin completely disappeared.

Since the purification in the Castle Peak cemetery, another consciousness in the body has fallen, but Zhu Xi can slowly mobilize the power belonging to the nine Yin. Today\'s Zhu Xi is not an ordinary saint. If she becomes violent, it will be very terrible.

But Zhu Xi had nothing to do with Yang Ping\'s injury.

"What should I do?"

Zhu Xi stroked Yang Ping\'s forehead and frowned, "why is there no sign of sudden serious injury?"

Yang Ping\'s body trembled and groaned constantly. The struggle between the two forces in her body became white hot. It was hard to distinguish between the two for a time. However, the body of Nine Yang was about to lose its support. Her skin cracked and blood gurgled out. It looked shocking.

Zhu Xi wants to find president Qu, but it\'s not easy to design to make Yang Ping disappear. If she goes out again, all her previous efforts may be wasted.


In her ear, Yang Ping\'s weak voice came. Zhu Xi\'s feet trembled and hurried to pour water from the water dispenser. Never before had Zhu Xi been so nervous. Seeing Yang Ping\'s appearance, inexplicable heartache and arrogant character disappeared at the moment and became a girl simply worried about Yang Ping.

She had no regrets, for fear of missing any detail and delaying Yang Ping\'s treatment.

"What\'s the matter with you?"

Zhu Xi asked with worry in her eyes.

Seeing what was in Zhu Xi\'s eyes, Yang Ping forced a smile. The smile was so ugly. He gasped: "it\'s all right. Maybe my life should be robbed. I\'m afraid my life will not be long. If you can, send me away from Longcheng, or you will be hurt."

Yang Pingyuan thought it was not difficult to be different. Last time, he felt that he was hearty and dripping. He had the illusion that he was invincible in the world. But the next thing caught off guard, as if God was joking. He fell from the high sky and died half his life.

It\'s not easy to break the ban of the northern heavenly king.

I\'m still too naive.

Zhu Xi bit her lips and asked, "you can certainly do it. You are a disciple of the immortal medicine sect. What herbs and who do you want? As long as I can do it, no, even if I can\'t do it, I\'ll find a way. Yang Ping, talk."

Yang Ping looked at Zhu Xi silently and sighed in her heart. If at the beginning... But there was no if in the world... She sighed lightly, shook her head and said, "I know my own body, Zhu Xi, thank you."

Zhu Xi held Yang Ping\'s palm, tears pattered, and said painfully, "I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, I\'m not good..."

Yang Ping\'s lips were dry and cracked. It was obvious that she was going to be in a coma. She raised her hand hard, wiped away her tears for Zhu Xi, and whispered, "send me out of the dragon city. My doom is mine. Once you are infected, I\'m afraid you will suffer."


Zhu Xi shook her head and said angrily, "are you still so clear up to now? I know you are with Mingzhu, but so what! If I can do it again, I won\'t give up you. Mingzhu robbed you from me before, but now I can still rob you from her."

Yang Ping was stunned and stared at the hysterical Zhu Xi.

He has never seen such an excited Zhu Xi. Is this still the beautiful president who is as cold as an iceberg and holding Zhizhu? Not at all. Zhu Xi\'s words were tantamount to confession, but Yang Ping hesitated.

This hesitation represents a different meaning in the eyes of different people.

Zhu Xi felt that Yang Ping still loved her, so she hesitated.

But when she saw the conversation between the two in the office downstairs, Mingzhu almost couldn\'t stand still and her tears kept flowing. She bit her lips and told herself not to be excited, because this was what she had expected.

She once dreamed of many possibilities in her dreams, but she didn\'t dream of such possibilities.

She once thought that one day Yang Ping would return to Zhu Xi. This was the day she was most afraid of and the scene she didn\'t dare to think about. She thought it was acceptable because she was a very open-minded person.

But what really happened in the eyes, pearl found that all hearts, all magnanimity, all patience, are shit!

"He\'s dying."

The old man stared at the upstairs, as if he could see through the changes in Yang Ping\'s body. Tut tut said, "you have great courage, but it\'s a pity that you have been exhausted by the two masters in the past few decades, and you are just here to pay off your debts. Otherwise, you may break the Convention and become an abnormal number."