Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1211

The old man stared at the girl opposite. People who didn\'t know thought they wanted a third spring at this age, but the old man\'s eyes were always locked on the girl. His eyes showed a complex color for the first time after jumping out of the coffin.


The old man smiled and walked towards the other side. He didn\'t know how to walk. It seemed that his body was empty. Then he appeared opposite, stood next to the girl and coughed to attract the girl\'s attention.

"Old man, are you?" Pearl turned her head, wiped her red and swollen eyes, and wondered, "do we know each other?" the old man\'s eyes were too direct, as if she wanted to see through people, but she was acutely aware that the old man was not simple, so she asked.

In the chaotic period of Longcheng, no one knows whether the old man on the roadside will be an expert. Mingzhu is very low-key and doesn\'t want to add enemies to Yang Ping for no reason. Of course, the premise is that the old man does not show hostility.

"Who am I?"

The old man smiled, thought and said, "you are your master."

Mingzhu was stunned and said with a smile, "master, you can really joke."

The old man shook his head and said firmly, "I said it was your master, so it must be your master. Why, don\'t you want to worship me as a teacher?"

Pearl got up and left.

Although she doesn\'t want to provoke the enemy, she won\'t be so easy to cheat. When she woke up from the treasure Pavilion, Mingzhu felt uncomfortable for no reason. She didn\'t know that Yang Ping had abandoned her strength. She thought she had been in a coma. When she woke up, Tao Chengxi happened to go out to work, so she came to Longcheng university to relax.

She doesn\'t know why she cries. It\'s hard anyway.

I\'ve never cried in front of others. It\'s easy to feel sad when I come to the inner lake of Longcheng University. It\'s not easy to have a relationship with Yang Ping. Up to now, I still feel that I can\'t see the truth. Mingzhu knows that the days with Yang Ping will not be too long. She doesn\'t know how to face parting next.

Pearl deliberately used her pace to leave Longcheng University [email protected] ^^$

After returning to the treasure Pavilion, Mingzhu was relieved. She always felt tracked before. It was very strange. With her current strength, she was tracked. If she was not aware of it, the problem would be very serious.

It must be the strength of the other party far above himself.

Fortunately, the feeling of being followed disappeared.

Pearl looked around, the yard was empty, and the cold wind blowing from the bamboo mountain seemed to be in the wilderness.

"Strange, why don\'t you see boss peach?"! $*!

The Pearl said in her heart that her body has not recovered and she can\'t use her full strength. Leaving Longcheng University will make you overburdened, panting and blushing. He sat down to have a rest and was ready to go out.

But there was one more person in front of me.

Mingzhu was startled. She looked at the old man vigilantly and said in surprise, "how did you get in?"

Treasure Pavilion is known as one of the safest places in Longcheng. The great sage can\'t break in. The Heavenly Master also has to take into account some things. It\'s terrible if the old man in front of him enters a deserted place.

The old man ignored the Pearl, turned his eyes around the yard and said, "the flowers are similar every year, and the people are different every year. I didn\'t come here for many years. I didn\'t expect to change not only the master but also the array."

Pearl was shocked and couldn\'t guess the origin of the old man. It seems that the origin of the old man is very old and terrible. She knows some secrets of the treasure Pavilion.

"What\'s your name?"

The old man took back his eyes, smiled at the Pearl and said, "in fact, I don\'t mean any harm to you. I saw you think of a former friend. You two have the same physique and even the same appearance. If there is no reincarnation in the world, I almost think you are her rebirth."

Mingzhu vigilantly said, "younger Zheng Mingzhu, elder Gong participates in nature. What can I tell you?"

The old man is nervous when he sees the Pearl. To be honest, anyone who meets the old man is not nervous. This kind of anti sky character may break out at any time if he is not happy. However, although Mingzhu guesses that the old man is powerful, he will always underestimate it.

"You really don\'t want to worship me as a teacher?" the old man asked again, staring into the Pearl\'s eyes. "I know your origin. Staying here will not only consume your strength, but in time you will become an ordinary person and live no more than 30."

The Pearl turned pale and looked at the old man in horror.

The old man continued, "you don\'t need to be nervous. Since I know your origin, I didn\'t kill you, it\'s because I have a good relationship with your ancestors. It\'s a pity that the road we chose is impassable. He was a little late, but he also broke and then stood up and became a overlord."

Pearl, step back.

The old man is so terrible that a pair of turbid eyes can see through everything. She even knows the biggest secret in her heart. Who is this person and why?

"The level of the elder is the highest that Mingzhu has ever seen. It\'s my blessing to be valued by the elder, but the younger generation is not in the Tao and has no intention to practice, so I\'m sorry." Mingzhu looked at the old man for fear that he was angry and slapped the treasure Pavilion away.

The old man stared at the Pearl and saw the persistence in her eyes. He was not angry. He smiled and said, "it\'s a seed of infatuation. Well, since you don\'t want to worship the teacher, I won\'t embarrass you. I can also give you time to think about it. After I erase a person, you can give me an answer. In the world, few people are qualified to worship me as a teacher, even the old nuns in Cihang Jingzhai are not qualified."

Pearl\'s heart is full of stomach Fei. Boast. Although the old man in front of her is powerful, she feels that she is still a little worse than Cihang Jingzhai.

After all, Cihang Jingzhai always ranks first in the Jianghu.

"I remember, a boy named Yang Ping seems to belong to the treasure house, that is to say, Yang Ping is here?" the old man patted his head, said with a smile, "just don\'t bother to look everywhere."

Pearl\'s pretty face changed slightly, her mind turned white, and said quietly, "the person you\'re looking for is Yang Ping?"

The old man nodded.

Mingzhu was shocked and worried secretly. When did Yang Ping offend such a terrible figure? She was very confident in her man, but she couldn\'t believe that if Yang Ping had a chance to meet the old man in front of her, she wouldn\'t even have one in ten thousand.

The old man\'s realm is at least heaven.

"Do you know?" the old man asked with a smile.

Mingzhu shook her head and said, "senior, I just thought about it. Your strength is the strongest I\'ve ever seen. Besides, you know your identity. If you can be a teacher, it\'s Mingzhu\'s blessing."

The old man smiled and looked at the Pearl with deep meaning.

Mingzhu simply knelt down and said, "Mingzhu, please see your master."

The old man smiled, helped the Pearl up and said, "it\'s not too late to worship the teacher now. You know that you can\'t go back on your worship of me as a teacher. Once you go back on your promise, you know the consequences."

Mingzhu hurriedly said, "I know."

The old man smiled and said, "in fact, I know you are Yang Ping\'s woman, pearl. You can\'t fool me with this careful thought."

Mingzhu was stunned, then suddenly turned pale and said in a trembling voice: "senior... Mingzhu didn\'t mean to..."

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile, "I don\'t blame you. Do you know why I must take you as an apprentice?"

Pearl shook her head.

The old man said, "because you have a good figure."


Mingzhu looked up and speechless at her cheap master. If she was born with talent, it might be possible. Because she was in good shape, she saw her apprentice for the first time, so she was very careful and put the old man in her hand.

The old man laughed happily.

Pearl\'s face gradually became dignified. She seemed to feel that she had formed a causal relationship with the old man and could not get rid of it. This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling. In short, it is difficult to express, but it really exists.

"After you worship me as a teacher, I have a good reason to kill Yang Ping." the old man suddenly smiled mysteriously, which almost scared Mingzhu to death.