Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1210

Du Wangzuo looked at the elder martial sister on the balcony. Her mood was also complex. She was also a teacher and a friend. She felt like a sister and spent many difficulties together. At that time, she was clear and traceless, like a little white flower in the field. She didn\'t understand human feelings and worldly wisdom, but she was full of talent. She eventually became a top expert. Now she has seen through the vicissitudes of life and experienced too many days. She can be regarded as seeing through the world of mortals and understanding the changes in people\'s hearts brought by the changes of years.

No one can be trusted except yourself.

Du throne is in a complicated mood. President Qu is not. She looked at the two downstairs and said, "old ghost, are you here to help my junior sister?"

The man called old ghost waved his hand and said with a smile, "you talk, I\'ll go to relax."

Principal Qu nodded and then focused on her younger martial sister. She had been sealed for decades, but her strength was becoming stronger and stronger. She was not sure to win, so she asked her daughter to leave.

"You gave him a daughter," said the throne suddenly.

Principal Qu frowned and said unhappily, "younger martial sister, do you want to threaten me with his daughter?"

Du Wangzuo sneered, shook his head and said, "of course not. I just envy you. Why didn\'t I have the courage to move forward in those years? I also blame me for being too simple and afraid to move forward, resulting in what I am now. My youth has been burned for decades and can\'t be found again. Elder martial sister, give up. The dragon city is not Xijing. Even if you control the Dragon City, you can\'t let him come back."

President Qu stared at Du throne and said in a deep voice, "what are you going to do?"

The Du throne looked up to the sky, showed his snow-white neck, and sighed, "what do you do? Of course, it\'s to get back what belongs to me. I just want the mountain and river map and the control of the Dragon City, how about it?"

Principal Qu said unhappily, "younger martial sister, you\'ve passed. You can\'t get the mountain and river map if you want. Those who have fate can get it. Besides, it\'s cruel for you to sacrifice all the creatures in the dragon city to achieve your selfish desires. Younger martial sister, why stick to the past."

"It seems that there is no need to talk about it?" Du throne said in a cold voice.

President Qu quietly looked at Du throne. The collar on his chest moved with the wind. His delicate body was dreamy and embedded in the void to prepare for the war. Du throne disdained: "elder martial sister, although your void origin is powerful, you forget to play with me. No one in the world is better than me."

"Sister, do the girls in your school bubble well?" the old man couldn\'t help but want to insert a sentence and said with a dry smile, "you know, I\'m a caring person and like to take care of out of school girls."

Principal Qu sneered, "you\'re still as obscene as before. If you don\'t go, I\'ll kill you together."

The old man waved his hand and muttered, "well, you two fight slowly. Anyway, I don\'t care. I\'m going to pick up girls. Not to mention, over the past few decades, my sister has become more and more beautiful. Oh, I see a big long leg. Bye."

Turn around and disappear.

For the seal arranged by President Qu, the old man shuttled around at will.

Principal Qu was awe inspiring.

It seems that over the years, the old ghost\'s strength has not decreased seriously, which is what she is most worried about. Du Wangzuo saw through her mind and said, "elder martial sister, you don\'t have to worry. There\'s no problem suppressing you with my strength. He doesn\'t need his help at all. For the face of the ungrateful man, he won\'t do it at will, otherwise he would kill Yang Ping at that time."

Principal Qu, with a cold face, shouted, "your heart is so cruel. Don\'t you even let go of the seeds left by Wu Jialing? Did you know Yang Ping\'s identity long ago and lure the old ghost over?"

Du throne said sarcastically, "why, you\'re beginning to worry? In your position, it should be neutral. The life and death of those experimental objects have nothing to do with you. If you die, you\'ll die. Why stick to it."

President Qu knows that his younger martial sister\'s character has changed a lot. Although he speaks calmly, he has a strong hidden killing opportunity, which may overturn Longcheng University at any time. No wonder, after being sealed for so many years, the resentment in my heart must be very deep.

With a flash of white light, they disappeared.

Enter another level of combat.

On the campus Boulevard of Longcheng University, girls dressed in cool clothes talk and laugh. They can see that passing boys turn back frequently. Longcheng University produces beautiful women, especially on the Boulevard, girls dress up like flowers attracting bees and butterflies.

Four girls gathered together and stood by the lake, chirping like larks.

"Take a picture."

The girls are in a good mood. They want to go out to karaoke in the evening. They dress up and have a fragrant body. One of the tall girls suggested, and the others echoed. But who will take the picture?

People come, people come, I don\'t know who I\'m looking for.

"Hey, if only you three had boyfriends, and there were many people taking photos." tall shook his long hair and said with a smile, "I\'ll forget it. No one is chasing now."

"Lingzi started the forced mode. You haven\'t been chased. Who was Gao fushuai who drove you back in a BMW last night? I heard it, honey," another baby face couldn\'t help laughing and scolding, "pretend to be poor with us. You have high vision. You can\'t see so many people."

Gao Tiao said with a smile, "I don\'t have your good life. I can find a suitable one casually. I don\'t know if I can find it after a few years of college."

The baby\'s face is unhappy. Every time a tall girl talks, she is pretending to be forced. Obviously, many people chase her, but they say no. obviously, she looks beautiful, but she says she is ugly. This kind of loading is a typical forced goods, and no one likes it. But after all, it\'s a dormitory, so bear it, and the baby face is straightforward and always likes to quarrel with tall girls.

"You said you were not in love. Your skirt cost at least 2000 yuan. I saw it in the department store last time. It\'s very beautiful. Did you give it to you last night?" the baby\'s face brightened her eyes, found a breakthrough and laughed.

The tall girl was busy pulling the car skirt, pretending to be shy and said, "you think too much, we are just ordinary friends."

Suddenly, a strong wind blew.

Lift up the skirt.

Expose a picture that is not suitable for children.

The tall girl screamed loudly and wanted to cover her skirt. However, she didn\'t have enough strength. The wind was so strong. The skirt covered her face. It was clear below. Then they were shocked.

The tall girl with pure appearance can\'t imagine such a sexy temptation in it.

Nail pants!


The three girls can\'t help swearing. The tall girl is the most pure girl in the dormitory. Unexpectedly, she is also the most unrestrained. It\'s revealed this time.

The tall girl was still screaming, but soon the wind stopped and her face was red. She felt the strange eyes of the three roommates, and her face was red, but suddenly she thought of a different voice.


This is the sound of swallowing.

The tall girl turned her head slowly, then saw a wrinkled face and fell to the ground with fear.

Other girls finally found the old man\'s existence and showed vigilant eyes one after another.

The old man smiled, his eyes lit up, stared at the tall girl and said, "good, good, very good figure, beauty, are you interested in having a night snack together."

In Longcheng University, the old man felt the vitality of youth.

After so many years of loneliness, the old man walked in the campus, breathing the youth air, feeling cool and happy, especially the pure girls in the school are swinging, which is much better than before.

Another place is still in war. The old man has nothing to do and is looking for a target.

The four girls were scared and left in a panic. Before they left, they glared in disgust. The old man suddenly cried out in surprise and looked across the lake. A beautiful girl sat by the lake, frowning.

"Pure Yin constitution."